Advice: USB Audio Interfaces for Windows 8.1 64bit

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by au38wzh, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    Hi! (My first post in Audiosex - hopefully at the right place and not already discussed somewhere in the forum ;-)

    I did a research about USB audio interfaces for Windows(8.1)-64bit, but didn't get answers I was looking for.
    At the moment I use a NI Audio Kontrol 1, which gives me the well documented 'crackle and pop' problems when using not just in my DAW.
    When working only with the DAW, Audio Kontrol 1 just works fine.
    The 'crackle and pop' problems started when changed from WinXP-32bit/Win7-32bit to Win7-64bit and is still on now using Win8.1-64bit.
    So its time to change my NI Audio Kontrol 1 to another USB audio interface which runs without problems in Win-64bit.

    Would be happy to hear about experiences users made with USB audio interfaces for Windows-64bit systems - especially Win8.1 if possible.
    On some (many) manufactures sites its not really clear stated that their products are working in Win8.1-64bit.

    And what you think abt my favourites:
    - NI Komplete Audio 6 (after research not anymore, coz having the same issue as Audio Kontrol 1)
    - Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 (OS checker says ok for Win7-64bit, just ok for Win8 - 64bit isnt mentioned)
    - Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 (OS checker says nothing ab 64bit, just ok for Win7/8)
    - RME Babyface (has Win7/8 64-bit drivers) This product would reach the top of what I want to spend.
    - Roland UA-55 Quad Capture (ok for Win8.1-64bit, but reported a hum/buzz with Hi-Z on)

    I work mostly with VST's, record vocals with a 48v phantom power microphone, use a MIDI keyboard, rarely electric guitar and soundmoduls.

    Thanks already for all replies :)
  3. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    The 2i2 I use / used works perfect under 8.1 x64 here (better than it used to under Win7 x64, although that might just be computer related).
    The 2i2 had it flaws, and I see the '2i4' as the 'fixed version' of it. Better instrument input, midi (Right?) and better ranges on the gain controls.
    RME's are high-priced (and well regarded) but to be honest, you're using it primarily is input for midi and output for monitors. I think the simple micpre's in the 2i4 are for sure not worse than the RME's.. maybe even better. But it's a bit subjective (they are all pretty good low-noise these days, so if you hear differences it's a subjective question if you like it or not... The 2i2's I find better sounding than my Steinberg UR22 for instance, but it's all so very very subtle).
    Maybe check the maximum gain the mic-pre's can supply, and if that is not going to be a problem for your vocal mic. At least 60 dB is recommended so you might just be able to plug in a ribbon mic someday :).

    I've seen one thread on about the Quad-capture having more noise in the DI signal (so not even amp'd) on the instrument input. I still think 'faulty unit' since it's highly regarded, but since you also talk about hum/buzz problems on the Hi-Z who knows...

    And the 6i6 clearly states 'Windows 7 all versions, Windows 8 all versions'. Seems clear to me.
    Thereby, a company can't claim 'Windows 8' support without supporting x64, rules from Microsoft (since Windows 7 actually).

    And since the WDM driver stack (the DirectSound drivers) aren't changed from Windows 7 to Windows 8(.1), every regular sound driver for Win7 x64 should work on Win8.1 x64. And the same for ASIO (not a Microsoft thing, so nothing changes between releases).

    And another note (yeahyeah I'll stop :)): There is also the Saffire 6 USB. It's a FocusRite from the Saffire range, but USB connected. In my eyes it seems like a Scarlett with different colors, so I don't really know if the specs are good or worse or whatever.. and it isn't called a Scarlett 2i6 or something... but take a look at it, it might just be what you want. On the other hand, for what you describe (midi + one mic and no routing to external gear) the 2i4 sounds fine.
  4. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I can only suggest you anything RME. Focusrite if you just want to save the money and there is a risk that you could get crackles again. RME drivers are always top notch, even USB ones and saving for at least Babyface is a sure bet it will work properly. I always rather go with safe bets and never regretted it. The additional money you pay for RME is mainly for their expertise and it's really worth it and they deserve it. They make their own drivers while big majority of other companies just use the generic driver that they put their logo on. Austerity measures... you know? Trying to squeeze as much money as they can from a product and nobody cares about the customer once you buy their advertisement and their product.
  5. popeye

    popeye Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Go for the sure thing and leave the rest alone.....RME Babyface all the way, without a doubt!
  6. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    The guys above are right. I'm also searching for a reliable usb interface. The problems here are caused by drivers and as far as I've researched the best, rock solid drivers are made by RME. You could also look at MOTU stuff, though it seems it's not as stable in terms of drivers.
    Too bad there aren't many USB interfaces outhere competitive both in terms of price and sound. :dunno: I hope USB3 will win the war against Thunderbolt, then things will change hhopefully.
  7. MMJ

