Ample Guitar riffer user presets?

Discussion in 'Presets, Patches' started by Wolfang, Feb 19, 2024.

  1. grasshopper

    grasshopper Member

    Dec 26, 2013
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    I'm new with Agm but after equalizing the highs I find it useful. Also the import midi into riffer and the tab import seems like it has promise. I've tried both and they work. I have yet to find any great sources for what I want but continue off and on to search. I just got my logic x fired up and am going to explore the step sequencer with AGM and see what that does. I would like to find some Robert Jonson, Mississippi John hurt,Kotkey, Fahey and John Prine. I have found some Travis picking patterns and a few others without anything but made up names. The only thing I have found is that after importing midi into riffer it sounds a bit scratchy/staticy like maybe the midi is not the best quality. The Dice is another way to go but is right now a little too random. I was a finger picker when I played and am still searching for a way to use/enter my style. I played by ear only so reading tabs for now won't work and with riffer one needs to know notes not positions so its a slow plod. I'd like to see a setting in riffer to adjust the velocity according to the beat and off beat. That would be better/less tedious than going note to note.
  2. grasshopper

    grasshopper Member

    Dec 26, 2013
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    I found some here ( HIFIMIDI ) ( ) a while back. I just went there but couldn't find them but I think if you check with them they might guide you. If not I might be able to find them on my computers. Also they have a midi giveaway that you can use by importing the midi into the Riffer. I also found a few at William Knowlands on ( ) His tutes are pretty good also.
  3. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    The HIFIMIDI guy has a YouTube channel with a ton of tutorials specifically for Ample guitars too. I don't know if it's been changed, but you just had to make an account on his site to get access to the strumming pack when it first came out.
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  4. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    Yes he is a great guy and has an Ample Guitars Course Turoials for both (Electric & Acoustic) with videos and downloads for exercises and it did not cost much like £30 or so. On his Youtube Channel he also does Freebie Tutorials on Ample Sounds and Shreddage and many other Guitar Plugins so worth checking out for some helpful tips. riffer
    Edit: The Course available is actually $14.99 so has come down a lot since I purchased it from the following link:
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2024
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  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Yep, this is probably the best channel to learn about Ample Sound guitars. I didn't know he also made riffer files or other stuff.
  6. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    There's only a couple of Riffer Exercises to do as well as Strumming Exercises and much more. Mostly the videos explain and teach enough to make your own Riffs and get more out of Ample Guitars. Here is a list:
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