Access VSTs via Window Dropdown in Menu Bar

Discussion in 'Logic' started by SerendiPetey, May 3, 2019.

  1. SerendiPetey

    SerendiPetey Newbie

    May 16, 2012
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    When I first open a working project, all my VST's and Plugins are listed, along with all other windows, in the Window dropdown via the Menu Bar. Once I click "V" and hide them for the first time, they no longer appear listed after I click "V" again to un-hide them. Is there a way to make them always reappear in the Dropdown upon unhiding?

    Logic Pro X 10.4.4
    Mojave 10.14.4
  3. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Interesting. I have no idea which drop-drown you are referring to. V just hides all plugin windows.
    I guess you mean AUs, not VSTs.
    None of my plugins are listed in the Window dropdown from the Menu bar. Only options to show certain windows.

    I guess, just open all plugins and save & lock that to a screenset? Then you can switch that view on or off.
  4. SerendiPetey

    SerendiPetey Newbie

    May 16, 2012
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    Here's a couple screenshots to show you what I'm talking about:

    Dropdown Menu Access

    VSTs up on other screen

    Once I hit "V' to hide them, that dropwdown menu access vanishes after I unhide them. I'd like them to have persistent dropdown menu access when they're visible.
  5. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Oh, sorry, I see now. Well, AFAIK, yes that would be expected. They're only showing in the dropdown because they are open.
    As said above, save that as a screenset, and lock it. Then you can switch between having all instruments showing or not.
    I notice you aren't using any other screenset, just '1'.
    I guess you were using the term VST in a general sense, hence the confusion! Those Kontakt instances are AU, obvs! And the fact you also said 'plugins' was even more confusing, as I thought there was a new way to view fx plugins!

    Hey; you know you can condense the inst and stereo out channel strips, on the left?
  6. SerendiPetey

    SerendiPetey Newbie

    May 16, 2012
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    Yes, when they're open. But once I use "V" to hide the AUs (yes I meant that, oops), THEN unhide them by using "V" again, they do not reappear in the dropwdown menu.
    However I will try to save the screenset and see if that solves it. It's not just having the windows open, but having access to them via THAT dropdown menu under WINDOW in the Logic Menu Bar.

    Condense how? And to what benefit? Please do explain if you have the time :)
  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Oh I just meant that, seeing how fat your channel strips were, that you can hover over the line between them and the arrange window, and just drag that line & squash them thinner to the left. To the benefit of having slightly more screen space. Or if you go all the way, you'll just have the arrange window.
    You can bring them back with the 'i' inspector button again.

    Yeah, I can see how being able to choose an instance of Kontakt via the dropdown would be convenient.
    Hmm. I wonder if it's a bug? I'm on 10.4.4 too, so I'll have a tinker.
    I know it seems they should reappear after 'unhiding' them.
    I've never actually used or relied on that, so I'll have a play around and see...
  8. SerendiPetey

    SerendiPetey Newbie

    May 16, 2012
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    Oh yeah I know about Condensing the trip in that regard. Keep in mind, when I use "V" the second time ALL the AU windows reopen, no problem. It's that they no longer appear in the menu once you hide, then unhude them. It seems like you only get that one chot to keep them there, unless there is a setting that changes that. THAT'S what I'm looking for.