Anyone has experience with Ueberschall Elastik 3? I can't save loops and other problems.

Discussion in 'Software' started by shinbeth, Sep 23, 2020.

  1. shinbeth

    shinbeth Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Brilliant product but a bit complicated, the videos and manual don't explain well - could you please explain:

    - how can I save my contents (a custom loop I made with Ableton Elastik VST), after I created my Userbank there's no "SAVE" button to save my project?

    - what is the point of Userbanks if I can't save my current loop? Say I want to switch from one loop to another custom one, made in a different Ableton project, how can I do that?

    - can I load my own samples? what does in the manual "load FOLDERS or SAMPLES via drag & drop on PADs / KEYs" mean?

    - I can't change/crop the length of loops after they've been loaded? I go to "LOOPEYE" and it doesn't shorten them...

    - I can't change the start and end points of loops as well?

    - I can't change the individual volume of each sample block once they've been loaded?

    - what is "Follow Midi ON/OFF"?

    - what is the difference between "COPY/MOVE/CHROMATIC/SLICES"?

    - what is the difference between Export Original and Export Modified?

    Thanks for your help.