Any news about EZguitar?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Wolfang, Sep 16, 2021.


I guess...

  1. in 3 month

  2. in this year

  3. in the middle of next year

  4. in the end of next year

  5. in several years

  6. no hope, man. Buy a guitar!

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  1. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    EZBass and Amplesound (as will EZGuitar if ever) - use samples built into their applications I am not going to say next It's unnecessary. Why do you think the file sizes for these applications are so large? Because of C++ code or their programming? No. Because they have self-contained samples pertinent to their applications. EZBass, Superior drummer all of them. Unnecessary to say next. They are NOT real recordings. If you had ever been paid in a studio to record samples from your instrument you'd know they get you play specific notes specific ways. If you watched any 'making of' Toontrack videos you'd know they're all samples converted into playable instruments. If you mean phrases, then they are sampled phrases converted to MIDI or simply remaining as samples triggered. So either way 'next' is a silly thing to say. All of these are merely emulations using samples - all of them that are not modelled. It's the player using it that makes it sound good or bad.

    Sampling what has been recorded and looping is doing exactly what a playable sample instrument does or mashing a loop. The only difference is that was done manually before they automated it into sample libraries of the magnitude we have today.
    Definitely understated. I figured people who had enough experience would know and people who did not would ask or people like yourself who have excellent descriptive skills would elaborate if they felt the uge. :)
    So now, hopefully, you'll get the questions :winker:

    P.S - I do not know how many of you hear a film score or series score you like then check out who the composer is and how they went about it or what they used, but you might be surprised how many of them used things like Symphobia, Toontrack, Spitfire, East-West, UVI and more.
    While certainly, the major orchestrators use real musicians wherever possible, they mix the synthetic in with the real players. It all depends how big the budget for music is. Sometimes they will use all real, or only some real and then other times, mostly sample playable instruments.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2021
  2. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I do not disagree with you at all. Unfortunately, the entire EDM, DJ world (add all the others Trap etc...) is based on AI. There will always be space for real musicians. In a post-apocalyptic world where electromagnetic pulses from nukes disable everything electrical, only those who can play acoustic instruments will be left standing. That day hopefully will never come.

    You have a choice to accept that it is what it is - a different type of music, a different way to create music or try and fight it which, to be honest, is a waste of time and energy. It is already historically recorded in the styles section of music history.
    We as musicians have a responsibility to encourage younger musicians to create and these days they will not always choose a traditional path and that's ok. It does not make the music less valid if it has a great melody and feels pretty good. I am not big on electronic music at all, but I respect there is a definitive skill set and method in manipulating audio at the level of the grammy-winning EDMers.
    I do agree that a lot of library-sellers do nothing to improve music and only make money. There are some and I think Project Sam is one who genuinely try and make a usable Orchestra in a box for everyone as well as making money as one example of several.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2021
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  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    AI is completely overrated - the term artificial intelligence is a marketing ploy. A machine only does what you write as a software program. Machines are not intelligent, they are stupid.

    The whole EBM EDM IDM thing is based on electricity and electrical components. Human life always produces inventions - thanks to our creative ones. creative mind also called brain.

    Everyone can use things and should be able to decide for themselves what to spend their life with. Since the market is a free one, meaning anyone can invent things and offer them on the market, if they cannot find buyers for their product or service, they will disappear from the market.

    I do not fight anything if you criticize a product, it does not mean that the product will not prevail. But you should exchange or discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the product. This is the only way to develop your own opinion by listening to both sides. a company will always present your product positively. Criticism comes from music editors, specialist staff or from you and me and many others.

    I don't believe in these Grammy prizes at all, it's more that the society of the rich and elite thinks up these prizes in order to project their class consciousness onto others the power and want to keep it. I prefer any independent artist to this Hollywood power-money machine. Fuck their prices - Fuck their covers - Fuck the cult of the people.
  4. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    That's fine to feel this way. I did for a long time. Then I shut off my bigotry and listened. I had to wade through a lot of mud to find some diamonds, but they were there. I am not saying you should, but you can find beauty in anything if you look hard enough. :)

    The Grammy's by the way are music industry people. The academy is not limited to executives and corporates. It also includes musicians like Victor Wooten, Stanley Clarke as merely two of thousands and almost every musician you may respect. They all cast votes.
  5. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Hello again.
    Firstly, sorry guys and gals!
    I seemed to start a pissing contest or something, in a thread about an instrument that will propbably never exist!, about Ample Sound instruments!
    And I don't know why it seemed so important to me for you to know that you need to try and work with them to discover what I have.
    I have no exuse for my vibe then. My apologies.
    It would be less time consuming for me if you just believed me, rather than having to record something as an example.
    When it's all findable out there anyway, or findable if you try with the plugins.
    But I realise life isn't like that and my word is not enough.
    Either way, it should be in a new thread perhaps.
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