AcousticSamples Deal: Get 76% off Outstanding 3-in-1 Guitar Bundle Deal

Discussion in 'Software News' started by funkytoe, May 19, 2017.

  1. funkytoe

    funkytoe Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2012
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    I want to record my crappy Squire Srat....convert to midi....
    and play it through a Guitar vsti.......
    AcousticSamples has a good Engine....but the Sound ....not quite shure....?

    I bought Amplesound both Acoustic Models......the main Sound is good.....
    but the Strummingsound is not the best.....

    I think this is a great Bargain for money.....but have to register Online....UVI....Ilok Acount...
    The Sound seems a little thin ....from the Videos.

    Your Opinions please........
    Last edited: May 19, 2017

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  3. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    sound is great with AS guitars, you can hardly beat Sunbird's sound for a virtual guitar intrument, but strumming and overall functionality is not the best. yet for this price this is really a bargain. GD-6 is also great. I wish they'd do Wurlie, Mark79 and Clavi 9 for this price. now that's something I would buy in an instant.
  4. funkytoe

    funkytoe Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2012
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    Thanks for reply blacknblue.....
    So you worked with the Engine ?
    Whats the biggest lack,,,,strumming Patterns or (Buggy) functionality ?
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
  5. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    NP. I've invited a person who has a more valuable experience. @Impressive
  6. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Long story short: The best, most realistically sampled Tele library out there is a tie between Ilya Efimov's Telecaster guitar for Kontakt and Ample Sound's Ample Guitar TC2. The best & most realistic-sounding sampled acoustic guitars are tied between Ample Sound and Orange Tree Samples. The best things in life don't require iLok or its buggy, satanic, Hitler-worshiping license manager.
  7. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    @Impressive might be you still tell the guy what sucks about these guitars, except, quotation: "buggy, satanic, Hitler-worshiping license manager"?
  8. thedudeman

    thedudeman Member

    Apr 6, 2017
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    Do you think Ample Sound's AGF is at the same their level as their TC? If not, is there one that you suggest for a Fender emulation?
  9. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    this guy sucks itselves and does not have the best life , as you can see on his answeres .
  10. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    What I don't like about the acousticsamples stuff is that they have poor strumming patters.
    Here are the pros and cons of acoustic samples guitars:
    Pros: Plenty of chord types, most I've seen within a plugin. I was able to play around so much I wrote one of my most successful songs with it.
    If you can play keyboard, it reminds you of playing a real guitar because you're choosing the chords with your left hand (ie: voicing) and you're controlling the strumming with your right hand... on the keyboard. This somewhat simulates the effect of playing a real guitar (nothing ever will, to be honest. You can emulate that blissful feeling of playing your favorite song on the guitar without having to look down). It sounds ok in realism... if you use solo mode.
    Cons: Unrealistic sounding strumming patterns... even if you make your own. iLok. CPU hungry. User interface isn't so great. And the samples, while good, are not the best on the market. For instance, I like the Prominy Hummingbird over the Sunbird. Sounds more like my 1969 Gibson Hummingbird. I like Ilya Efimov's Telecaster guitar or Indiginus Renegade over the AS Telematic. I play high notes via Neck Pickup on my real Telecaster into a clean AC30 Vox amp with some delay and reverb (you know the sounds of groups like "Band of Horses", "Explosions in the Sky" "The Ocean Blue" and "Coldplay"?) Telematic doesn't give me those results as well as the other 2 I mentioned. When it does, my DAW crashes due to memory overload and I'll be in the lounge area of my college swearing profusely at the computer and people will turn and look at me like I'm some exotic alien yeti with 8 heads and 15 arms.

    Now with ample sound, well they need to get realistic with the strumming too. It's hard to make a good strum track with their products without proper velocity emulation and such. No, don't use their built-in strumming engine. Turn the strumming pattern engine off. Flick on the "strum" switch, choose some chords, and plant the notes in the piano roll to make it your own chord strumming track. That's what I do. I get ok results... they're convincing. The solo mode? Damn it's good.
    Orange tree has a nice strumming engine if you use their preset patterns. If you try to make your own, well then may the force be with you because you're gonna need it... as well as a lot of patience and time on your hands.
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  11. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Honestly, the only thing that I wish the TC had that the AGF has, is the Neck pickup option. However yes, they are both top notch sounding stuff. Take it from a guy who played guitar for 10 years, and knows what he is looking for in terms of that pristine sound from a VI. I searched for a long time and Ample Sound is a blessing for me. Now I don't have to bring 8 fricking guitars with me if I'm on the road. Ample sound and Orange Tree made my music life a lot easier. Especially because it's not musiclab where you only have a few products to choose from... a Les Paul, a Strat, a Rickenbacker, a 8 string and a shitty acoustic guitar.
    There is NO guitar VI that has a great strumming engine. Like I said, AcousticSamples isn't bad, but it isn't great either. Neither is Ample Sound's strumming. But there's not a ton of competition between them. The difference is clear.
  12. funkytoe

    funkytoe Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2012
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    Impressive....big,,,Big..thanks for your thoughts...!!!!
    Kind of had the same Idea....turned the Stummer off
    (AmpleSound AGT) recorded my Strat...converted to Midi
    and alot of teaking....
    I need a long journey of trials + errors.....but maybe
    it could work....

    Impressive....once saved me money and
    proberly alot of frustration.......!!!
  13. thedudeman

    thedudeman Member

    Apr 6, 2017
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    @Impressive have you tried/do you convert your own strumming like @funkytoe and use that midi info to trigger samples? Or do you use the engine's strum information (i.e. single strums ups and downs to program a pattern)? I know with Ample you can control different parameters of the strum, but I'm curious if you've had better results one way or the other.

    @funkytoe what do you convert your audio to midi with? Melodyne?

    Appreciate your thoughts!
  14. funkytoe

    funkytoe Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2012
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  15. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Yes, that is what I do and I've had better luck with Ample sound. I do the same with Vir2 Acou6tics, Prominy Hummingbird, and others.
    PS: Just tried Ample sound's Ukulele and I already got some pretty badass ukulele tracks with it. Very convincing. I just sent it to someone who's been playing the real thing longer than me and asked if she thought it was real... she said yes and I told her it was actually midi. I can't say much else other than she was quite shocked lmao.
  16. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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