Anonymous Calls For #MayDay Protests – Video

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Members of the Anonymous movement have published a video calling citizens from all around the world to join them in a global protest. The initiators of the campaign dubbed “#MayDay” have named May 1 a “global day of resistance.”

    “We call upon every person, in every nation, every state, city, county, and street, to Unite, and to rise up and to take back the public commons from the oppressors. March the streets, occupy the public space; be free and reclaim your rights as human beings,” the initiators of the operation wrote.

    The hacktivists urge people to refrain from using the services of banks and from shopping so that the “one percent” realizes that without the 99 percent “they are nothing.”

    MayDay is similar to the MillionMaskMarch that takes place on November 5. However, it doesn’t appear that this campaign is supported by as many individuals. The video announcement posted to YouTube has been viewed by just over 1,100 people.

    It remains to be seen if any protests take place. In the meantime, we can expect at least some small Anonymous-affiliated hacktivist groups to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks and deface a few (probably random) websites.

    Check out the video announcement for MayDay 2014:​

    Source: Softpedia
  3. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I had a similar idea ages ago

    Mine was to have one day of no compliance with the system, use no banks, buy nothing, no petrol, no train tickets, no food, nothing, and every worker calls in sick

    If you needed petrol say, then you'd of filled up the day before, same with food and anything else, get stocked up the day or days before
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    The irony is that if even 1 percent of the people did that there would be massive change. What if there was a war and nobody came? What if there was a tax and nobody paid?
  5. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    While I kinda like the idea, I don't see how it would change anything at all. If you buy twice the amount of petrol and food one day to skip buying stuff the next day, the net result would be exactly the same for those who profit from selling petrol and food. Well, besides that they could take the day off, relax in the sun, knowing full well that you'll be back to buy more food and petrol on day 3 e.g. you're still dependent on 'the system' :p Selling your car and growing your own food would make a change though.
  6. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Yes, let's all go and empty the supermarket's warehouse the day before and they'll suffer the next. :dunno: :bleh:

    Real economy doesn't really matter anymore, anyway...

    Btw, capitalism (or maybe the "free market") is working P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y.

    Have fun.
  7. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    @ Floond, yeah man you're right, but, the idea was just to make a point to the establishment so they know that without us they're nothing
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It would be more effective to not spend money on things that you don't need and if everyone didn't pay their taxes or even again a tiny fraction of a country and I guarantee you that will get their attention when they don't have billions to spend on spying and murder.
  9. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    At least don't use banks, meaning don't use loans and credit cards because they're all just a trap to make you a bank slave. If we didn't use banks, they'd go broke. Simple. I pay and receive only cash. I have no bank accounts nor credit cards. Fookem! :P

    And yeah, government wants you to spend your hard earned cash on rubbish. They say it boosts the economy. Well, I think it only boosts the pockets of those criminals who's pockets are already "boosted" enough. :( Yes, always ask yourself "do I really need this crap?" "or am I buying it just because the neighbour has a bigger one?" You know, crap like that. *They* rely on our vanity especially. I don't care what anybody has if I think it's of no value to me. Personal needs, that's what's important. Daily bread, drink and pot. And sex. :)

    @Floond: your last sentence, that is exactly what I'm going to do *soon*. I'll put a firewall between me and the society. The one I have "installed" now is too weak. Need v2.0. ;)

    Fucking hell...
  10. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    @Catalyst, Not paying taxes would definitely have an impact. For most people in my country it would be like pissing your pants to get warm though, as most private sector (and all public sector) jobs here require a salary account for your wages to get credited to (unless you work in shady areas without an official employment contract).

    (I've known a few homeless people who were entitled to welfare/disability benefits, but to get it they needed a bank account. To get a bank account they needed a residential address, to get a residential address they needed an apartment, to get an apartment they needed the welfare benefits... a catch-22 in all its bureaucratic glory!)
    If you owe the taxman they can deduct and withhold money from your account before you get access to them, and if that's not enough they'll impound your valuables, house, car etc. So it'll hurt you more than it hurts them. In other parts of the world it could be an effective act of civil disobedience though.

    But to be honest I don't mind paying taxes as long as the gov. spends the money on the common good. Building infrastructure, social security as a safety net for the weakest members of society. Health care, so you can get the treatment you require no matter how poor you are. A free educational system so you can get a university degree not dependent on scholarships or your family's wealth etc.

    But I wholeheartedly agree with you about military spending. Fuck that shit. The fuckers here didn't miss a beat, when the Crimean crisis presented an opportunity to dust of that old record 'The ruskies are coming!' and pledge for buying missile defense systems and shit. All our military has been doing since WW2 is aiding US imperialism anyways *sigh*

    My biggest problem with taxes, is that large companies aren't paying their fair share (or any tax at all) while reaping the benefits of having a infrastructure to transport their goods, an educated population as workforce (in some parts of the world, a ridiculously low-waged workforce that would have died of starvation without government subsidies like food stamps). That shit ain't fair.

    Since 90% of our political parties have bought into/have been bought into the neo-liberal agenda, I may have to stop paying taxes at some point though...

    Weaning off consumerism and the holy mantra of "(economic) growth at all (environmental & human) costs" is our most valuable weapon. They can't stop us from not buying their shit, but we, as a people, are easy pray as long we can be kept in line by the desire for a new iphone or whatever. But its a long-term change in mentality and takes more effort than a single-day of symbolic gestures (as well-intended as they may be - kinda like turning your lights off for Earth Hour doesn't really do fuck all for the environment lol).

    While I do love a good protest and am filled with hatred against this bankster-ruled world, protesting is only good so far as rallying up the masses.
    But as we've seen with the Occupy movement and the Arab Spring, it's IMO more important that we figure out a feasible alternative to the status quo.
    A more constructive, thought-out alternative than just burning down The System.
    Otherwise in a best case scenario things return to what they were before or in worst case, something even worse takes its place.

    With natural resources becoming more scarce and fossil fuels fucking up our climate I see small self-sufficient communities as the only option for a sustainable future. I do like bananas but it's really not worth the pollution to have them shipped halfway round the world, when I could grow edibles locally.

    @SineWave, yep, getting out of the debt trap is key. Cash is good, but I also have faith in cryptocurrencies as a way to circumvent the banks uninhibited power.

    And best of luck to you in getting off the grid. It's not an easy task in my country but I'm working on it with a group of friends. First obstacle is getting cash to buy land, second obstacle is getting building permits to build anything at all in land zones lol. But I'm working on an epic tome of an application to send to various municipals lol. Would probably be easier to migrate to a less regulated country though...

    If you haven't already I'd encourage you to look into 'forest gardening'. It's a fucking awesome concept that works!. It has little to do with a forest, but you could say it's inspired by natural forests, meaning you plant things in layers, trees, bushes, forest floor plants etc.

    Most of them perennials, and most of them edibles, but some for other beneficial reasons like providing and keeping nutrients in the soil, to get a self-sustaining eco-system which, like a forest, grows and prospers without the use of heavy machinery (which requires fossil fuel), fertilizers and insecticides and other nasty chemicals (which are mostly petrol-based), and best off all you can feed twice as many ppl per acre than with traditional farming.

    There's very little labor involved (besides the initial planting) a part from harvesting the fat of the land. You plant floor plants so no weeding. You can't grow corn though, but that's a small price to pay, and can easily be replaced with nuts for bread etc. As a bonus it invites a diversity of bird- and wild life.
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