Anybody here that can read and understand the crash file?

Discussion in 'Live' started by Daskeladden, May 9, 2019.

  1. 8D8

    8D8 Newbie

    Nov 30, 2014
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    Yes! I reset ableton a couple of times deleting the pref.cfg! I follow your steps to uninstall both ableton 9, 10, delete every ableton folder in my pc! Restart the pc, now i install Ableton Live 10 and now works fine, no crashes, but now let me scan de VST Folder maybe the problem was there...
  2. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Maybe you had some issues with Max for Live or something like that. If it crashes after you have scanned the vst plugins you must add for example 10 vst at a time in the vst folder then open Ableton, then add 10 new ones and so on.
  3. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    This is an interesting error for two reasons, first that the obvious answer will in a generic environment, likely stabilize the system. However, any DAW system is anything but generic. This is why the second which is most likely, being something unrelated like a recent installation of a plugin may well be the culprit.

    The generic fixes already mentioned of DISM and SFC probably won't work with Ableton, being where the crashes are occurring.
    If it was me I would backtrack to what I installed when it was working well, that changed it into the opposite. If you have a legitimate version try Ableton support.
  4. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    I think he solved it with a reset of Ableton
  5. 8D8

    8D8 Newbie

    Nov 30, 2014
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    Ok! i delete every ableton folder on the system, uninstall both ableton 9, 10! Restar the pc, install live 10 the launcher is ok, demo song plays ok, then scan vst and vst3 folder crashes again - relaunch scan is on - then complete scan is ok and again ableton opens but no load vst list, no load library, effects, plugins and max and seconds later crash! Install Live 9 open ok demo song ok, scan plugins - complete scan and its ok! attach video of ableton 10 and live 9 launch. Maybe is something wrong in the vst3 folder... i don´t know.

    Ableton 10

    Ableton 9
  6. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    first video - 7:08
    in english, please...

    but any way I think that the problem is in 32-bit plugins from synthblitz or from infected sounds (or from other old flowstone generated plugins with a lot of bugs). delete all 32-bit plugins and try tu run ableton live 10 again.
  7. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Won't do anything, this is not an issue with the system, it's Ableton that crashed.
    The only thing that will do is install Windows Media Player and Skype for him.
    Running your DAW as administrator shouldn't be required, it's almost always unnecessary. Plus it's a bad idea to run any software as administrator generally if there's any possibility it'll work without admin rights. You should fix your file permissions instead.
    This is a trash post designed to work as an advertisement (by creating lots of posts that will attract lots of people) for their data recovery software. The "advice" given is completely generic and it's almost guaranteed it will not help. Like, just look at this:
    Yeah, my ass. They copy this exact same paragraph for 2000 other error codes they made posts for.
    It's not necessary to add. This was only needed to run the keygen. If it was needed to run Ableton, we'd have a huge warning for everyone to stay away from that release. Also, memory access violations don't come from not blocking a host, so this advice can't work.

    Your problem is some random crappy VST you're using is misbehaving and wrecking Ableton by attempting to use memory it shouldn't be using. It is not possible to allow it to do so, because it is a massive security risk (it could be using the memory of your browser and save all the websites you're browsing, change a bank account number on your screen, whatever - apps can't be allowed to mess with parts of RAM that are not theirs to use, in severe cases where the app tries to get to memory that is used by Windows itself, you're likely to either get a crash - this is Windows killing the app because it knows something is wrong - or a bluescreen). You as an user can't "fix it". It's up to the developer to make the plugin behave properly. That said, it might be the case that a badly made crack made the software do so - this is why Cubase Pro releases keep crashing constantly, for example.

    Your best bet is removing all VSTs and adding them back one by one. I'm pretty sure it's VSTs, it's almost never the DAW itself that crashes - more than likely, a plugin is misbehaving and bringing the whole ship down.
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  8. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Just like I also suggested. By the way spare me the besserwisser attitude. You obviously don't have a clue how to pin down an issue. Saying missing files and Windows 10 issues cannot be the cause of these kinds of trouble says a lot about your knowledge. Trail and error is the best and only way to pin down an error.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
  9. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    By checking your plugins one by one. It's not the system and it's almost certainly not the DAW itself.
    In my experience, DAW crashes pretty much *never* have anything to do with corrupted system files, it's almost always dodgy plugin cracks and/or badly coded, old, free plugins.
  10. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Seems like I have to quote myself for people like you:
    Like I said spare me the besserwisser attitude. Trail and error is the only method, not:
    Seems like your experience is pretty limited
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
  11. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    no... I'm also sure that the problem is in f...n bugged plugins.
    and I posted this just before @Qrchack
    so my experience is "pretty limited" too?
  12. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    You don't. I have seen the post, but checking system files is not at all likely to help - if your system files were damaged, you'd have problem with your system crashing, not your DAW. Even if it was audio-related components, you would have every software that uses audio crash - and if it did, it would still be more likely that it's some crappy driver for a random cheapie sound card.
    It is, but trying to fix things that have nothing to do with the error are not smart, they are a waste of time.

    I won't talk about your "besserwisser attitude", a forum warning because of insulting other board members on your profile provides all the I need to know.
    Well, I'll just mention it's you who created this thread asking for help and mentioned several unrelated pieces of information (freezing tracks with heavy plugins, DAW running as admin, DISM/SFC, Media Feature Pack, Windows N, hosts file, antivirus software, etc).

    Freezing tracks with heavy plugins cannot be the issue, if it was you would have a quick bugfix update from Ableton in a matter of days, or at least tons of complaints on forums.

