Ableton Live 10 (See What's New)

Discussion in 'Software News' started by dadarkman, Nov 2, 2017.


Good Enough After Such a Long Wait?

Poll closed Dec 2, 2017.
  1. Enough

    28 vote(s)
  2. It's OK!

    42 vote(s)
  3. Not Even Close

    22 vote(s)
  1. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Lol, you're funny. Try taking the time to read my post before before ranting, it will stop you looking like a rabid fanboy.

    Did i say i didn't own Live. Heres a hint for you, i owned live 7, live 8 suite and i currently own live 9 suite. Thats own as in i paid a fucking load of money for them, not own as in i have a warez copy.

    Therefore i think i have as much right as you to express an opinion on the new live 10.

    While "Ableton is what it is", it could be so much better and i'm disappointed with what it will be.

    Theres still too many technical limitations for me, 12 send and returns is crazy and i bet they haven't increased the controllers limit of 6 either.
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  2. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    Blame Apple for this, not Ableton. The development tools they release with every new iteration of OSX drops support for older versions.
  3. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    LOL. This reminds me of something totally unrelated, but never mind... like.... I CLEARLY quoted the other guy, but YOU decided to take it to heart and respond as if I quoted you. And then you also assume that I don't own a paid copy. The name calling starts, so this is where we will, well, I will stop corresponding with you. You'll get over the disappointment... Well, you already did, right? You said "Bitwig and Reaper are the 2 i need and use." Done. Life is great. Stay creative.
  4. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    SMH!!! So, yeah by page 1 a few had to keep ranting how much they hate Live. By page 3 is almost impossible to remember the thread is about Live 10 because Reaper took over. I get it guys, you like certain DAWs and certain DAWs have a few or more features than Live, yes I get it. However, what I never get is why spending so much negative energy on a thread of a DAW that you know is not up to your expectation? It's like hating McDonald's for years but every time you pass by one, you feel the need to enter it, read the menu and proceed to tell all the other customers out loud how much you hate MacDonald's and been hoping they add Mozzarella Cheese to the menu; every time you pass a MacDonald's? Wouldn't that be absurd?

    The DAW of choice is personal and always gonna be. Trying to come in a thread and ranting how "it sucks", "it's behind", "Reaper has 3 million Comping features" and on and on... That will NOT stop the people who use Live from using it. Vice versa, it would be the same to say to someone going in a thread of Reaper and start doing the same. Even for the folks who also own previous versions of Live, that still makes no sense!

    There's a difference between saying your peace and ranting negatively forever. It's not even a normal debate anymore, the whole thing turns into a continual negative rant!

    With that said, the upgrade is not a game-changing upgrade. However, if you are a Live user and already knows the ins and out of it then the workflow will be a bit more interesting and widen the possibilities in Live 10. Will I upgrade? Hell yeah!

    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    D&D is not special. And AL still feels like VST, not DAW. BTW I'm still using it by rewire as... VST :hillbilly:
    Agree about Creeper. And S1 better than Cubase(money is not the point here).
  6. Mr. X

    Mr. X Guest

    I would love single-click button features for more randomness in note editing. Reason's old Tool Tab had features to change an entire marked group of notes for your choice of randomness in velocity, pitch, note length and more. Random within the scale percentage you set ofc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2018
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  7. Adam Ford

    Adam Ford Producer

    Mar 2, 2017
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    I'm a Reaper user and I switched and learned Ableton Live 9 just for a few things:

    Because it's full of good internal instruments without getting into the external ones, even if I own tons of soft synths sometimes what I need it's just something inside Ableton.

    The Audio Effects are another great tool, let's take the delays for example and even if they're simple compared to monsters like Echoboy, you get good by learning what every knob does to the sound at the hardest and fastest way you can imagine.

    I switched because Live is faster than hell when it comes to arrangement and production, I can arrange and produce a song in 3 days at max making it complex when I had to spend a week on Reaper.

    Once I'm done, I export my files, my FX returns and go back to my job, mixing and mastering through Reaper using its full capabilities because AL is still behind 60% of the existing DAWs but that doesn't mean that Live isn't good or powerful, certainly it's something unique.

    Am I satisfied by Live 10?

    It will be covered by useful tools but something that I miss is the MIDI editing tools that I already got inside Reaper or other Daws.

    For example:

    - Right click, select Cmin9add13, add, done;
    - Drag and click, edit midi velocity, done.

    And man I hope they found a new way to zoom in and out because Live suck so bad at zooming.

    But overall, Live producers tend to be producers and not engineers, the majority lack engineering theory, experience and skills but try hard to get their songs done and some even study and practice to get better at mixing or mastering.

