Active Members Only: All Mac related Problems with Kontakt

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. 3typen

    3typen Ultrasonic

    Jul 23, 2014
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    No, it works perfect in my case
  2. 3typen

    3typen Ultrasonic

    Jul 23, 2014
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    i have some problem to add an old lib from SA called Loegria to K661. Loegria is listed in the native access xml als SNIPID 992 I think. I don't have a nicnt, but try to create one with nicnt creator v2 released in 2021 but it doesn't got added to my kontakt and won't show up in the tab. if I try to load them they appear as Demo.

    On my old system which is on K5.6 it works cause it doesn't need a nicnt.
    any1 has a tip'?
  3. wonder

    wonder Newbie

    Jan 26, 2014
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    So Cal
    "Delete the "Productname.xml" file belonging to the KONTAKT library, which disappears from the Library tab.
    Launch KONTAKT 5 and add the library again to the Library tab."

    What if the KONTAKT library that keeps disappearing IS NOT in the "Service Center" folder? I keep adding a library that keeps disappearing when I close/reopen Kontakt.
  4. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    We are getting old and tired to try to find out which of the several phenomenons causes the problem in your particular case.
    So, rather search for this on sister site:
    [FREE] Kontakt Library Scripts [KiTTY]

    This script is the latest invention that can solve your problem.
  5. Lee

    Lee Ultrasonic

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Seems like most Mac users have no problems with Kontakt. Am I the last problem riddled Mac user standing? Have requested an update on the
    How To Install A Cracked Kontakt On A Mac With A Legit Kontakt Installed thread since it was originally posted in 2016 for Kontakt version 5 and a lot has changed since then. Have scoured the site seeking more recent advice but drawn a blank. Just need a pointer in the right direction and I'll be set. Have tried numerous installation procedures but gotten nowhere. Many genuine thanks in advance.
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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  7. Lee

    Lee Ultrasonic

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Thanks, C. I'll give this a try. Clearly since 2016 there's been significant changes to answering the eternal How To Install A Cracked Kontakt On A Mac With A Legit Kontakt Installed question.
  8. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    As an actual Kontakt Mac user, and currently using an M1 Mac, here are my findings. Again, this is what worked on my system, results may vary. Make sure you codesign and chmod your apps and plug-ins.

    You can create custom .nicnt files and wallpapers manually or with Kontakted or KLU.

    I was able to get Kontakt 5.6.5 on my M1 Mac and I've been able to add both custom and regular .ninct files for libraries. It's the only reliable method.

    Kitty's Scripts can add regular libraries. Custom libraries? Not so much.

    According to its developer, KLU uses Kitty's scripts and the cool thing is that you can create custom .nict files and wallpapers, but I haven't been able to add those custom .nicnt files with that app. However, if you create your custom files with either KLU, Kontakted, or manually, they are successfully added via Kontakt 5.

    Again, this is what worked on my system. Hope this helps.
  9. kindleman

    kindleman Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    hi all , sorry im late to the party , many posts here but i cant seem to reconnect all the dots ... been using kontakt before on an old mac now ive installed the latest ( which i assume it the only one that would work on m1) on a m1 max monterey to use on logic / pro tools.
    am i right to think there is no easy way to install the libraries ? i remember the last known trick was to add the through an older kontakt since that interface had the "add library" button and then it would show up in the newer 6.xx version.
    how does it work now in 7 ?
    ive downloaded KLU tried dragging the folder of the library inside the window ... it recognises it and shows the graphics but then it just wont show in kontakt. the only libraries i got to work are abbey road 80 drummer and rickenbacker bass... which just showed up without me having to do any installation... weird! any help / info / explanation would be much appreicated!!! thanks
  10. Lee

    Lee Ultrasonic

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Wish I could help but I'm still waiting for a fix. Have been using legit K until the hallowed day. I'm finding I can[t even install a K'd Kontakt without overwriting a legit copy. ASx member Clone has offered to help so I'll keep you updated- OS 12.3. I agree 4-5 years ago I was using K'd libraries effortlessly
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    oh I'm the last user you want Kontakt help from. I would like to try getting KLU running on High Sierra. I get an out of bounds exception error that others have reported already. I cannot run 7 and I do not have a legit version to even try it with. The last version I can run is 6.5.3. Otherwise I'm on Ventura/intel which helps noone, including me until Motu make drivers .

