A Post-rock song. Any post-rockers here? Feedback please!!!

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by unacorda, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. unacorda

    unacorda Member

    Aug 6, 2017
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    Hello audiosex people, this is the first single of my post-rock project. Except from the drums I recorded and then mixed everything in my studio. For the guitars and the bass I used Amplitube 4 and some OwnHammer and Red Wire IRS. I recorded both the signal coming from my pedals (mainly reverb, distortion and delay) and the dry signal, but in the end I used only the dry signal re-fxing it in protools. I used mainly Valhalla and D16 stuff, and I found that they sound better than the real thing.
    It would be very important for me to know what you think about it and above all to receive criticism for the technical aspects of the mix. So feel free to ask me any further information about the recording and mixing process!

    Thank you very much

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  3. xamol13

    xamol13 Noisemaker

    Sep 4, 2017
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    london UK
    Hi mate I don't claim to be a post-rock expert but i've been making and recording guitar music since the 80's. I gave your song a couple of listens and overall the mix sounds pretty good. In the louder parts the kick gets a bit lost and the frequencies around 2k-5k sound a bit harsh. I played it thru Logic using Soundflower and adjusted the EQ slightly. Screen Shot 2017-09-04 at 19.14.18.png
  4. Adam Ford

    Adam Ford Producer

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Hey man, glad to see another post rock musician here.
    I recently mixed and mastered the new Silent Island Ep called Eclipse, if you will need some mastering hit me up, I always run cheap prices for post rock acts!
  5. Oimsio

    Oimsio Ultrasonic

    Apr 3, 2017
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    hi there,
    I agree with xamol13, + maybe a little too much use of the limiter/compressor (loud parts) for my taste.
    by the way your song rocks i like it mmmhh where's the voice? just kidding...or not.
    cheers from spain :)
  6. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Hi unacorda,

    I have to agree the freqs from ~ 1kHz - 5kHz are too loud and you compressed it too much. If you use less compression and the right limiter the right way you can keep up the rms level without loosing the life between rms and peak. Mastering isn't easy my friend.

    Usually the BD an Sn are right in the face and the cyms & co are more in the back (concerning the room). You did it the other way round and therefore BD and Sn are missing punch, but I like the cyms this way.

    And did anybody already ask about the vocals? [​IMG]
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Best Answer
    the song has great potential but is at the beginning stages still. orchestration needs a bit fleshing out ( not whole lot) the production and engineering is about 70 percent the way there. ( this comment is reference to having the song end up a big success including perfect for very large stadiums and radio) if you are not shooting that high for a goal it could be considered finished as it is brother. the song is way above average for the genre you should work hard on it to try make it a big thing .shoot for the stars my friend
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2017
  8. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Welcome and what a great way to introduce yourself with a nice composition. I have to concur on backing off the limiter threshold a bit.
    @Adam Ford
    Listened to the Eclipse album. Good job mixing and mastering. I wish the guitar player was a little more proficient on the fretboard but enjoyable none the less.

    So after some extensive 5 second research, Post - Rock is rock typically guitar driven but sans vocals?
    Did us guitar players just come up with a special genre since we are too egotesticle to let a shitty vocalist ruin our guitar masterpieces?

    My whole catalog is virtually Post Rock then.
    Good to know.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2017
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  9. dazz

    dazz Ultrasonic

    Apr 12, 2014
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    hi without sounding dumb what the hell is post rock ? is it like this ... After rock there is ( This STUFF ) fill in the space with what you like... sorry Ive never heard of Post Rock I've heard of POST Treatments in the studio .. but I'm so f... lost here and I've been making music for 37 years btw nice "Modern Soundtrack" ... you have there
  10. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Very basically, bands that use traditional rock instruments but eschew traditional rock structure. No verse, chorus, verse, for example. Only some post-rock band do do that; it's a very, very broad church. It probably peaked a dozen or so years ago, but it's still hanging around today. As for the song, it's post-rock 101, and that's not a criticism.
  11. unacorda

    unacorda Member

    Aug 6, 2017
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    Yes Xamol, I agree with you, the kick in the louder parts the kick gets a bit lost and the frequencies around 2k-5k sound a bit harsh.
    For the first issue I couldn't do better than that (maybe I did wrong with some compressions), the second one instead was wanted because I like a bit harsh and acid sound on the guitars.

    Thx a lot for your instant feedback, I will definitely consider it for my next productions!
  12. unacorda

    unacorda Member

    Aug 6, 2017
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    Thx man, I'm listening right now to Silent Island. I have to say a great mix and mastering. I cannot say the same for the songs actually, but this is just a matter of taste ;)
  13. unacorda

    unacorda Member

    Aug 6, 2017
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    Thx No Avenger, definitely mastering isn't easy. I think I learned it at my expense, so I'm definitely going to turn to a professional for next occasions. Anyway this is just a first attempt done all by myself to make my project known to as many people as possible and then evaluate if there is the potential to produce everything at a higher level.

    Regards the Bd/Sn - Cymb balancing, I know the standard, but I don't like much when the kick and snare are exaggerated, I think I prefer more the natural way a real drum sound.

    Vocals? What is that? :D
  14. unacorda

    unacorda Member

    Aug 6, 2017
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    Hi MMJ2017, thank you very much for your feedback! As you say this song is at the beginning stages still. I have to admit that at some point I did not have the strength (or the ability) to move forward and I simply abandoned the arrangement and mixing process. Maybe because I did all by myself. There are some parts, like the intro, which I do not satisfy at all, and others I know are a bit weaker. But overall I said to myself that it was not too much sense to go too far, but it was better to have some feedback from the outside world and understand if the road is the right one.

    So thanks again mr, I keep on pushin'!
  15. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    A tip i heard guitar player Tim Pierce on Pensado mention is that he works backwards from the last biggest chorus or climax to the intro. That way you can always delete tracks etc. because if you get the first chorus too big, there is nowhere to go.
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