An observation on Kilohearts subscription reward program

Discussion in 'Software' started by alexbart, Nov 1, 2023.

  1. alexbart

    alexbart Producer

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I paid for the Kilohearts subscription program and for every year of subscription I got €100 in rewards.
    After the first year, I almost converted the reward to a coupon when Phaseplant was on sale for half price, but the Kilohearts rules don't allow to use the coupon when a product is on sale, so I decided to keep paying the subscription for another year and today I received another €100 in rewards and this time I converted the €200 to a coupon. So I added the Phaseplant product to cart, its price including VAT is $ 199 which equals to around €187. The Kilohearts coupon rules don't allow to keep the rest of the money, so I tried to add something else to the cart, but after applying the coupon I realized that their calculations are not what I expected. At the end of the story, I purchased only Phaseplant and this is how they calculated my €200 coupon:
    The first problem I see here is that this receipt shows the price before the 22% VAT, so they dropped the full price of the product and nothing else, but when I tried to add another product to use the full €200, the calculation was made after VAT, so it's like they are charging VAT on the coupon which is in my opinion wrong and for example it's not what it happens with Plugin Alliance where the coupon is applied before VAT as it should be.

    I think that Kilohearts should review both the way they restrict the use of the coupon and also the calculations after/before VAT.
  3. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    I apologize for this, but is VAT about the same thing as we call Sales Tax across the pond? Is that only when importing?
  4. alexbart

    alexbart Producer

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Hi, VAT is a 22% tax added to the original price, it's applied in almost every country in the EU with a variable percentage, it's not about export/import (in that case, there are additional taxes for physical goods that are sent for example from UK to Italy), I'm from Italy, so when I purchase something for personal use, I have to pay the VAT due to the EU regulations. There is still some digital store based in the US that doesn't apply the VAT to EU customers such as Audiodeluxe. Anyway VAT should be calculated after the full price and so coupons should be applied before of calculating the VAT.
  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    So, how much did you pay for 2 years subscription? So we can know how much did you really paid for Phaseplant.
    And compare with buying it on sale...
    May it's not such a bargain.
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