Aliens? AI? Boredom? Life Tips. Creativity. Sleep Deprivation.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Daisy69, Jul 16, 2023.

  1. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    I too had something like this with sexuality. I was too around 7.
    And like one time my mom have from someone something like barbie doll. It was like behringer barbie.
    And she asked me something like you will play with this? Or should I give it to someone else?
    I answered something like Nah. I don't know. It is more for girls. (But like inside I was. Give me this. What a nice chick. I like her clothes. I wanna roleplaying that she is my girlfriend lol).
    And finally I said something like I will play with this some time and if you find someone which you can give it then ok.
    And when I was alone sometimes with this behringer barbie I was like roleplaying that we going to shopping. We have house together and sometimes I looked under her skirt or I took off her shirt and touching her boobs.
    What I have touched no one can take away from me :mad:
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