A must-read for you "wannabe-bedroom producers"

Discussion in 'Genre Specific Production' started by LuckySevens, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    My point is that we have options. It might be annoying to be bombarded from all sides with crap but there's no point in trying to find the best crap.. just go listen to something else, explore new stuff and give yourself a chance to be surprised and inspired.
  2. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    And every kid has a laptop already. No need to save up for months. A half-day hunger strike and A shiny new Macbook at the door the very next day :dj:
  3. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    His voice/accent is hilarious. LOL.
  4. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    When I was a kid, if the teachers called the parents, well... that was fear inducing.

    Nowadays kids bring their parents to yell at teachers who tell them to behave in class.

    I don't know what to think of this "evolution" but I am not really excited about the idea of having kids.. :rofl:
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  5. Qaiss

    Qaiss Ultrasonic

    Jan 24, 2013
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    These are not emotions. They are simply subjects that sell well. This is not something of today's pop music. It's always been there. And it always will be here. It only gets more and more abundant.

    It used to be like this:

    Now it's this:

    On a serious note;

    It looks like some of you here are but hurt, because there's so much 'crappy' music out there in the charts. You feel like your music taste is better. That you can create better music, show the world what music is really about. So what's holding you back?

    Go create dope tracks that will get up high in the charts. Show the world what real music is. Make the masses follow you. Change the world!

    Don't get discouraged by the way the world around you is acting. Get kids and do teach them the norms and values you believe in. Raise them into great adults so one day they can pass it unto their children. That way you will change the world in a positive way. Even if it's just for a few teachers:)
  6. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    That's like saying "if you think a dead hooker smells bad, kill someonelse to take her place".

    I think the only problem people have with this is that there's no escape. I'am tired of names and faces thrown at me by the media and I don't even know what they've accomplished.. most of the time, nothing (Big Brother type shows and sequels anyone?). We're spammed all day.

    This wasn't and never will be about the quality of music. You either conform to the industry or you don't, no one gives a fuck about your skills or talent, it's about your potential to make money move.. and I don't really care about that shit.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2016
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  7. Qaiss

    Qaiss Ultrasonic

    Jan 24, 2013
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    :rofl:Yes exactley, but you make sure your hooker smells good.

    I get your point. I feel the same. But still, don't get frustrated about it. The big players control a big chunk, but not everything. Look at Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. I believe they've accomplished their success all by themselves. With talent and hard work.

    And if you get tired of the media, just shut if off. Your tv, smartphone, pc, etc.. I've rarely heard a Justin Bieber, Nicky Minaj or a Iggy Azalea song.
  8. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    It's a bit naive to think being high up on the charts has anything to do with making dope tracks, or technically proficient music in general. All entertainment and media is a rigged system designed to generate revenue, otherwise the house wouldn't always win. Besides that, if you got rid of the perpetual dumbing down an equal number of people would know who Larry Graham is as the people who know who Aubrey Graham is. Oops! I mean Drake.

    It's the "music INDUSTRY" one word is clearly more important than the other. And as such, all industries suffer from some problem, cannibalistic tendencies for the sake of more and more money which they horde and horde. Until certain industries are managed by bodies who wish to keep the self sustaining, everything else will suffer as a result.

    And until the idea that money has to be the sole, leading-factor in all transactions is abolished. All human interactions are subject to being undermined by the person with the most money at the given time.
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  9. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Sorry guys asking this stupid question!
    I really want to know if the mainstream medias were in your hand, what exactly would you want to produce?
    Every thing after lasting for a distinctive period of time would be repetitive and not enjoyable even what exists in your head.
  10. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Hmm... I don't know if you're really getting my point.

    To me, having heard of those names (Bieber, Minaj, Azalea) is already annoying, even though I might not recognize who Minaj and Azalea are if I saw their pics.. still, I know their names and probably heard some crap from them, be it music, nasty things they've done or shit they've said.

    It has nothing to do with talent or hard work, much less is this about people being butt hurt about someonelse's success... it is an industry, that's all. It exists to generate money at the expense of something that is art (music). Just think about how many non-music-related-stuff is sold at the expense of those fabricated artists... tv shows, perfume, clothes, etc etc.

