Discussion in 'humor' started by Moogerfooger, Apr 8, 2017.

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  1. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    The air in the airplane is moving with the plane in a closed environment.
    The air is supposedly moving with the 1040mph rotation just by gravity? While clouds move freely in any direction. Birds fly in any direction? The mighty power of gravity can't keep a little birdie from flying but we are to believe is keeps air rotating with the earth at 1040 mph. Yeah you wouldn't feel something this big rotating at 300 miles above speed of sound.

    ARe you the lizard?
  2. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Yes, I know all that, I've studied and worked in geophysics. I'm not arguing with you, my reply was aimed at dragonhill but I forgot to quote him.
  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I'm so glad there are some Germans in this thread :winker:
  4. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    that is why you are going back to ignore.
    You seem to ignore the evidence presented..........all of it.

    Try the Utah lake experiment. AGAIN.
    Now pay close attention

    for the last time since no one disputes the math:

    Camera and light source on a frozen lake both at the same altitude 4990ft.
    Now go google a Global curvature calc and type in
    30 inches or 2.5 ft which is the height of the camera on the frozen lake
    now type in 7.53 miles the distance of the two objects
    what is the curvature?
    20.8 feet of curvature.
    light source is brought down from a hill greater than this curvature, sorry I don't remember every detail , to ensure it ain't a fucking mirage. like @mozee tried to explain but failed
    @Medrewb refused to answer if the curvature should be greater than at sea level. i think all Global calcs assume sea level....at least that is what I'm sticking with unless someone wants to show me other wise.

    Why doesn't the light disappear below the 20 feet of curvature? the light source never left the view of the camera.
    Same lake this time with a laser across 7.5 miles. You do the math this time. A fucking laser that somehow bends for curvature according to currently barfing @Herr Durr.

    Unless someone shows me the math where water has curvature but ice doesn't, this is an unexplained anomaly on this global earth?

    This is a simple experiment that doesn't require any theoretical math...............
    Now once again if anyone can show me proof of rotation using a gyroscope that would be a first for the Flat Earther community. I will gladly present it to the flat earth 24/7 youtube live sessions, where anyone can post question in the comment section.

    This fucking shitty condescending attitude that has been displayed towards me here will not be tolerated, so watch your language if you dare to comment. Good fucking luck to the one idiot that wanted more Flat Earthers here.
    There are engineers and not just interns like @Medrewb proclaiming none of the software ever adjusts automatically for curvature. people that designed, not interned, long ass bridges across vast bodies of water that are on the Flat Earther side.
    That is why @Medrewb and @mozee chose to disappear. All their fancy theoretical math the large fucking fonts. Glad they are gone

    @mozee ..........fetch.....good boy
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2017
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • List
  5. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    A simple question for a simple user, and one you've unsurprisingly ignored a couple of times already.
    The East and West edges of your made up disc world - Where are they?

    Just answer the question. It should be easy for you.

    Loony making threats now :knock:

    Sure thing, Mr caveman brain.:rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2017
  6. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Judging by all the edit's to this post, and frequency and urgency of them, it's quite clear you're struggling big time.
    You painted yourself in to a corner and now don't like the fact people think you're a fucked up weirdo acting like a moron from 4 hundred years ago.
    It's funny :rofl:
  7. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    i'm not gonna argue about gravity with you. But please explain why air rotates with the earth at 1040 mph? what is the top to this enclosed system? As @Lambchop tried to point out throwing a coin in a airplane is the same as the canon ball at the equator with no apparent ceiling?
    At what altitude is the top of this enclosed system?
  8. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    No body indulge him until he answers my question first.

    Where are the East and West edges to the flat Earth?

    It's important because a flat Earth will have edges all around it. I've travelled across the skies and circumnavigated the globe by air. I saw no edges. He's lying, bull shitting or mental.
  9. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Every see the united nations flag ? Where you see the two big leaves or branches surrounding that map is where Antarctica is. all around in a circle.
    Research Operation High Jump
    Antarctica Treaty
    Operation Fish Bowl

    Do at least one minute of research on the topic before you ask moronic questions like that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2017
  10. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Great did you fly north south or just east west like every other expedition. No one has circumnavigated the earth North South.
    You are back on ignore, moron
    If I don't answer you there is a reason because you are too stupid to enter this conversation. Go watch one fucking video I have uploaded. better yet just leave, you have nothing to add

    Did you join just to troll this thread? Wait... don't bother answering because you are on ignore.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2017
  11. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Just answer the question. Where are the East and West edges of the flat world?

