8Dio and their new company - 8DM

Discussion in 'Software News' started by homer_simpson, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    - "I'm almost 30 years old"
    Age has nothing to do with it. A sample pack, a tool or instrument are simply choices to use or not to use them; regardless of age or how long you've been doing what you are doing. Jimmy James and Terry Lewis used loops and samples in their 40's; Full Force, Carl Cox, DJ Premier, D. Ramirez, and a thousands of other producers use loops without age factor.

    "I get that, some producers NEED them"
    OK, if you get that then I think we can agree that you can just let it be!
    Listen, we all gonna have a certain opinion on how music supposed to be produced or what should be used to make it and etc... BUT, it shall be remembered and noted that's all it is: opinion. And we should not go over our heads thinking that our vision of what music should be is the absolute beginning and end. That's the feeling I get from many debate where in general the guy who plays certain instrument always feel that it is the only way you can make music or be considered this or that.
    I congratulate everybody who can play X amount of instruments but the HUGE reminder is an instrument is anything that can make a sound. There are countries in the world still, where a piano, a drum set and a guitar are not used in the countries native instruments to make music.

    Am I sitting here to tell you that I'm defending someone who use a full pack to make their own song? NO, hell no. Not only is not what I'm trying to get at, but the amount of individual who do so is slim. Although I focus mainly on full tracks released professionally, I'd still say even by your example standard that commercials have a lot of the same sound; you'd literally have to sit down in front of thousands of them to detect that same sound that you are claiming.

    "To me stacking up stuffs like this is a remixer job, no a proper composition job."
    You absolutely lost me here. I don't get it. There are tons of remixers who compose, i.e. Bt, Morgan Page, Paul Van Dyk, Zedd and many more... So, I'm not sure where this is going! Is this the whole DJ vs. Musician thing once again?

    "It's one of the many things I don't get...
    - Kontakt banks : good ,, nexus2 : bad
    - premade stacattos in a holliwood strings bank : good ,, Vengeance loops : bad"
    - ....
    That whole list you've noted above is nothing but a subjective list based on your own choice, taste and opinion. I could have mine but it wouldn't help nobody but myself. Nowhere does it say that because you or I think Nexus is bad that it IS actually bad. You feel me? So, members from the board reading your list will automatically stop using Nexus? Just because you think it is bad? Do you get where I'm going with this? It is all negative energy and waste of time. Your choice is your choice and that's where it ends.
    Where have all these Musician vs. DJ debate went? I'll tell you: Nowhere. Mac vs. PC, iOS vs. Android? Nowhere, etc... etc... At the end of the day, each person stick to what they want, like and feel comfortable with.
    My idea of one software merit as good or bad doesn't change the fact that someone may feel different and use it regardless and by doing so, they break no law, no rules, no nothing!

    At the end of the day bro, you keep doing you and let others do them, that's all it comes down to. While you are considering Nexus bad, a huge amount of EDM producers use it (You already know that anyway). Not one single F*%k is giving to who thinks it is bad. However, a million f*%ks are given whenever there's a hit made with it.
    Life goes on and we keep choosing what we feel is best for us, NOT for others.

    on that note, may you have success with whatever you choose to use in your compositions.

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