    This Kontakt installation and upgrade vicious circle is exactly why I have Falcon.
  12. Lee

    Lee Ultrasonic

    Oct 21, 2015
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    So now we call upon the Mac Gods of Audiosex- sounds kinky but it's gotta be said
  13. noisyneil

    noisyneil Newbie

    Jun 26, 2012
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    Since K7, I'm getting "This instrument belongs to a library that is not installed currently!" for libraries that don't have an nicnt. These libraries worked fine with previous versions. I've had a good read on the forum but can't seem to find anyone with the same issue. Sorry if I've missed it somewhere.
  14. Lee

    Lee Ultrasonic

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Don't wporry NN, Clone and I have been wading through this dilemea. Clone is light years ahead of me and I'm plodding on behind. He'll be the guy to know what to do.
  15. palepools

    palepools Member

    Jan 15, 2023
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    OK after several times of trial and error and even posting a thread here, I finally figured it out. This even will bypass the dreaded DEMO red letters. I'll try to be as concise as possible to help idiots like me do it too.

    Running a 2015 MBP on Monterey.

    [Versions you need- 5.6.0 or above, 6.7 (Bob Dule version) and the latest release of 7 to run the newest libraries]

    1) Install the library using Kontakt Utility (download this from our sister site)

    2) In 5.6, press the Add Library and choose the one you just installed. (Sometimes, it will give you a ‘No Library Found’ alert. If that happens, go back to Kontakt Utility, uninstall the library, make a new nicht file, and reinstall)

    3) Delete Native Access, reinstall from their website and open it. ¡Voila! (don't do this until steps 1 and 2 are complete for all libraries you want to add)

    Sometimes Kontakt will give you “missing samples” note on the left library column. Use 6 to find it using the ‘Search Spotlight’ button.

    NOTE: this method isn't completely 100% working, I still had a few libraries still appear in demo mode, notably Spitfire's Kepler Orchestra and Orchestral Swarm(if anyone else has tips for those, let me know), but seems to be the best and most concise way. even if its somewhat convoluted, ha!

    A BIG thanks to Bob Dule for showing me step 3

    Now, to find all these wallpapers to make everything all pretty like....
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2023
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  16. Lee

    Lee Ultrasonic

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Man that's a historic achievement, well done! One day I'll get round to trying it out.
  17. AZK_vst

    AZK_vst Newbie

    May 12, 2023
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    Hey I have Kontakt 7 and trying to remove some library’s most I have been using terminal command or deleting files from service centre but few still left over and can’t get rid off them

    Attached Files:

  18. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I suppose this is a longshot, but does anyone know an effective way to batch-relink Kontakt libraries? Kontakt doesn't seem to recognize either symlinks or aliases, so in some cases when compiling composite libraries - eg all my solo cellos, or orchestral phrases & textures, or pad collections, etc - I've taken to simply copying the original instrument files into the composite lib and relinking them to the original media. This works fine for libs with only a single instrument, or a few, with variations covered by snapshots or keyswitches, but of course there are many libraries with dozens or hundreds of instruments, and I'm not down to spend eternity relinking. It would solve so many problems for me if there was a way to select a folder of instruments and then point to another folder or a range of folders to search within (like, say, the Pro Tools relinking process) and have it do all the work for me. If that function doesn't exist in Kontakt itself (and I fear it doesn't - I certainly haven't been able to find it), it sure seems like a worthwhile utility for someone to write.
  19. Rithz

    Rithz Newbie

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Hi everyone,
    I downloaded this from audio tools, didn't get a PKG installer unlike the other OT libraries. I used the kitty scripter to add library, got this error after that. I double checked the SNPID in xml and Ninct. It matches and is the original SNPID of the library. I also checked the visibility in Plist and compared it with the other libraries. I even tried creating a new NINCT but I still got the same error. Does anyone know how to fix this ?
    Also I have read the forums and tried the solutions mentioned here but got no result.

    Am I missing something ?

    Thank you :)
  20. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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