a bottle from my internet island

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by macros, Jul 19, 2022.

  1. macros

    macros Guest

    hello all! this is going to be a long winded entry that's quasi personal in nature- you're not losing anything by not reading this is what i'm saying hahaha. i do have a vague question which has most likely been answered jammed in at the end (my phone is less than ideal, I plan on sitting down at a cafe with net tomorrow). to recap the some of the story thus far, i lost my internet and got a job- that was a few weeks ago. has anyone seen the new top gun? i haven't- but the original one's "crash and burn" sums up how things have gone ha. *Cue Kenny Loggins in your head the rest of reading this* I know I've very much overshared here before- so in my attempt to avoid that let's just say I got a paycheck out of working, and I have determined I failed the stress test of at least that type of employment. to be fair- i had some CRAZY long days due to my own mistakes/frazzledness/google maps compounding the length+small (but very nice) company, but regardless a job working 10-12 hour shifts with a couple of 17+hour shifts in was a bit of a shift from being on very legitamately i would argue disability. (haha i just typed out then erased like 2 paragraphs of ranting about the system. score one for restraint!) That's just a minor point that will lead into my question- and also alas it will delay my planned eventual commissioned knittings from crinklebumps. still on the list though!

    an "amusing" update with comcast- if karma exists i'm sure it doesn't want anything to do with that company but in the end they got their revenge for that free week i got haha. I called and used the online chat person to explain i had a partial paycheck and to ask what the minimum was to restart it until i could pay it in full in the next 2 weeks. both people, the initial plan person and activation person said they understood blah blah, it was off when i went to sleep at 8pm, activated at 3am when i left for work and when i got back at work at like 5pm it was off because of the outstanding bill. then i called and cussed out some random customer service person who rightfully hung up on me for swearing at them for absolutely lying to me, and the next day i walked into a store eminating craziness and explained what happened to a manager- and he was cool and was basically like, goddamn it my company sucks. so he put in a note explaining what happened and it'd be paid in full in like 3 days, but in the meantime it'd be great to have it for the weekend and he reactivated it. it worked until 8 am the next day, when comcast turned it off again for not paying the bill. hahaha, i mean the manager tried i do believe that, and i went back but while waiting for him to come out i realized there was no point, nor did i want to give the company anymore money. so i later cancelled, if i ever have the coin i'll pay it off slowly for credit reasons. i will never use them again, i do not care, if i have to download things using morse code and smoke signals i will figure it out.

    yes- another ranting paragraph erased! most of what i've erased is just diary entries- but they lead to my question which is for the forum specifically. out of desperation basically, for the first time in my entire life i am considering avenues of income using whatever musical knowledge i've aquired and all the spare time that i have. i figure any amount made with music is more than nothing and... yeah. anything would be awesome. i KNOW there are all sorts of youtube videos and such (and i've seen some, and will look some up again), but if anyone here has any advice they think is relevant- that's what i need. i just need someone to say,"try fiver" or something super simple and stupid-"the only disability is a bad attitude" and i have it. being self aware is almost worst at this point, but that being said even typing this out has made me mad enough at myself for being lazy to go try and think of something.

    it's not so much a reflection of my ego as much as it is just i know how much spare time i have, and no life- but i feel like i could potentially do a wide variety of sound related stuff decently. i'm frozen by a lot of things, but one thing is just the vast amount of choices... like some dumb sample packs? some dumb fiver beats? some dumb copy right free tunes? what else is there? i'm not worried about maintaining my artistic integrity- that i'm quite confident in and can keep separate without issue. it's just after this run of working its been... crushing. that kinda stress- this kind of stress puts me in a bad headspace which can very much make things worse and worse, the death spiral.

    i've never really allowed myself to think about making money off of the thing i enjoy so much, and i realize there is a difference between working and just creating for yourself- but again i'm kinda desperate, and things almost can't be worse in my life.
    anyway- although i'm asking for my hand to held here as far as giving advice i certainly don't want to waste anyone's time too much- but what you guys got that can't be found elsewhere is all your knowledge, so if someone has a direction they think i should check out lemme know i can try to take it from there!

    hope everyone is well! I'm gonna charge my laptop, find a coffee spot sometime and go through some stuff tomorrow- but especially that italo disco thread!
  3. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Your heart
    You see, there's this thing called Fiverr...

    Jk, good to hear from you again. As for sugestions, have you considered offering courses? You'd be surprised of the amount of people looking for someone who can teach them, from super complex stuff to the most basic things they could have seen on youtube but for some reason decided not to, go figure.
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Most of your neighbors probably have Comcast, wifi, and hate them just as much as any other customer. Rest assured there.
    A "great way to stick it to the man" for someone, would be to lend you a password if you asked nicely enough. Just a guess.
  5. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    It's good to see you here again.

    Despite not understanding 100% because of my bad English, I understood the idea of what you said and I will tell you something.

    There is nothing healthier than work, work is health. And work should come first over the internet. I notice you over loaded with things in your words, as if you had many problems and you don't know where to go, I notice you "Depressive" and if it really is like that, the best medicine is to work.
    In my life I had to work on many things and put music aside for a long time. I have worked in the post office delivering and scheduling letters and sometimes I would go 3 days in a row without sleeping because too many letters arrived to schedule the route. With great luck I played my guitar once a month for an hour.

    Your questions to ask on the internet, or how to earn money. In my experience, trying to make money online is more of a waste of time than success. If I were you, I would dedicate myself to the job you have now, progress, get ahead, and get out of the darkness in which you could be.

    You said you wanted a pet last time, a dog, but you didn't have a place. Focus on that, the internet is sand in your hands, it will not leave you anything at the end of your days.
    And in your bone time you can do something you like.
    Another very healthy thing is to go out and play sports, run, walk, etc. If you stay locked up, it's the worst thing you can do.

    This is my opinion
  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Private courses... hmm that gives me some ideas, too. :wink: If you feel like you have accumulated enough knowledge but you don't know how to monetise it, this is certainly one way to go about it.

    I'm like a book of audio and computer knowledge. Been an analogue studio guy for 5y [not my studio], 32y home studio owner and 25y computer service/maintenance guy. That should be worth something. :) Plus I was a teacher 20 years ago. I taught Premiere and Office [Which I both hate LOL, but I do know how to use them!]. I was also an English teacher in Taiwan for 6 months [didn't work out]. I also gave private English lessons for some time.

    See, I don't get much work in the studio. It's mostly just me and myself making music I like. Absolutely therapeutic, but doesn't make money. :( So I have a similar problem, macros. I also have a wife and thankfully no children. I also have ruined health [heart, tinnitus, depression, anxiety] and I won't be here for much longer. I give myself tops 10 years. Well, one should eat during those 10 years. And drink and smoke funny fags, too. :)

  7. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    How sad all this that we are living in these times. Where someone who studied all his life finds it difficult to get a job, and a tik toker for a stupid video fills his pockets.
    There is also less and less employment, because what a worker used to do with his hands, today a machine does. For this reason and others of so much unemployment that there is, here they want to launch a "Universal Basic Income" to Congress. It is a minimum income, but at least I ensure food. I had heard him talk about this before, not only here, in other countries, but I thought it was a utopia, but apparently, it is part of the future, that each person has guaranteed food, hopefully so.
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