    Aside from the fact that both poles are fucking frozen isolated wilderness, that is irrelevant.
    You state the Antarctic accord as proof of the existence of a disc world. Well, if there are edges we're not allowed to see by going North to South, then by definition, there must be edges East to West. Where are they?

    And ignore me, like fuck you are lol
  12. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    I disagree with practically everything dragonhill has said on this topic, but people losing their shit and abusing each other will get us nowhere.
  13. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    I don't share your sense of appease the idiot, but fair play to you for being born that way.
  14. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Antarctica is the two big leaves that go all the way around :rofl:
    What about the great big gap at the top? Ships could sail right off that lol

    Research operation Nut job.
    Operation lackwit.
    Operation I just dribbled on my tinkle.

    There is nothing to add. The world is a globe and not flat. The end.
    Yes, and to point out your stupidity.
    And of course I'm not or you wouldn't feel the need to keep editing your posts after every comment I make.

    Amateur :yes:

    Now, east and west boundaries. Where are they? Still waiting for the lines on a map.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2017
  15. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    I would love to hear your thoughts on the frozen lake experiments
    how the air is moving with the earth with no apparent ceiling like a plane?
    Would an air powered gyroscope used in airplaines, as long as you know the exact coordinates the experiment is taking place, be good tool to check for rotation?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2017
  16. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

  17. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I am not gone buddy... just getting the entertainment value without the headache.

    I can't talk to you about any of this stuff because as it has been mentioned before you have the intellectual abstraction capacity of a small a child and there is nothing wrong with that. Don't take that as insult it isn't meant to be, I think its pretty cool. Sometimes, I too wish we could live the Roadrunner and Wille E. Coyote universe.

    You want to believe - so believe - I don't see why you need mine or anyone's approval or disapproval.

    If you think I have skin in this game - man you are way off brother. I have seen terrible things and great things on my time on planet Earth, I've seen and done things have have kept me up till my body finally went to sleep from sheer chemical exhaustion. On the scale of how important this non-conversation has even if just constrained to events of the last week - it hasn't been important at all. The only thing that got a rise out of me in the whole shebang was when you mis-quoted me and put words in my mouth, but then I think you didn't even know what you did and probably still don't understand. Perhaps you can understand and perhaps you can not - but in some circles what a man says and what he means are scared, twisting or re-interpretation of for any purpose are more than enough cause to justify not only hostilities but violence. So we can't talk.

    We come from two different worlds, and in two different worlds we shall stay. We might wave to each other on subjects of no substance and exchange certain information on subjective matters like pickups or amps from time to time, but that is about it.

    Alas, we are back to the original premise... you are either trolling or you just do not have the necessary tools and capacity to understand any explanation that will be offered up. I think that overall that reflects badly upon our world in general, because I don't think the phenomena is relegated to the United States. Brother, I am sorry we failed you to such an extent that we need to have this talk at all. However, you are your own man, and in this world you have to make your way, and on that note - there is a rope, grab it, sink or swim; ain't my problem.

    Merry Christmas and believe or don't believe whatever you want man, at some point when we've both been dead and gone for a long time (I hope) our children or their children or.... will sort it out with words or with blood if it needs to get sorted, but right here right now - not my problem.

    I am very curious as to how you would design an experiment to measure that but please do not answer as it is way beyond the scope of this forum. I hope to read about it one day I still have subs to J.Cosmol and Nature.
  18. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    I will admit I haven't watched the video. I went to YouTube and 99% of the comments were praising God, and the video's author links to a bible site, so it seems the video was made from a fundamental Christian point of view with the purpose of glorifying the existence of God rather than to further science, which is an immediate red flag.

    As you've watched it and I haven't, perhaps you can tell me whether we see him drive the 7.5 miles. I mean actually see the distance driven on a mileometer or by GPS. Regardless, in science one result means nothing, the experiment would need repeating over and over again under the same conditions. Also, if the Earth is flat, the experiment should be able to be scaled up and the same result should be seen over distances of 100s of miles. Has anybody achieved this?

    Finally, for every flat earth proof video on YouTube there will be another proving that the world is a sphere. Believing one of the other will not provide a definitive solution, the only answer is to test the theories oneself. I've seen the change in orientation of the constellations with latitude, I've seen the Pole star drop below the horizon around 1 or 2 degrees south, and I've actually measured the distance to galaxies using the Cepheid variable star method. This, among many other reasons, is why I choose to believe what I do.
  19. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Great paragraph. I really liked it. A perfect summary. :wink:
  20. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Why would I wish to design an experiment to measure Universal Acceleration when it doesn't exist. That would be like designing an experiment to measure unicorn farts.
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