    MMJ Newbie

    Jan 30, 2014
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    roland studio capture series are the best i have ever used it what i currently use windows 8.1
  8. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    Thanks! Very much appreciate all replies so far :)

    Yep, the drivers.. I also heard that RME does a real good job with drivers.
    I might go with a Babyface, but no rush. A baby is a huge responsibility ;-)

    About Babyface and External Audio-Signals:
    It seems that audio from an external Synth can only connect to the Babyface with a XLR-cable, right? (Cable then would be: Jack - XLR)
    How about Audio from a Tape-Deck?
    Can I connect Audio-Signals to the guitar input which is on the right side of the Babyface? Is it also a Stereo input? (I'm trying to find out, but so far coudn't find anything about it)

    update: Found out in the RME User Forum that the Guitar input on the side of the babyface is only mono and I have to go into the XLR inputs of the Babyface also with signals from something like a tape deck.
  9. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    Ive got the focusrite pro 40 which i think is awesome...rock solid stability and sounds great...i had an RME which also was great but a bit overpriced for my liking...

    AVOID the presonus USB interfaces...they are well made, reliable and competitively priced but to my ears they had the worst pre-amps ive ever heard on any unit ever!!!!
  10. I went from a Saffire 6 USB which has nice sounding preamps and a driver that I never had a problem with to a Babyface which has a bit more space and definition with preamps that to my ears are a bit more focused. It took a little to get used to a different sound coming at me, however I am pleased with the move. The Totalmix software that is used with the Babyface took a few to get used to but is definitely a good tool to have for submixes (which you sound that you do not really will need with your work-flow) The workaround to the stereo in is to use TRS to XLR cables so you can go with the stereo guitar stuff as well as your keyboards. I plug my midi controller direct to my computer as it is USB. Good luck with your choice.
  11. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    I got the RME Babyface.
    I struggle at the moment with 'clicks' when play-back a song higher than 48kHz (24bit). Also checked different buffer sizes.
    Did already a research in the www, not helped yet. I read that some have the same problem with Babyface and Presonus Studio One 2.
    Next I will test it with Reaper.
    WLan is off. No Virus Software.
    Thought I can use at least 96khz with my new PC-Machine.

    My system:
    Win8.1 64bit, RAM 32gb G-Skill, CPU AMD FX-8350, Mainboard Crosshair V Formula-Z.

    Beside that 'click' problem, the RME Babyface is a neat little interface. I thought I woudnt like the breakout cable, but its great to have the cables of the desk. I only have to solve this 'click' think at higher rates than 48kHz/24bit. so, the testing will go on..

    Suggestions are welcome :)
  12. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    i got 18i8 and it works flawless. Win 7 64 bit

    I only have one issue, sometimes you need to check on updates. It will cause trouble if you don't update.
    I don't hear any pops or whistles. I use it to listen to music, games, movies or daws.

    It works pretty good for me.

    ^ It took me awhile to find that link.
  13. geraldthegenius

    geraldthegenius Noisemaker

    Dec 16, 2011
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    Out Yonder
    If you are looking or something cheap, may I suggest the vrm box. The vrmbox along with some extremely high quality phones works mad wonders on a mix/master. It took my mixing game to another level. Has some dpc/interrupt probs here and there but that's mostly because my pc was made the same year the wheel was.
  14. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    ..coming back to the stated 'clicking' problem above:
    my music dealer told me to record with 44.1kHz/24bit or 48kHz to avoid the 'clicking' and besides that,
    everything above is not really needed when just/mostly working with vst's.
  15. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    I use the Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 on Windows 8.1 with no problems.. Have you tried to do a fresh os install or change the buffer size?
  16. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    The installing was made on a fresh installed OS. Tried different Buffer sizes, but not really happy about it.
    Well, will do some more testing, but not for too long. I rather make music with 44.1kHz than do research/testing about it ;-)
    Another thing my music dealer mentioned: AMD-CPU is the main problem.. Intel is the Music-PC-CPU choice (but I stick to AMD :)

    Btw: What are your PC specs?
  17. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Did you actually improve your computer before update

    I'm confuse if you just bought/install windows 8 over the old versions/format. Maybe the computer needs more juice to run windows 8 properly.

    could try that? i wasn't able to find your NI card.