Discussion in 'humor' started by Moogerfooger, Apr 8, 2017.

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  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    So, which plugin are we discussing again?
  2. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Just to keep this related to music in case a moderator comes around and tells us it's off topic:
    If Earth was a musical note, it would B flat.
  3. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Calculus on Xfer Serum and Theory of gravity to prove the earth and Xfer Serum is flat as Calculus is CGI :bleh:
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  4. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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  5. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    No I don't think I'm better than Russian scientists, how about these scientists?
    Orion NASA scientist.

    here's some more NASA scientists and astronauts ..... watch for Alan Bean it is comical

    Of all verses to choose from isn't it a curious one to pick for a rocket scientist on his tombstone?
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  6. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Never heard of that guy. Apparently he doesn't know about Stanley Kubrick's rear projection technique used in 1968?

    Here are some crazy youtube scientist talking about the Rover with maximun operating temp for the battery used far below the average temp of the moon.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2017
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  7. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Look the original youtube video and take it in CONTEX. Not some edited reuploaded youtube videos with a very TRASH CGI PHOTOSHOPED TEXT editing skills.
    Even Bill Nye said "We lived in a closed system" <- so make a FIRMAMENT video with this and take it take of context?

    What do Flat Earthers always say.. ahhh yes PERSPECTIVE .. Why dont you PERSPECTIVED or take it in Context the original Video.?
    Or we can take your famous so called Psalm quote and take that into context with the quote below?
    Not really "The Bible tells us how to go to HEAVEN, not how the HEAVEN goes.. "
    I think he is mocking.
    Or you can RESEARCH and ask is Relatives and tell me the answer?
    Like I have said I have Books written by Atheist which have verses of the bible on all chapters.:winker:

    Do you even know what is VAN ALLEN BELT?

    Do you know they are high energy charged particles taking the shape of the earth's magnetic field as they are attracted to it, and it came from the Sun's ray and cosmic radiation form other exploding stars?

    Do you know Flat Earthers believed VAN ALLEN BELT but do not believed what made up the VAN ALLEN BELT, as high energy charged particles are CGI or Photoshoped to THEM? :rofl:

    The biggest mistake made by Flat Earthers is bringing up the Van Allen Belt is they did not believe any TOOLS or METHODS or RESEARCH or EVIDENCE that proved the Van Allen Belt, let alone understands what a PROTON and a Magnetic Radiation is.

    And if you know the pattern of the Magnetic Field of the Earth you can go around it as the charged particles did not cover the Earth entirely, Which of course was in the original Thesis but Flat Earthers failed to mentioned :bleh:.

    And do you know Radiation Poisoning also depends with time? Do you know X-Ray can kill you? Why do people use X-Ray then? Among the 10+ measurements of the concentration of radiation, which one did you know? Did they mention on Flat Earth Videos about the units and what time?

    And do you know the concentration of the charged particles which made the Van Allen Belt is not concentrated in a single filed? And do you know we can measure where the charged particles are using some apparatus the same way they detected the Van Allen Belt and Flat Earthers did not believed that but believed the VAN ALLEN BELT ONLY and did not know the same apparatus was used where the concentration of radiation was.

    Its funny you believe only the NAME "VAN ALLEN BELT" and did not RESEARCH the method on how it passed the peer review by people all over the world the same way they did to the Theory of Gravity, Laws of motion, Transistors, Capacitors, etc.

    Seems like you do not know what is VAN ALLEN BELT at all. Maybe a little RESEARCH eh?? before you fall and embarassed yourself on taking topics which you clearly do not understand and speak of what the real RESEARCHER and the THEORIST said which of course will be all CGI and Photoshoped as they are Scientist :wink:.
    Really nice job Cherry Picking
    Why don't you RESEARCH him on utoobs ? of course I do not say he is right. But both MARK SCHUBIN and Stanley Kubrick could be right or wrong.

    I don't like posting utoobs videos and memes and claim to be RESEARCHER like flat earthers but his is an interesting watch.
    REAL LIVE EXPERIMENTS not some Copy/Pasting copyrighted videos with poor CGI and Video composites and claims to be CGI expert Flat Earthes and when YOUTUBE removed their channel due to Copyright, The made a new Conspiracy Video to make more money.

    Like I said, I placed my bet on the Russian Scientist who agreed they went to the moon, as they invented the Tape Recorder, RADIO, Solarcells, Transformer, Television, and more.. I'd place my bet on them..

    Seems to me like the Russians are not so dumb to be fooled by Conspiracy theorist or NASA.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2017
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  8. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    *Nazi scientist
    He mocks us from the grave :(
  9. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    There were at least 3 NASA ISS astronauts and 4 NASA scientists, from this decade, in that video all claiming we never left low earth orbit or there is significant radiation risk without proper protection but you believe the Russians from half a century ago? If it's so easily avoided like you stated, those NASA scientists must be morons.
    Why would astronaut Don Petitt say something like:
    'The problem is we don't have the technology to go to the MOON any more' 'We used to but we destroyed it' 'it's a painful process to build it back up again'

    The battery specs on the rover in the official NASA rover handbook must be a typo then?
    Did you see the Kubrick projection technique used where the lander is in two different positions on the same mission?

    Buzz Aldrin inspecting his marvelous vacuum job on that lander foot


    looks like a decent job as space janitor
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2017
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  10. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Clearly not due to US castrating her space program; the Van Allen belt got much deadlier over the past half a century, science is stumped.

