Ableton Live 2: Sound Design

Discussion in 'Software News' started by justsomenewb, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. justsomenewb

    justsomenewb Newbie

    Jan 9, 2012
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    It will be released sometime this summer, got to find the time to watermark it. This one gets watermarked like a bitch, because of what happened last time
  3. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    What watermark will be used ???

    I know for sure that the only watermark effectively working
    has to have at least 10 seconds of audio material.

    What can happen if I use watermarked samples?
    Will that be traceable in my finished track ?

    I read about one that can, ...but again !!!
    This needs also more then 10 seconds of audio( they must use the one I know but they don't tell),
    and this way only be used for songs mp3 and so on...

    You also have to load one of these watermarked songs anywhere
    so that the company offering this protection can track it.
    They can't read your hard drive and the watermark is not actively calling home...!
  4. justsomenewb

    justsomenewb Newbie

    Jan 9, 2012
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    not trying to be mean or anything m8, I just don't understand what you're trying to tell me. are you telling me that the company has watermarked their own videos and if I release them, they will than find me? if that's the case, that would be false. I'm always on a private ip address and the method I used to achieve this knowledge for us all, is not detectable. This course was the biggest scam I've ever saw in my life time,the sound design for trance course, which was released by trance music mastery is 10x better than this shitty class. I didn't get a chance to get any of the notes, because they're pointless and I decided to just download all of the videos.

    When I watermark a few of the videos, I'm only going to be promoting artist/companies that deserve FREE promotion/advertising. It won't get in the way of anything and this will also help stop people making money off of my releases. I'm still trying to figure out what's the best program to help me watermark at least half of the videos. All three of these courses will be released probably within a month. I'm going to release the trance music production course first and have decided to release that at the end of this week!

    people can say what they want, but a lot of people on these forums don't even make music at all, let alone play an instrument. They just try to make money off of warez and leak tutorials from companies that can't afford it. hope that answers your question and feel free to recommend any file sharing hosting websites that I should use