After 30 Musical Talent Disappears

Discussion in 'Music' started by black.afrika.zulu.x, Sep 14, 2018.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    There is nothing "wrong" with what you are saying here from my perspective. However it is like you are looking at a tiny slice of a much larger pie. that larger pie (IMHO) makes a distinction between cultural and societal phenomenon, and specific skill based areas of study and dedication.
    For example we all grow up playing baseball soccer football basketball, yet we always 100% make a clear distinction between the type of playing sports by average person and the professional level of elite athletes which dedicate every aspect of life to these sports professionally.

    We make this distinction in nuance to the degree that if a "new" type of cultural phenomenon developed of say Instagram tweeting and face-booking yourself ( regular person) playing soccer and basketball became insanely popular and a hierarchy began to develop where the top 25 people whjo did this where famous household names. we would STILL make the differentiation between REAL actual elite athletes in pro sports, and just regular dudes throwing a ball and getting famous.

    This analogy ties into the same thing with music.
    you are giving me the impression that you do not differentiate between
    1. famous people playing nursery rhyme level of musical skill with some booms and claps.
    (which still evoke a high level of emotional attachment to us)
    2. human beings which dedicate their whole life to the language of music and every aspect of music ( IE like a professional elite athlete does)

    do you or do you not make the distinction between these 2 things?

    If not what type of conversation are we having strictly "cultural popularity of sound play?" ( we can still have THAT convo we just have to remove "musical talent " from that equation.)

    If you DO make the distinction it is apparent to me the conversation cannot make any ground without considering those details of reality into the equation . otherwise our thoughts about the topic become muddied and misunderstood.

    for example the way i think of the phrase "musical talent" would be a person that knows and can play every melody and harmony ever possible. they can hear a single 4 or 5 note melody, and instantly be able to know every variety and version of it possible from beginning until the end of time.( ex. you play a 5 note melody i play you back 175 versions of it which include every possibility and alternating which exists with 12 notes.)
    I mention this because, it is like how every pro level football player knows every type of possible play given the situation ( just the rules of the game) every carpenter knows every type of design that is possible to build a cabinet. etc.
    what type of definition of "musical talent" could possibly exclude the basic knowledge of how music works including every possibility for a situation?(whether the situation is melody, harmony or rhythm)
    in my estimation NO definition of "musical talent" could exclude that.

    I ask you top please listen to this video even though it is an hour long, because if you listen closely you will hear every melody and harmony of every song you have ever heard in your life.
    i hope you give it a chance because it will change the way you think of musical talent if you give it a chance.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2018
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  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    After 30 Musical Talent Disappears"

    If a person (before 30) deals with music in a type of way of being ignorant of it
    not knowing anything about it, they approach it by thinking of a melody , harmony or rhythm in their thoughts, then clunk their way through until they find that particular combination.
    then yes it is possioble that when they reach 30 that way of treating music no longer yeilds good results hence in that situation " musical talent disapears"

    if a person (before 30) dedicates to learning every possible melody combination, every possible rhythmic combination, every possible harmony combination, and lives a life dedicating to learning and dealing with music how it works and every possibility, turning 30 CANNOT suddenly wipe their mind clean of all the possibility's, wipe their mind clean of every possible beat to create every possible melody or harmony to create, the person at 30 CANNOT just suddenly stop having ideas in their head and subsequently forget how to exactly create that idea using music the way it really works, which they have dedicated their life to.

    watch this short video
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2018
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  3. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    QUICK ANSWER: I will watch your video later this evening...but Jazz is old folks' music anyway :)
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  4. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    That's true the first 30 minutes are the most important to get the ideas out of your brain then its just editing and perfecting the thing
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  5. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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  6. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    David Bowie can't sing.
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Regarding the jazz old folks thing, just think of it when listening as the ideas it can give you with your own sounds and layers and stuff that is more modern that you like.
    the way i approach "old music" is listening past the surface sounds becuase they didnt have the technology we do today with instruments and speakers and amps and pas's they had to go with what they could in old days, but listen for the deeper level. for example how the accents of the music could have a certain beat on top or a certain musical pattern could be a synth sound instead of saxophone or trumpet etc.
    basically when you listen to it and something sparks your own creativity and interest "what could i do with that with my own style?"
    by approaching music this way i love every genre and time period each one is unique and has something special, but you can combine the best of all genres and time periods to create something new. that is TRUE creativity .
    copy, transform ,combine.

    before i fell in love with jazz and other genres like it, i was really close minded. when i opened up my mind and began to love every genre and studied them all including the history of them. i grew 1000 fold as a musician.nice talking with you homey.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2018
  8. "Trolls always speak truth" he wrote over the clang some Asian Elephant was making, banging out some ancient pachyderm jazz on the sheet metal provided it below the assembled celebrants of the wedding party, those chowing heartedly down on the yummy Thai food on the wooden balcony of the Elephant House there in the Zürich Zoo. He knew he wasn't being honest, but fuck it, if the OP could be full of it, so could he, in kind, in full, with wide and snide forthought of malice and everything in between that generous border afforded by the thread.
  9. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Say whaaaaaaat?
  10. Art imitates life imitates art...where the wedding of my brother in law intersects with this f.u.nky thread.



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  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    inspiration homes
  12. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Doooood, I scroll through a video if it's 28 seconds. Anything that can't be communicated within 7.5 seconds just isn't worth knowing.
  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    nice tie dye.. or is it some Van gogh sunflowers... ? buffet looks awesome..
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2018
  14. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    A lesser man than I might be a teeny bit jealous.
  15. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I'm green with envy myself, but since my dad was from Mars I already had a slight verdant tint,
    so I usually get away with it :hillbilly:
  16. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Awe man... I'm really hungry for Thai curry now... And I have to be a lesser man for it as well......
  17. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Attached Files:

  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    thats my head shot BTW
    just a little plastic surgery and ill be able be a billboard top 40 star!
    (lost a tooth since then though) :C
  19. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Loved the reptilian species picture of #44, probably accurate of some members in parliament and congress if aliens do exist. I'm guessing you're also enjoying the monster truck rally public addresses of #45. Feel free to get off of America's nuts though
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  20. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    You know Mars is red? :D
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