    *If you ever break character, this thread will die.
  11. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    US and Russia were fighting over who is better at Space exploration. All I am saying is Russia admit they went to the moon. The Russians will be the first one to announced if it was a HOAX :disco:. NOT Conspiracy theorist.

    US and France also fight on who Discovered HIV the day after US published the papers on HIV. YES THE NEXT DAY.
    So that goes on peer review of the previous research made by FRANCE and the US. Both gave different names over the virus and later it was agreed by all and named it HIV.

    See how fast it took on just one simple retrovirus.

    Out of context again, why don't you go and email him? Or ask a rocket scientist if you have relatives? This is rocket science, and I am not afraid to say I do not know much on what they destroyed :dunno: and this does not mean the moon landing is a HOAX.

    And do you really think NASA would put that interview for public if they had FAKED it?

    I mean, even Flat Earthers are also not dumb enough to post the real composition of the Van Allen Belt but posted only the VAN ALLEN BELT and one property of it. If they were soooooo dumb, they would post what made up the Van Allen Belt like the charged particles and the shape of the Magnetic Field they take, which was on the original thesis (Which they did not RESEARCH maybe because its not on UTOOBS) which they claimed discovered all through CGI and Illuminati and would probably DEBUNKED themselves :rofl:.
    I am not a spacecraft engineer so I do not know the way to build the spaceship nor have I seen it close. No Spacecraft engineers in my area to give question to this.. sorry :dunno:

    From Flat Earth to Moon Landing.. seems like Flat Earthers have these in common... Next Chem Trails? :mates:
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2017
  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    What is real? ( or not)

    what does it mean to ask that question?

    what it means is that there are 2 important concepts
    imagination ( human fictional thought process)
    and reality ( the way things actually are, how they actually work for real)

    from a human being perspective of having no choice but to have thoughts.

    under what circumstances could it ever be said that a human being's thought, matched with reality ( the way things ACTUALLY WORK FOR REAL)

    what times can we say a thought matches the way something really is?

    what is the criteria to distinguish fantasy from reality?
  13. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    @Medrewb Russia Russia Russia......is that all you got?
    Better question is how did NASA allow 3 astronauts on the ISS and 3 NASA Orion scientist to say we never left earth orbit?

    I noticed you skipped the Rover battery problem. Here's another battery question:
    How was that lunar lander cooled? How big were those batteries in average 225 degrees farenhait temperatures and for how long?
    Next time it's hot out see how long a car battery lasts with the AC on.

    that is the question isn't it?
    according to Michio Kaku, cosmology has a huge problem. They have to keep inventing theories to patch previous ones.
    Pay attention to what he says about the FACTOR is is wrong.....
  14. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Ok, i'll bite, which batteries are you talking about that got to 225 degrees Fahrenheit ?
  15. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    No idea, but you know about radiant heat & endothermic reactions, right? (think instant cold packs)
    On the off-chance you're serious (Poe's Law is a killer), where did you get 225 degrees F?
  16. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    I mean yeah..? Lol I am not a rocket scientist and I dont know the integral calculus formula to calculate the amount of fuel used and weight lost to project it in space..
    Send original video. Not flat earth copy/paste video
    like i have said I am not a space craft engineer
    Like I have said I am not a space craft enginner and I do not know the conductivity of the materials used on space ships..

    Maybe link me RESEARCH papers on how i could RESEARCH more? Not UTOOBS video

    The only thing I know is the Moon is cold at night..

    Michio Kaku, a Theist and believes in Apollo and Globe Earth, I think its not right to cherry pick his quotes.. And its out of contex again.

    And more FLAT EARTH POOR CGI UTOOBS video.. Do you have proper youtube links and Watch the whole documentary and the lecture? Without cherry picking?

    I have less knowledge and interest in Rocket Science and Space Craft Engineering .. Wish i could take more classes on these.
    Best would be to ask them.. For me, I can't anyone in my state to have a conversation with..
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2017
  17. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    And warm during the day :|
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  18. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    i see there is quite a lot of difference.. No idea.. Thats too much for an under graduate like me :yes:
  19. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    On the Van Allen belt discussion.

    "Some people believe that the Apollo moon landings were a hoax because astronauts would have
    been instantly killed in the radiation belts. According to the US Occupation Safety and Health Agency(OSHA) a lethal radiation dosage is 300 Rads in one hour.
    What is your answer to the 'moon landing hoax' believers?

    Note: According to radiation dosimeters carried by Apollo astronauts, their total dosage for the entire trip to the moon and return was not more than 2 Rads over 6 days.

    The total dosage for the trip is only 11.4 Rads in52.8 minutes. Because 52.8 minutes is equal to 0.88hours, his is equal to a dosage of 11.4 Rads /0.88 hours = 13 Rads in one hour, which is well below the 300 Rads in one hour that is considered to be lethal.
    Also, this radiation exposure would be for an astronaut outside the spacecraft during the transit through the belts.
    The radiation shielding inside the spacecraft cuts down the 13 Rads/hour exposure so that it is
    completely harmless"

    C/P from;
  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Well, this is the first time in thousands of years that commoners have access to highly advanced technology that enables them to do their own experiments without the interference of the big brother.
    Digital cameras, home made rockets, high altitude balloons. Do you really think this discussion is limited to people without a formal education?

    Would you say you have a saying in the field of audio production? Are you academically trained in this field? If not, you shouldnt be talking and discussing audio engineering, especially if you disagree with certain theories.

    Same shit, who has the monopoly on science?

    Let them discuss.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2017
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