Any good KSP scripters around? Need help with Kontakt GUI Maker

Discussion in 'Software' started by Lil G, Mar 8, 2025 at 11:18 AM.

  1. Lil G

    Lil G Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Hey there Kontakt Nerds

    I'm trying to build my first Kontakt instrument with the Kontakt GUI Maker, but i'm a bit confused about the way this works...

    I have made an instrument with 3 main panels that can be toggled by 3 basic main switches.

    there is a total of 21 further switches, all distributed within these 3 main panels. These 21 switches should trigger 21 keyswitches connected to 21 sample groups in kontakt. switching sample groups on is basically all i need to do with this instrument. the keyrange of every sample group should stay the same (C3-B4, so 60 to 83). So I'd like to have within my 3 main panels 21 switches, which are activated by pressing the 21 corresponding keyswitches and vice versa (i.e. which trigger the corresponding keyswitches when turned on). The active sample group should always play solo, so be exclusively allowed.

    Now as far as I can see, the only way to activate sample groups by keyswitch in Kontakt GUI Maker is via the action 'toggle samplelayer'. I think Kontakt GUI Maker then sets flags to activate sample layers (instead of sample groups). But these sample layers in Kontakt GUI Maker are limited to a maximum of 16.

    So I end up with the first 16 keyswitches working fine, but I can't get the other 5 to work. Can my task be solved in Kontakt GUI Maker? Or does anybody have the KSP skills to point me in the right direction as to how I would need to change the Kontakt script for my needs? Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2025 at 9:54 PM
  3. Lil G

    Lil G Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Ok, had some funtime with chat GPT to debug this. Turns out that Kontakt GUI Maker is quite a mess! I wouldn't recommend messing around with it at all. The problem is, that it hardcodes a lot of the code within the resources_container.nkr file leading to all kinds of complex interference of the .nkr with the KSP script. which is an absolute debug nightmare if you run into any errors.

    Good news is Chat GPT is quite good at scripting in KSP. You'll get a decent working library with complex features way quicker and with way less codelines, than with Kontakt GUI Maker. For my simple library KGM generated a script with over 3000 lines, which is absolutely ridiculous. With chat GPT i managed to bring this down to under 100 lines!

    So hands off this foolish application called Kontakt GUI Maker, it seems to be developed by people, who really don't know anything about how a good KSP script looks (and probably aren't good programmers in any other scripting language either...), really folks, selling crap like this is just an embarrassement. good thing, i didn't spend any money on this...
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