    I can say that nowadays I know people who listen to music based on it's "freshness". If it's from two years ago, they'll say it's old and won't listen to it anymore. This surely has something to do with the values that media is transmitting to people.
  11. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Just a thought...

    If we who have at least a defined taste in music and some deeper interest in it are feeling annoyed by the industry and general media crap, what does all this do to the unsuspecting consumer?

    In the past I thought that only non-musicians would think crap like "the best music is the one that sells the most/gets on the tv & radio" but now I am not so sure anymore.. well, maybe I shouldn't even use the word "musicians" anymore. "People who make sounds" might be more appropriate.
  12. a7xfan1231

    a7xfan1231 Newbie

    Mar 1, 2016
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    We are just seeing the art of music change from heavily lyric based songs to heavily produced. Plus lyrics are just about being catchy in pop music, why should anyone care about this stuff.
  13. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Not sure what you mean by that or why you're mentioning lyrics.

    Lyrics aren't music, just an accessory.
  14. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I remember a few short years back when that "Call me maybe" song came out, and I couldn't even sleep in my bed at 2AM without hearing some kids in the summer rental house next door to me blasting it on high, and the cops would just all be like "We got a code 100 here! And I don't mean a deceased citizen, I mean we just got free donuts 100% off! Nah bro, we don't enforce the law around here." I lived on my oceanfront home at the time and the june bugs would come and raise hell all the time. So there was no way to escape the mainstream music. Truth is, no one can escape that. It's shoved down our throats non stop. You can't even drive down the highway without seeing a billboard featuring a half-naked-Justin Bieber collage. It's total crap. No, you can't just make the mainstream follow you. It's not that easy. Nowadays it doesn't matter what you know, or what you can do. It matters WHO you know and what you can do FOR THEM. Today's record labels have severe senses of tunnel vision. There ARE good bands/musicians out there, but it's extremely hard for them to break through to superstardom. The better you are, the harder it is.
    Anything that has emotion and heartfelt personality to it is shamed and shot down for it by the world around. Anything that has any meaning to the lyrics is beyond the comprehension of the masses. It's simply too deep for their shallow minds to understand.
    If the monkeys at the zoo can't understand it, it's not music. Basically mankind is devolving into unintelligent apes who get offended by anything at all and roll over and croak when they don't have a Wi-Fi signal. So in order to be popular, you have to make music for disgracefully stupid people. Our society of microscopic-brained monkeys is part of the problem too. If you're perpetually irked today's "pop" music, I honestly don't blame you at all, so consider yourself a good friend of mine.
    When I listen to today's "popular music", it doesn't even sound like music to me. The over-exagerated pitch-bending and annoying car alarm leads and those sampled "staccato-saxophone" melodies that sound like a sharting chihuahua really just irks the hell out of me. It's almost toneless due to all the annoyingly excessive pitch bending. Really it's just noise, not music. So I try to tune it out as much as I can. All I can say is guard your ears and brain-cells. Today's Pop music is notorious for eroding the brain cells of people with an IQ over 87.
    BTW, @kouros has made a lot of very good points on this article.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2016
  15. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    My bed? That explains the "backpain" I was experiencing at the time. :mates:

    It seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on tv. Where are those good old fashioned values on which we used to rely?
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  16. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Ahh yes my bad for that typo! LMAO!!!!!! That's too funny. Lol.
  17. a7xfan1231

    a7xfan1231 Newbie

    Mar 1, 2016
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    I was refering the chart in the video where he talks about lyrics becoming more simple over time... Lyrics are an accessory.
  18. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Oh ok, I haven't watched the video yet, I am just enjoying the thread's subject. :wink:
  19. lukehh

    lukehh Audiosexual

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Also interesting on this topic a study on UK artists that lists how many years of school education you need in average to understand the lyrics of the artist or band. And what should I say...They are totally right! I always knew I'm a clever guy! :)

    Quote!" The least complex lyrics out of all 6,093 songs was for ABC (Freeform) by the Eurythmics, which is just the 26 letters of the alphabet spoken one after the other." :rofl:
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  20. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Wanna talk about devolving.. take a look at the last few days of the Republican Presidential race...

    And Im a Republican!! :deep_facepalm:
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