AnalogXAi - Infrasonic Bus & Master processors for BYOD - 30% off BF Deals

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by StUtOpi4, Nov 11, 2023.

  1. StUtOpi4

    StUtOpi4 Producer

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Product Details
    Series 2 of the AnalogXAi Infrasonic Mastering presets. We improved our sampling process and upgraded our code. Hearing these presets is believing! Our customers are going nuts for these. We upgraded version 1 of our Supersonic pack and sent out the new versions for free and now we've done it all again with two brand new presets that guarantee to take your tracks, buses, sub mixes and masters to another analog level NOT seen before in the world of audio processing in the box. We've including screenshots of all the master chain processors for those that care.

    40k $ worth of signal chain perfectly captured for your tracks, buses, sub mixes or master bus!

    AnalogXAi Infrasonic Processors - Elevate Your Sound to Perfection

    ������️ Introducing 2 X AnalogXAi Supersonic Presets - Your Ultimate Sonic Upgrade! ������️

    A Massive Black Friday 30% off ALL AnalogXAi Products. Offer ENDS 30.11.23 Coupon Code : NELO40CF2A9G to get your 30% discount At Check Out
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