Anybody know a method to get certain DX plugins to work in DAW's like FL Studio?

Discussion in 'PC' started by thejohndoe, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Was digging through one of my old hard drives and found a treasure trove of retro plugin installers like DSPAudioFX (still on of the best chorus plugins ever IMO)and Opcode Fusion Filter.

    I've managed to get these to work no problems,but i've had issues with others.take for example Arboretum Hyperprism FX i have tried 3 different plugin shells and wrappers and no matter what i cannot get them to show up in any of them having the same issue with some of the earlier NI DX plugins too like Spektral Delay.anybody know a way to get these to work?
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  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    You probably know it already, but since it was a very popular DX plugin, try searching wrappers for EWQL Symphonic Choirs Wourdbuilder. A MIDI one, but still...
  4. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I can open this with the Xlutop's DXI shell,i can actually open most things with that (seems to be the most reliable)the exception seems to be Timeworks(can't find an installer that will work with Windows 8 but i distinctly remember this not working with DX wrappers),Quartz and Arboretum DX plugins.they don't seem to work in any wrapper i can find.the only wrapper i have been unable to check is the SpinAudio DX-VST wrapper Lite.even if i did find it, i doubt that it would be able to wrap these either.i'm beginning to assume that perhaps for some reason these specific plugins will not work with DX-VST wrappers
  5. oneunder

    oneunder Ultrasonic

    Feb 26, 2014
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    I think Fl Studio has DX support built in. Also a Buzz adapter? Legacy devices, but still there in plugin manager..
  6. oneunder

    oneunder Ultrasonic

    Feb 26, 2014
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    You could then rewire or use FL as an actual vst plugin in your daw of choice.
  7. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    The way I understand how DXi got detected inside application was directly from registry (unlike VST plugins which usually user have to specify VST folder).

    Maybe try to run it on Reaper 32-bit. It can load DXi w/o wrapper. Not sure how it will results, but still..
  8. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    They ditched both DX support and BuzzEffectAdapter after the later beta's of FL11.

    i'll try that thanks.i understood how it was called up,but i never understood why none of the wrappers were able to even find or locate these specific plugins
  9. Bandorr

    Bandorr Newbie

    Jan 15, 2018
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    I don't know if any of them will work in a 64 bit host but here you go

    Acon Effect Chainer (Resourse hungry)

    Xlutop Chainer (it also have dry/wet and parallel capabilities)

    VB Dx (sometimes after install you have to copy manually the dll's(VB_ffx4.dll,VB_ffx4_Mono.dll))

    And not a host but close call: DX shell ,but the daw has to support shells.

    Hope that helps.

    Almost forget: Win only

    Edit: Sorry i dont have the links but you can google them
  10. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I've tried most of these apart from the Xlutop Chainer.anyway the issue isn't the ability to wrap the DX plugins's almost like despite these plugins (Arboretum Hyperprism,Quartz DX FX Plugins,some NI effects in DX)don't exist on Windows 8.i made this realisation after installing an extremely early version of cool edit and FL Studio so there would be no need for wrapping and none of these plugins showed up in any of the lists,so i assuming perhaps that these plugins strictly do not work on OS's later than XP maybe (i remember vaguely using Hyperprism on XP or ME)i don't have any computers running though OS's to confirm that,but it at least makes sense given my findings.have no idea why they specifically wont show up as DSPAudioFX are from like 99? i think and they run flawlessly after being used in Shell2vst

    Either that or its the specific installers i have.for instance some of them e.g Timeworks Millenium Bundle wont even run in compatibility mode on Windows 8.1.the others installed but it's like beyond the files being in the necessary folders,they aren't actually there so to speak :dunno:
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2018
  11. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Did a bit of research and i've pretty much confirmed what i theorised in my last post.these plugins wont work in Windows later than XP,it's not got anything to do with whether or not you can wrap them.i'm going to try setup a virtual machine on the weekend and see if that works

    Thanks for all the responses
  12. skand

    skand Newbie

    Mar 11, 2023
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    I used all of them dxshelled in win7, and on winxp x64 only fxdsp were recognized by dxshell but others can be used in art console which is great soft from japan 2003 loading anything anywhere. I guess win7 has great xp compatibility mode which explains why it was most successful. Now on linux i successfully use hyperprism via dxshell->linvst ->daw but linvst fails to run dxshelled timeworks and anwida dx reverb with whatever wine prefix. Have not found any hack yet - yabridge/airwave instead of linvst did not help. Dxshelled timeworks and anwida can still be loaded into art console but it's kind of inconvenient perversion to use plugs via another plugs. The right way is to use them wrapped.
  13. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    I have ART Teknika console VSTi DXi 1.6.1 (cracked by Team BEAT), but it is from 2007. Is that the software that you mentioned?
  14. skand

    skand Newbie

    Mar 11, 2023
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    Yes, exactly. Mine from 2008 beta. Beware not to upgrade dx, otherwise u ll have to reinstall the entire os which i had to for winxp x64 for art console to work again.
    Any ideas on finding point of failure with dxhselled linvsted timeworks? The crash says Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0×1001a8e4)
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2023
  15. skand

    skand Newbie

    Mar 11, 2023
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    Re win8 it's not a wonder it does not see some dx plugins. It has internal protection against some old good soft and/or its dx system rejects old directshow/activex filters which was the name for dx plugins in 90s. The same with winxp x64 from 2005. It sees only part of dx plugins but if you install sony vegas from 2005 (version 10?) you will chance to see it finding all plugins that reaper refuses to see on xp x64. Interestingly windows' reaper run on wine on linux sees all dxshelled dx plugins but reaper compiled for linux crashes half of them though seeing all of them. The best era was 1998-2005 in programing when vcrun6 was used. The golden era. Then from vc2005 the greedy busturds started changing vc packs every 2-3 years as well as dx versions which fukd up everything. I remember all dxshelled vsts worked well on win7 - it's the last good os from microsoft. So, my advice is to downgrade. As for linux with wine it seems that their vst dll to so bridges don't like some wrapped plugs with art console being the only choice with them and I bet they are not going to fix anything about that. After thorough testing I found no way to overcome that problem. It's bad that compiled-for-linux reaper can't load windows dx .dll/.ax files as it has no internal wrappers/bridges forcing use of third party often failing solutions.
  16. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    reaper 32bit can do dxi.
    fl studio from 11 up got rid of support.

    found this a little while ago

  17. skand

    skand Newbie

    Mar 11, 2023
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    Reaper for linux definitely can't support dx even if 32bit and all dll to so bridges crash timeworks. I even have tried chain dxshell->jbridge->linvst without success. The bottleneck is linvst/yabridge/airwave as reaper for windows on wine loads dxshelled timeworks without fail. I tried also dll overrides to native within wine with no success. The result is always the same as unhandled exception. Web searching about the error did not help either. Testvst from linvst reports: cannot load library or segmentation fault for dxshelled timeworks which does not help anyway. Running reaper via winedbg gavs no clues either. Perhaps older wine version could help but i doubt it as i have tried one old version via playonelinux without success. It seems that something should be fixed about dll to so bridges since without them all wine run programs run dxshelled timeworks without problems.
    Ps. Jbridge raises cpu use by 3x on wine - stay away... With linvst cpu use a little higher than on windows
  18. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    ah i didnt see the os you happen to be using.

    i gave up a long time ago and purchased an old windows xp refurbished thinkpad with a tiny xp os on it. cost about 40 usd.
    put a fl studio 10 and fl studio 7 on it and this has pretty much solved almost all my issues with running older software aside from a neogeo emulator im fond of.

    best of luck to you in your endeavors