Any advice for a my workflow?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Omnislash7777, Aug 22, 2021.

  1. Omnislash7777

    Omnislash7777 Noisemaker

    Mar 30, 2019
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    I like covering songs (instrumental only), but I have to admit that I'm still in learn progress.
    My DAW is Studio One 5 and my OS is Windows 10 Pro.
    I mostly use stock plugins, but additionally FabFilter Pro Q3 and SPAN Plus for analyzing.
    VSTs are Omnisphere 2, FM8, Massive, Studio Ones Instruments etc.

    I also own a Yamaha MODX, but I will create another thread regarding the MODX.

    What I usually do is:

    Covering a commercial song by Listenting to it X times and playing the notes with a MIDI controller
    I either try to re-play ARPs, or I just take some MODX ARPs or VSTi ARPs

    For a rhythm I mostly take drum rhythms from my MODX or my old PSR-E443

    I create a bus channel which has an HPF (250 Hz) and a Room Reverb where I put all my tracks expect for Drum and Bass

    For the bass track I use a Splitter in combination with FabFilter to have a Reverb only for its high frequencies.

    I check the instruments and try to place similar frequency-instruments in a different panorama, e.g. Guitar R40, Piano sound L20 etc.
    Otherwise I try to avoid to let them play together.

    I try not to put too much stuff, because otherwise the listeners will not know on what to focus first.
    But basically I just cover commercial pop songs, so I just follow their ideas.

    On almost all tracks I add a compressor, for Bass I learned 4:1 was good, for others 2:1.
    Slow attack - fast release - this is what guys on YT say.
    And I almost never work in Solo mode, otherwise I wouldn't have anything to compare.

    On my main channel I use a compressor to make the tracks sound "more together".
    Also here I use 2:1, but I realized that on the MODX performances the Master Compressors are 12:1, at least for one example.

    What I still haven't done:
    - Side-Chain compression and Side-Chain EQing - I like the idea, but not that experienced
    - Multi-Band compressor: I don't know if I should use it on the Master Channel after the Compressor.
    - Equalizing the whole track: No idea if I should add some general EQing or if I should EQ all tracks (e.g. more hights on Bass instead of all)

    I'm always fascinated of the frequency curves of commercial songs.
    When I compare them to my cover songs, they don't have huge "gapes".

    This is a rough workflow, probably I forgot some things I actually do.
    It's just a hobby, but I like it when I compare my new covers to the old ones and actually hear a good difference.

    Do you have any other "Must-Do steps" or pieces of advice for me? :)

    Thank you and best regards
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    2:1 compression can be a rather high ratio for the simple task of getting things to "Gel". Try going down to 1.25:1 and then go back up incrementally, to get the desired gluing effect.
  4. Tele_Vision

    Tele_Vision Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2021
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    IF you're covering commercial songs there's a huge chance there's an SSL bus comp set to 2:1 or 4:1 slow attack fast release. Threshold to taste and don't be afraid to try it in parallel if the plugin allows. it's all subjective though, best to reference the original track next to yours in the DAW.
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