Akaizer free timestretch tool

Discussion in 'Software News' started by 30hz, May 22, 2021.

  1. 30hz

    30hz Producer

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Akaizer is a freeware application for Windows / macOS / Linux which can time stretch (and/or pitch shift) any WAVE or AIFF sound file in the style of the 'cyclic' time stretch which featured on old Akai sound samplers, like the S950 / S1000 / S2000 / S3000 series. This is ideal for DAW-based music producers who want that classic metallic-sounding effect, as used in many old school Hardcore / Jungle / Speed Garage tunes from the 1990s, without the need for an actual Akai sampler.


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  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    been using this for years. it is a nice little utility and does what you would expect to time stretched sounds. saying "without an actual sampler" is a bit of a stretch (bad pun intended). an equally big part of the "Akai sound" is the convertors. you can even see this just in the (often quite a bit) out of whack resale prices of s1000 and s900/950 units compared to much more capable later S series units.
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Another thing I would like to add about this tool vs using an "actual" Akai, especially in the context of drum 'n bass breakbeats; is often referred to as "desk clipping", or generally speaking Analog Asymmetric Distortion. You could easily effects send/rec an audio file output from Akaizer and print it through a desk for similar color, saturation, and distortion. But imho, the time savings provided by using Akaizer is basically evaporated by the sample having to leave the box at all.

    it is a wonderful tool and it is free! it's a nice offline way to process samples with a no BS interface, but noone should let this tool ever dissuade you from getting an Akai (or other mfg) hardware sampler. The reason this programmer made Akaizer in the first place, is because they sound damn good, particularly with drums. Many people still literally use some as nothing but 1000$ external hw effects boxes.

    a company with the money and programming assets that would be needed, let's say Native Instruments or UVI, or even XFER Records,etc
    should create a Kontakt level product to just do all this shit once and for all.

    1. Loads Wave or Aiff
    2. Optionally loads an IR of actual hardware device (as best as possible)
    2. Slightly Changed AKAI S Series and Emu E4 Series interface and "internal workflow"
    3. Modelled Effects applied or not, d/a convertor effect applied to render or not
    4. saves file.

    Modeling these vintage instruments in 2021, with the programming talent they do have available; you would think would be obvious and not that difficult for them.
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