And Now the Calm...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    World 1, Scene 1
    And Now the Calm...

    Welcome all.

    I thought id make a post up about the past day and the wondrous gifts bestowed upon us. The generosity of the teams to provide awesome assistance in various products they put forth to us in the modified manner, Astounding. The workload that many of them go through for this, abounding.

    But, this only happened because of the generosity of a few members from various places to provide things to the teams or to the people to help. To give back and give forward. And its great to see the teams sacrifice and see the teams honoring the donators sacrifice as well by providing it back to everyone. One hand washes the other.

    Many of us cannot see what goes on behind the stages curtain. But having just grazed the vast oceans surface, you see how much work it can be. We hear from some how much work some things take. Some of our locals, some of our friends, they know how hard and demanding working on releases can be.

    Be you scene, or be you local, or p2p, or some other form, it all counts in the end. Some of those small time locals become scene, and some of those are providers, crackers, testers, etc. They all should be respected, and not treated like they are obligated to do anything. Be it mirrors, troublshoot your issues, be it a proper release, or be it a release at all. Their willingness lies with members actions and reactions.

    Try to troubleshoot on your own, before asking questions. Or asking privately. If you truly have an issue, post it for all (be it plugin fails verification, serial fails, or some major issue). This helps members, posters, releasers, mods, groups, teams, etc.

    And we cannot forget the devs. They dont always understand the releases, or agree with them. But its what they dont see that they should look into. Less of forcing crazy protections down peoples throats (people will crack them eventually). They should look at the feedback of these 'testers', encountering issues, finding weak points, finding good products and bad, or the people opening up features that were otherwise locked or non-existent.

    Its not that people who provide, or upload, or download dont care about the devs. Seriously, they do. Not everyone has the means to enjoy the product or service. But they would like to experience it and use it. And shit, eventually they KNOW they want to buy it. And they do or they dont. But in the end if its a worthwhile product it gets a great word of mouth rep from those involved in the industry.

    Weve all received a lot from many people. And this is my point of saying thanks to all. Admin, Mods, Devs, Teams, Scene (and unseen), File Hosts, Members, Posters, Providers, Donators, Supporters, and everyone else.

    Who doesnt get thanked is those of you that are ungrateful. Who ask for more and provide nothing. You may have no money, but saying thanks and not being ungrateful goes a long way.

    Set No Expectations and You Will Never Be Let Down

    But now enters the calm. A time a reflection and rejoicing. A time of companionship.

    Weve seen the thanks threads before, but if we keep instilling our appreciation others will know and maybe those that may be ungrateful will decide its not the best course of action.

    again i say,

    Thank you


    Set No Expectations and You Will Never Be Let Down
  3. Demand only upon yourself self that you do not ask for those things that only can come when you are an open vessel to the wonders of goodness and generosity. The kind of sharing that we experience here is a high form of altruism (the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others) and can only be a vibrant and living form of exchange when there is an honest and heart-felt thankfulness received by the gifting partner of the exchange. Being humble is a form of currency. Be wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.
  4. gorri

    gorri Ultrasonic

    May 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    One of the best posts I`ve read in a loooong time! Totally agree...

  5. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    World 1, Scene 1
    Love the avatar gif Gorri.

    program FactorialProg
    integer :: counter = 5
    integer :: factorial = 1
    do while (counter > 0)
    factorial = factorial * counter
    counter = counter - 1
    end do
    print *, factorial
    end program FactorialProg

    And thank you.

    Keep giving and showing love and eventually others will as well. If not more often.
  6. Me2audio

    Me2audio Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Wise words OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef :bow: ,

    i feel the same way,

    thank you for this topic :wink:
  7. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
    Likes Received:
    What the fuck are you waffling on about...

    Damm hippies?

    Posts like this make me laugh...

    Thank the DEVS????

    Surely buying rather than stealing it would be a better way of saying thanks?

    All this love and peace shit, we are all just thieves and leeches...

    Love and peace indeed...
  8. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
    Likes Received:

    Cool post, but You could spice it with a few more sentences... it sounds a bit to rigid this way.

    Anyway, it made me laugh, thanks!
  9. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Yes!!!!!! I agree, I'm loving Gorri GIF avatar too! I like in particular the "Out of memory", surely on PC MS-DOS or oldest Windows (3.11 for Workgroup, Win95) because it works fine (I mean indefinitely, without crash) on both Sinclair Spectrum and Amstrad CPC 6128 computers :rofl: When you run this program on Commodore Amiga, you get a "Guru Meditation" after ten minutes (or less)... :dunno: and BSOD on "modern" Windows...

    This program displays nothing on my computer (except the blinking cursor at the top left), probably something is missing:*yes*

    10 GOTO 20
    20 GOTO 10

    More seriously: it's a nice post, OSRMB (OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef) :wink:
  10. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    One thing that I see no mention is the ansiety of many members.
    i had to be soft with my body, but When I see a really great post sometimes I forgot to thanks, but it overly compensated by the posts that I do not download and thanks.
    Probably if people not slow down they will have bad health in this or another encarnation. I always says that if you do not stop your body will stop you...
    Bit ansiety is in another side too. They wait for something right? They expect suppliers, respect, knowledge, thanks before ask and mainly that non educated people turns in a good people.
    I done free work in ONGs since a boy and rarely they thaks or treat me will. For many times I saíd to myself: I do not deservesworth it, I will quit ( and a lot of good people done that because the spectations)
    Despite that most people that I help desapears when my health turn bad.
    Regreat? No. The good cannot stops because ungreatefull people, it must continue despite that...
    Other problem are the generalization like everybody is something, something that we always do. Babys cry hard, they make a lot more noise than an educated one. Só why the fighths? Must be because the lack of comunication. If R2R need supliers just ask and they receive. In MSJ theres a lot of good fórum tools and they have a specific section for asking the original installers. Its simple and I think that it resolves a lot of trouble right?
    we must foucus in specific problems not in general ones...
    Thanks for all the good people here, and always said to Cat that here we have a rare thing.
    Love and thanks for all and dispite of my problems I always want to help!
  11. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Brave New World
    Thank you very much OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef,
    outstanding work it has been, indeed. What I like most about you is your commitment and being faithful to yourself, keep it up that way :wink: , sugar coat is for lamers :bleh: .

    Dear remix, the only true thieves are those obeying to the capitalistic system, anyway, you`re a long-term member and I respect you! ... a lot actually, especially if you`re bitchin ... another :bleh:

    Hey ovalf, you`ve no idea how much I love to read your posts. I mean it ... :mates:
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    The Ghost. I removed the post and your account. Don't come back, you're not welcome here.

    Your avatar is a peace sign. Oh the irony. If you don't like the post then skip it. Nobody has a problem complaining but saying thanks makes some people feel ill. That's the real joke. Really speaks a lot of your character. I also completely disagree that pirating software precludes being a good person. Some of the best people I've ever met were those that did things at some point in their lives that the rest of society would consider morally questionable. Why does it have to be an all or nothing thing?