Anyone donated to Trazor? Any joy?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by eriss, Oct 17, 2023.

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  1. Deuterium

    Deuterium Kapellmeister

    Oct 15, 2021
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    This is not a place to advertise scams or complain when someone doesnt offer an opinion exclusively aligned with your own. Ill say whatever i choose to.

    "Different crackers have different feels" - what the hell are you attempting to put into words now gen-z snowflake?
    Do you know anything about the history of demoscene, crackers and keygens, its core values and the entire subversive movement or are you just another hungry, wide-eyed kid with a mac computer trying to tell ppl to throw money at a scam?

    Report or not whatever, dont go proclaiming it like we are in preschool! or ill have to return the favor and report you for trying to run some TRAZOR cult on this site while ranting and belittling freedom of speech & expression
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2023
  2. Deuterium

    Deuterium Kapellmeister

    Oct 15, 2021
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    I hope the fact that TRAZOR is flipping the whole idea of warez on its head and exploiting it for some cash doesnt scare him, its in reality the only reason he could be targeted by law enforcement and dragged to court!

    Its not hard to trace where those silly "coffees/books" are going is it, credit/debit card?
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2023
  3. Kunter2011

    Kunter2011 Ultrasonic

    Sep 7, 2023
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    Stop promoting Trazor coffee donation thing who already quit cracking months ago.... This is useless
  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    time to close this thread as people are insulting each other...
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