Acustica Audio - Mac

Discussion in 'Software' started by Lucas Schauer, Nov 20, 2023.

  1. officialswish

    officialswish Ultrasonic

    Dec 5, 2023
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    its all the same framework and system with the same bugs.

  2. heero

    heero Newbie

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Surprisingly it is the same issue. It occurs with Nebula as well.
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The only thing they really have in common for you to fix is the Framework, and Sonoma. I located the few posts I had noticed about the blue stripe appearing in Sonoma, and I'm looking to see if there was resolution of it or people just gave up and accepted it being there.

    Issue this in Terminal in the meantime: sudo xattr -cr /Library/Frameworks/Nebula.framework
    and make sure the Acustica folder was created inside -/Application Support

    example: "username"/Library/Application Support/Acustica. That's the error which crashes it,
    if you don't do it and then try to resize the GUI. Did you remember to remove the " T " from any plugins or their .xml files? (T for Trial) That was another common issue early on after these showed up.

    Otherwise, I asked someone else who had the problem, and will let you know if I get anything back. I would probably delete something before using it in the blue stripe condition.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2024
  4. officialswish

    officialswish Ultrasonic

    Dec 5, 2023
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    i dont have any of the trial plugin issues. nor do i have any installation issues. like i mentioned, it doesnt happen in LUNA so it seems to be a DAW issue.
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    A little reply order confusion. The first time I got these working, I had tried enough things I probably could not have told you what actually worked finally. Some of these steps were harder for people to explain than they were to actually do.
  6. heero

    heero Newbie

    Jun 30, 2019
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    I've done all of the codesigning and permissions work possible on every single file, but I have not tried removing the T. I will try that later! Just a note that I am an advanced user who has created bash & python scripts (and other cool utilities) to help with installing and codesigning. In this situation, I used opensnoop while playing with the plugins and cross-checked every file that the plugin accesses across both computers, checking permissions, codesign, etc... I add this because asking for help on forums is truly a last resort for me, but I am completely stumped on this one.

    By the way, just gotta say thank you for taking the time to help out - researching previous users who have had the same issue and messaging them. You are really just an awesome person for helping others like that.

    I will check back in once I've tried the T removal.
  7. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i managed to get it working after deleting the framework and installing (yes, literally just unpacking and copying it again) and going through all the terminal commands. it seems the upgrade does something (or doesnt) that bricks/nukes/destroys the working installation of the framework permanently
  8. Lucas Schauer

    Lucas Schauer Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Hey guys im reviving this thread again. I tried to install it again today, but everytime i try to launch the plugins, they seem to crash my daw. I tried it with a temp folder for storing the original files. Is this because i still have aquarius installed on my main machine ? Thank you again for your help ! :)
  9. BlossomwoodsCollection

    BlossomwoodsCollection Kapellmeister

    Feb 24, 2024
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    It's been so long since I actually did this, I seem to have trouble remembering exactly which steps I took. All i know is this: i BELIEVE it's necessary to uninstall Aquarius first before proceeding. Also, make sure you are installing the proper framework from sister site (from Nov. 28 2023 posting). That was the step that made everything click into place for me i recall.
  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You do not need to uninstall Aquarius. But you should anyway, because it just takes up space. It does not need to be there.

    The best way to do it, as I have mentioned a few times earlier in the thread; You install Aquarius and connect with it, using a working login. Download and install 1 free plugin from within Aquarius. After that, delete them both. Install plugins. Codesign. Block them in firewall. And you are done.

    You do not need to screw around with the framework or anything else. Installing the one plugin inside Aquarius takes care of the framework and "staging area" aspect of it. In the original instructions, there are one or two commands you probably need to run. One creates the correct folder. It mentions if you resize the plugin it will crash your DAW. Run that in terminal.

    If you are trying to mix legit and r2r'd plugins, you will have problems. Like your Aquarius ratting you out...
  11. ComboxCombo

    ComboxCombo Newbie

    Jan 5, 2025
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    Has anyone gotten the Ocean release to work on Mac? I feel like acustica changed something in there installation Hub to prevent future cracks because using the trail plugins with the windows release is not longer working for me
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