Anyone ever buy prescriptions online... without a prescription?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dim_triad, Oct 2, 2016.

  1. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    wow, yeah, from what I have heard you are completely right, those that are saved are angry about a lost buzz. insane. What was he taking? Opiodes can be dangerous in that not only are they addictive as all hell, and the obvious up ramp of need, but a lot of kids have no idea what they are taking. It's bad enough they take a small vicodin, but it is so easy to take a 80mg oxy and have no idea the difference... and all of a sudden you find yourself with a total system shutdown as you described... Man, that's rough. He is going to be ok now? I know it is a long road of recovery and rehab if he is cooperating with all of your attempts to help... again, best..
  2. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    Thanks for your concern sisyphus. He seems fine now. He was 2 weeks out of extensive lock up rehab. We will see what happens.
  3. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Edit... I went on a rant, reconsidered. It's a complex issue and I'm not eloquent enough right now to properly unpack it.

    Drugs aren't bad by default, but the laws and the things people do to get access to them make them so. There's a lot more to it than that as well, as Burningstar pointed out.
  4. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    I think, or in fact i know that being educated about drugs and the dangers etc ,means nothing at all when push comes to shove "to many of us" not meaning to sound rude but quite why a simple topic "one of which im interested in also" has turned into this farce about Elitists minded cultures and making us lawless etc etc Why or whatever the causes are werent the question and wasnt the point....
    i myself would love to know of a reliable site where i could purchase "for now whilst waiting for a doctor change" certain tablets i need to function /not because i wanna get smashed but because i need them "however of course i understand this is quite obviously abused bigtime"
    But if anyone knows of a proper site to obtain class b medicines short term "reliably" id love to know,
    Ive a few friends that order diazepam and xanex online and get it sent over but,Im extremely dubious of their validity ,i remember taking what i thought were two 5ml diazepam tabs and waking up 8 hours later ,so obviously it was a heavy sleeper and not the real deal....
    We all got issues "many of us" but the whole online meds ordering things properly iffy as only maybe 2 out of the 10 different sites friends have tried sent over the actual correct item and not whatever dressed up to look like what youre after ,know what i mean.........
    Hence me saying id love to know of a real place ,not on the scam ,for real....Do tell me cheers
  5. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    When I was between doctors and without insurance I went to a free clinic in my area. They were only open Wednesday evenings. They treated me and set me up with free prescriptions, lab work, ect. They were my health care for about 6 months. They even gave you a box lunch on every visit.

    When my insurance did start, I lost my great free doctor as his private practice was no longer accepting new patients.

    I don't know if you have anything like that available to you but it may be worth checking out.
  6. plowhorse

    plowhorse Ultrasonic

    Mar 25, 2015
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    29.9792° N, 31.1342° E
    I have had good service from safemeds4all. I think it's a subset of one of the Canadian brand name sites. I ordered the generic drugs my doctor would not prescribe. BP and cholesterol control drugs in commercially labeled blister packs, shipped from India. No prescription required. As far as I know, they do not sell any opiates. Fair price. Not dirt cheap though.
  7. LV4-26

    LV4-26 Guest

    Yes I regularly buy online Viagra, Ixense, Uprima, Cialis, Lévitra®… I'm 72 years old and my dick does not have much more strength.
    My wife complains all night. Now I can make the love for hours, and she keeps asking again the afternoon too. I'm on the knees. I'll have to decamp as soon as possible to thousands of kilometers.
  8. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    did not read all the replies, sure you can buy online, be aware that fake drugs are a huge business, so there is that

    ALSO, if you have insomnia it might have treatable physiological or psychological causes. Pills may cause sideffects or result in dependency, for a short period and if you know what you are doing than by all means use what you must to get by.
    The range of causes could be from simple food allergies to severe unresolved psychological trauma.

    Be your own doctor, do medical experiments on yourself, worst that could happen is that you die.

