Analyzing system while DAW is running

Discussion in 'Software' started by Vaijj, Apr 3, 2017.

  1. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Hi guys..

    Lately ive running into a few problems on my DAW mashine. Been running LatencyMon and other software but mostly my systems checks out just fine. But some thing is going on in the back ground since no matter what DAW a run (Studio One, Cubase) it sometimes closes down with out any crash log or anything like that. I just end up beeing back on my desktop screen.

    Ive been doing some investigations on what plugs it can be and i start to wonder if it hasnt to do with some of me few not so legit plugins. K5 seems to be involved most of the time this happends. Maybe also even some waves can have something to do with this.

    So i wonder.. is there any software that can be runned in the background and actually tell what happends inside the DAW while it runs? Since LatencyMon, as far as i know only reads that for ex Cubase is running. It dont tell what is ran inside it...

    Any help or knowledge here would be nice since i hate to sit and worrie about crashes..

  3. serdarolguner

    serdarolguner Member

    Mar 26, 2017
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    It's really good Idea to have that kind of ''task manager'' for daw. if someone do it I think it sells.
    I am also wondering like you do..
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