    Trying to run the DAW as admin should not change anything, if it does, you should probably fix the folder/file that doesn't have permissions set correctly instead of giving your DAW the possibility to do anything on your behalf. Remember a DAW hosts plugins (that's external code being run) with the same rights as your DAW. There's not much data on what can be done from a plugin (and I didn't bother to check through VST2/3 SDK documentation to give you a definite answer on that), but it's always an attack vector. It could be possible to write a plugin that deletes your files or encrypts them as ransomware, and letting it do so with admin rights is not a good idea.

    DISM/SFC checks system files integrity. This is not harmful, but in my experience even on my systems with heavy modifications (macOS-looking skin for Windows, patched system files to allow theming, additional software to add FreeType text antialiasing, etc) dism/sfc reported everything is great. I'm yet to see anything get fixed by using these commands. And again, if your system doesn't misbehave, there's no reason to suspect broken system files. Especially if you haven't tested your buggy plugins first.

    Installing Media Feature Pack on Windows N kind of defeats the purpose of Windows N, and the only things you add are:
    - PTP/MTP support for transferring photos from a camera or files from your phone via USB
    - PDF support in Microsoft Edge
    - virtual reality support
    - face unlocking
    - Groove Music, Movies & TV, Voice Recorder and Skype
    - Windows Media Player

    You don't need MP3, WMA, MPEG-2, AAC, FLAC, ALAC, and AC-3 codecs included with MFP, because your DAW doesn't use them. Besides, do you really use WMA and Dolby Digital 5.1 files in Ableton? Thought so.

    Hosts file works by allowing you to redirect certain domains (that's the thing that starts with www and ends with com if you're not aware) to other addresses. In the case of your picture, that's a redirect to - this is a reserved address and means "the computer that tries to connect itself". So instead of connecting to, your computer connects to itself, asking itself for the website. Since you're most likely not running a website on your computer, whatever program is trying to connect to gets complete silence and after some seconds it thinks you're offline.

    The reason you're asked to add this to your hosts is because R2R were angry at some websites that were selling their cracks, and they enforce everyone to block the sites they don't like. Their keygen checks if you have blocked these websites and won't run until you do. This has nothing to do with Ableton, and saying it's important to try removing these website blocks only shows that you have no idea what you're talking about. Ableton probably don't even know about the existence of, and they certainly haven't programmed their DAW so it crashes when you have blocked

    I'm also yet to hear about an antivirus straight crashing a DAW. Slow startup, more CPU/disk use, random popup messages and blocking any plugin or file from loading until you click Allow is a thing, but I have never seen anyone mention it completely crashing their DAW.

    Could go on about this, let's just say while I appreciate the effort of documenting your random encounters trying to find which obscure 10 year old VST crashes your DAW, it's just somewhat depressing when I, as a programmer, try to give the most practical and effective solution I can come up with - by reading the whole thread and carefully looking up the error message provided, and in return I get called names and told "you don't have a clue how to help". From the guy who asked for said help. I try to be helpful and polite to everyone on the Internet, but you portray yourself as the kind of person that doesn't want any help and is not worth the effort of trying to help them. That's all. Good look hunting your imaginary system problems and sharing your wonderful discoveries with the world. Have a nice day.
  13. 8D8

    8D8 Newbie

    Nov 30, 2014
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    Thank you all for your help, I appreciate the time you take to try to help me with the problem. That must be some plugin, I will try to follow their advice, trial and error, plugin after plugin, what I notice is that Live 9 loads without problems and Live 10 crashes with the sames plugins.
  14. 8D8

    8D8 Newbie

    Nov 30, 2014
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    I understand, but I have the 32-bit plugins installed in a separate folder, I don't have it scanned, apart from ableton 10 it doesn't have support for 32-bit plugins

    Attached Files:

  15. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    1. they are too old.
    2. flowstone generated plugins creating/writing some files in the same folder.
    and that's all.
  16. 8D8

    8D8 Newbie

    Nov 30, 2014
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    Ok, deleted that plugins and others that i think may cause crash, but still the same, i downloaded a Ableton Live 10 portable version and not a single crash, scan plugins it´s ok, the portable version work pretty well but not the installed version, so weird.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
  17. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Sometimes software just crashes, yes a VST is often the culprit but software does have bugs and will crash
  18. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Since the portable works without issues (both vst2 and vst3) it is probably not a .dll issue. Sounds more like a strange admin and user conflict in Windows of some kind. I look upon this issue as solved since you can use the portable of Ableton.
    The "only" thing that can fix this is probably a Windows repair or a reinstall. If you wanna try a repair of Windows while keeping all files and apps follow this tutorial:

    I have done it before without issues, but take a clone or a backup image of your SSD just to be sure before you try.

    The absolute last thing you can try (then you must take a backup of your SDD) is to use a program called RegScanner x64 and delete all instances of Ableton in the registry. You have to run the program many times to get the registry completely empty of Ableton entries. I have tried this with varied results before. Maybe it fixes the issue, but sometimes new strange issues on completely different programs occur.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
  19. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    What release of Ableton are you using? Have you tried other non-portable ones? If so, have you uninstalled and/or even further cleaned everything before installing a different version?
  20. 8D8

    8D8 Newbie

    Nov 30, 2014
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    I made a Os fresh install, i install Live 10.1.14 from R2R, only waves and a few native instruments plugins, everythings go well, live luch and scan plugins without problems until i install my interface drivers i have a Akai EIE Pro, maybe the problem is there now Live not launch, i read about some port on reddit but i don´t know what to do!

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