    I don't mind about hearing a bad mixed song as long as arrangement and production are good and I don't mind if my desires will never be implemented in Live 10 future updates because if I don't like something I can use other things or use this for this task and that for that task.

    We are humans, we adapt to problems, not viceversa.

    Just my 2 cents and sorry for my long ass post,

    Live 10 for me: 8/10

    If they put what we need:
    Better midi editing;
    Properly done Zoom;

    I might even think to leave Reaper.
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  8. mesfigas

    mesfigas Noisemaker

    Nov 2, 2016
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    This software is for people who make electronic music no need to blame them for this.
    every software aim specific people to use it so use it if you need it or bypass it and use another software.
  9. rosko

    rosko Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    people imo still don't really get what live is it seems. it is not like other daws, live was never meant to feel like a complex daw its supposed to feel like a creative instrument. That has always been the philosophy & this is why i ditched all my other DAWs long ago.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
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  10. rosko

    rosko Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    What features do vst3 offer over vst2? I remember cubase brought vst3 out due to limitations to cubases routings & always thought the benefits where really for stienberg?
  11. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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  12. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Those stupid Live users don't have a sweet pony poster like the one my mom got me. Plus I'll soon be Otherkin on tumbler. That'll show them! :trashing:
  13. mesfigas

    mesfigas Noisemaker

    Nov 2, 2016
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  14. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
  15. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    still can't flatten SC'd audio...
  16. Placeholder

    Placeholder Ultrasonic

    Apr 28, 2016
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    Not sure I understand what sort of better MIDI editing you want Adams Ford. 10 will have ghosted notes like FL Studio which, for me, was what I always wanted. That's on top of groups within groups and other little improvements.
  17. fuziohm

    fuziohm Ultrasonic

    Apr 18, 2015
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    too bad theay anunce the daw and you have to wait 3, 4 months to put your hands on it :(:(:guru::snuffy:
  18. Johnny Blaze

    Johnny Blaze Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    Not bad. Not bad at all. I really like the "Capture" feature. It's kind of a "takes" on steroids. The editing clips on the fly in arrangement view is also cool. There are new devices, M4L is now integrated within Live itself. A cool GUI overhaul that managed to maintain the Ableton feel.
    The only thing I think they could have added was a scale mode into the Piano Roll to highlight or even correct notes. Similar to what the Scales MIDI Effect does but integrated into the Piano Roll.

    The groups stuff are cool but I don't really use groups (folders) in Live. Ever since I "lost" (I managed to recover them through a slow and tedious process) 2 full projects with deadlines due to a bug that would crash Live and the cause was the Groups feature, I started doing Bussing via routing in the patchbay onto a dedicated audio track. It sucks since I can't collapse the channels, but oh well... Better safe then sorry. This issue is probably addressed by now and was probably non-general which means that the problem was related to my computer. Still...

    However, VST3 missing is not cool. A lot of companies now stopped delivering stuff in VST2.4 like, for instance, Antares. Which is kind of stupid because besides scalable GUI and a few minor unimportant tweaks, VST3 offers nothing out of the extraordinary that justifies the hype. Not being able to load batches of external plug-ins is a pain in the ass if you have projects that make use of them. So this bad joke actually ended up costing me a Reaper license.
    Come on, pay those Steinberg guys for the license on this one already! Because if the big guys like Native Instruments decide to go on a VST3 only rant, we'll be damned.
    So, yellow card for Ableton here!

    To be honest, Ableton 9, as it is right now, for me is enough. I've been using it since version 5 and it really came a long way. I've worked on tracks in the past (early 90s) where the only things I had were a 4 track Fostex recorder, an Alesis HR-16b drum machine and a sampler and we managed to get things done so I don't really understand some of the comments here. It feels like people want a DAW that makes the actual music for them. And this is not Ableton specific. I've seen the same in the Reaper, Logic, S1 threads.
    Any given DAW of nowadays with native stock plug-ins inside a damn laptop is more than what Kraftwerk had in a 5 by 10m studio full of gear.
  19. Spacely

    Spacely Producer

    Jan 4, 2015
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    I like the new features. Looking forward to on the sister site before deciding to upgrade or not.
  20. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    It is in beta. Maybe a thing or two will be added and or expanded on in time for the actual release, no? :dunno: Among everything else they're offering now, I'm just glad nudge with keyboard is a thing now, and that I can edit more than one midi clip at a time. That has been driving me nuts since my very recent switch from Logic, which I've been using since V4. My reason for switching is as someone else mentioned, it *feels* more like an instrument. It took me little time to learn and I'm far more productive and creative as a result. I should have done this years ago honestly. If I need something Logic has to offer, well I have too.