Anyone owning a Yamaha PSR-510 here ?

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by DoABarrelRoll, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. DoABarrelRoll

    DoABarrelRoll Newbie

    Feb 5, 2012
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    Hello everyone,

    When I was young I owned a Yamaha PSR510, and sold it then so I can buy a better synth, more than 15 years ago.

    But the thing is that now I miss this good old analog kick from the PSR510 analog kit because I'd like to use it in some electro tracks, and I can't find any sample from this drumkit anywhere on the web. Maybe it's included in some other PSR synth, I don't know and I'm clueless about it. I've been searching for years now, and it seems I won't be able to find it only with luck.

    Would anyone be kind enough to record the analog kick in good quality and upload it please ?

    I'm talking about the typical analog kick, Tr808-sounding, from the analog drum kit. In case of doubt, it's the very first sound you can hear in this song here (the sound quality is horrible and I can't extract it, and I haven't found any other song using it).

    Thanks in advance ! A lot !!
  3. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
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    One of these?


    Attached Files:

  4. DoABarrelRoll

    DoABarrelRoll Newbie

    Feb 5, 2012
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    Well, the 036 Kick Analog comes close. I think it's the same wave source, but this one is shorter and less "loud" than the PSR-510 one. The sample I'm looking for has a long release (1.5 sec appr) and a crazy bass level that produced heavy distorsion on any of my early tape recordings, I had to record my tracks at very low levels.

    But I'm gonna try with this one, at least the attack is the same, and I will layer my kick anyway. Thanks a lot for your help, it's greatly appreciated ! :)

    Where do these samples come from btw ?
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