    Which, lets face it... will happen anyways!
  9. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    @ jynx, I know that wasn't the OP's topic but I had to respond to challenges about people being responsible to make their own choices. The fact is that many people in our society are demonstrating low intelligence and being victims of bad advice or none at all by the bad choices they seem to be making by deciding it's a great idea to take drugs, abuse alcohol and eat badly. A lot of them hurt themselves with drugs and alcohol, and there is an epidemic of obesity from eating the wrong food and many other diseases caused by eating unhealthily. There has to be a common root cause for so many people turning out with this wrong mindset. I would like to see record companies being heavily fined or banned from releasing any material that promotes drug taking and alcohol abuse. Ask yourself why they are still allowed to promote artists that do that on a highly impressionable, badly advised and badly educated youth. Join the dots. What picture do you get? Doesn't the picture look a lot like governments who are quite happy for our children to be influenced to make bad choices? And who runs the governments and all the institutions and the media and entertainment industries? Do the research. You will discover that the world is run by a cabal of elite people who call themsleves The Illuminati. Just one eye-opener for you: how can it be that the USA government is financed by a privately owned bank? It is. That red flag should get you started.
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  10. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    If you really cared about your fellow man, you'd trust him to make an educated decision, take action and deal with the consequences.
    It's live and let live, you know, not live and let live if your lifestile is according to my ideology.
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  11. Low intelligence has nothing to do with being a victim in regard to buying into bad advice and/or making good or bad lifestyle choices. Think of all of the extremely highly intelligent artists that have succombed to addictions of all sorts in the music world, just as one small example. Foolishness is not the idiots playground alone, everyone is free to come in and have their fun.
  12. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Firstly yes i do indeed agree with the premise! "i apologise if i seemed rude"..Btw Not that it is but " im into conspiricy theories too " and do know of the the illuminati,s supposed impact on the world ,of course ,of course, ive in fact read much on the subject Truly....."Ive quite the interest of things of that nature my friend!.........on a different note i myself when a teenager say 15 or so "im 40 now" but back then i remember the reasons behind my experimentation with drugs were due far more to do with peer pressure n boredom than anything going on on in any form on television or as disscussed so far ....
    Natrually things are far more graphic these days ,plus the nature of whats being depicted on tv/film etc is largely glamorised ,and to that end i kinda agree with what your saying as the easily lead will certainly end up dabbling a little at least,which inevitebly will most definatley lead some people to far bigger and greater risk taking where drugs are concerned,and eventually a full blown addictions gonna take place "it certainly did with me hence a litle rant i had about heroin usage on here a few months back" I do think we all as a rule need to take responsibility for our problems and not blame how one was brought up ,or if one was bullied, know what i mean ,i personally had a horrible childhood but i blame myself for my actions "not that your doing that in any way im just addresing something that annoys me about people taking drugs blaming anything but themselves,and i speak from way way too much experience unfortunatley" going on now and am forgetting myself forgive me for babbling on he he........
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  13. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i followed a little bit of this thread when it first started, i'll share my experience with this. it started out innocent as the doc didnt take me serious when i said 10mg of oxazepam wasnt
    enough for 1 day so i started to buy on the black market, i liked the effect to much and combined with weed i spend a few years on about 150-200mg a day, lost my drivinglicense because of this and litterall shocked my doc, she didnt understand how i was still standing on such a dosage (i also took 40mg of temazepam a day and sometimess 5grams of weed as well) in the end i had to go into rehab, be clean for a while before i could drive again. moral of the story? no idea, all i know is that looking at response from my doc it's a miracle i was still standing. 'm not saying it's all bad, just dont start liking it to much and keep using it when you dont need it
  14. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Dude you think thats bad "btw i know this isnt a competition im just sayin is all" But back when i was initially prescribed diazepam and was tytrated up to 120 mg a day "split doses 4x30mg a day" on top of which a further 30 mg a night of temazepam and one 10 mg of nitrazepam /Still drinking a good 3/4 tennants and smoking a few gramms of punk.....Amongst other things precribed and illicit taken at the time......But thats a clear case of being overprescribed if there ever was one "And obviously that i had a problem" ,know what i mean " i only really needed a 3rd of it all to function " Bar the nitrazepam as that was just a bonus at the time......Its a shame that these days we, or many of us cant function properly without medical intervention of some kind "Weather it be prescribed drug use or illicit use......Thats not slating anyone in any way as i myself have issues which is why this thread spiked my interest as ive had quite alot to do with the subject in general over the years unfortunatley........soz for the rammble
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016