
Discussion in 'humor' started by user1293435134, Sep 29, 2021.

  1. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Hunger, need of Money to subsist,
    lack of better Opportunities..

    Also being too agreeable by the sheer fear of losing the given opportunity..
    If I'm negotiating with a company and show a headstrong attitude,
    or if I told them the reality of the matter straight away, what would be really necessary for me to subsist, thrive, or make profit..
    they could and probably would just let me go, and find someone cheaper and more agreeable/pusillanimous..

    Music is very underrated nowadays, ppl want immediacy, click and play, instant result/gratification..
    Problem is music Composition and Production is anything but that, computers/software may help us a lot with the Production,
    we don't need Studios or even Orchestras like we did.. but in terms of raw/pure Composition we're just a little bit beyond the 18th century.

    But in a way it's even worse, nowadays because one person is expected to do Everything,
    Composing, Producing, Mixing and Mastering.. where in the old times there was more ppl involved on every step.
    (talkin bout 20th century tho, production/etc didn't exist before..)

    Arguably speaking tho, all the ppl involved in the creation/production of the Tools we use is also involved,
    and is indirectly helping us with the efforts they did put into it.

    But ofc that could also be said of the effort the blacksmith would put to create a hammer, etc..
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
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  2. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Agreed with all before you edited that in.
    But no, it's still more than one person! lol. Honestly.
    That is spot on. Good to play dumb, I found!
    Just smile and say yeah! :yes:
    And there is this aspect too:
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  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    In the beginning the earth was empty, now the earth is full.

    Let's go back a hundred years, there was no electric guitar and no internet. Television wasn't invented either. So every musical contact was a high point in life, and people talked about it at the fire and everyone who went on a trip had something to tell. Then came the printing of books and knowledge spreads rapidly around the globe.

    Today people stare at the television and look at pictures that have been cut together. In the meantime the smart phone was invented and you saw people who weren't looking at you anymore, but were looking at the display. What we haven't been able to do until today, as human beings, was to look inside our heads, but we had clever statisticians who then evaluated the Internet, so that you pretty much knew what people were thinking and looking for.

    Whenever an invention was made, such as the drum machine, it went very quickly and some intelligent, talented people created a new style of music, there was dancing in the discos and of course you bought music, at first it was the vinyl, then the CD Rome and later as a click as MP3 from Spotify.

    More and more young people - had the desire - to make music themselves and so the songs became more and more and more and more .... Search engines and evaluation tools such as likes and dislikes were then invented.

    Unfortunately, there were also people who wanted to make more out of their money without working, so they went on the stock exchange and speculated or they bought shares in the music industry and waited for their dividends and interest profits to be paid out. Now the firem had to achieve winners in order to pay out the dividends to the shareholders, for this they hired mathematicians and Harvard professors to invent mathematical models in order to earn even more money.

    And with that, at the end of the little story and as a final word, it was clear that the greedy criminals and corrupted, nobody stopped them, on the contrary, laws were relaxed so that the financial casino continued to generate profits from nothing. The decent and good people fell by the wayside, whose wages did not rise and are brought up as stupid consumers. Do not think about buying our products, be good and obedient. Thank goodness a few are still using your brain and staying human.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
  4. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Illusion and lies.
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  5. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    Sat here on the naughty step with my first strike and I read the rules... was great to see others awake and the mention of lee gull ease and so glad i didn't mention add-drena-c****e. Will keep sharing the truth on other platforms and stick to audio/music on here and will say I'm very sorry to the main man I respect and appreciate Olymoon
  6. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    One thing has not changed since the advent of record labels. The number of people who get blinded with 'stars in their eyes' with no thought of anything other than their perception of what being 'famous' is, has been well documented. The advent of youtube "look at me-me-me!!!" and people wanting their 15 minutes of fame who would go naked covered in green jello down the busiest intersection or most densely populated place in the world for money or just to be famous, is sadly and painfully staggering.
    There are records of bands and artists accepting garbage royalties just to be famous. With some people you would be right if you said they probably should have read the fine print and got a lawyer and didn't and others incredulously knew exactly what they were signing.

    In reverse, there are documented manuscripts showing record labels who paid out millions of dollars in advances on some artists who never became famous and never recouped their losses.

    The desire for being famous with now 7.8 billion people in the world versus pre 2000 will be a few billion less - It has risen exponentially. With youtube , FB, Twitter, Instagram and all the social media now, people seem to want fame more than ever in an environment that is more 'dime-a-dozen' than it has ever been in music history. Some people will sacrifice their own dignity and take shit to get famous. That is, unfortunately, a hard and cold truth.
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  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello "Smoove Grooves", thanks for your opinion and I hope we will get along well until the end of our days. Everyone can do something here and it is the diversity of opinions and the music that defines such a forum. I think it's important that you also listen to other arguments and opinions. This is also called respect and tolerance. Besides your and my opinion, there are thousands of other opinions. This is called diversity of opinion. Arguing about the best argument is part of being human.

    An Internet forum (from Latin forum, marketplace), also a web forum, discussion forum, online
    forum, is a virtual place for exchanging and archiving thoughts, opinions and experiences.

    In the beginning the earth was empty, now the earth is full.
    In the beginning there was no music, now there is too much music.
    In the beginning there were no books, now there are too many books.
    In the beginning there was no debt, now the world is completely over-indebted.
    In the beginning there were no plugins - now we have too many plugins.
    In the beginning there was no techno music, now we have too much techno music.
    Good was the time in between when it was balanced.

    We all have to find our way in the thicket or jungle of information. we have to separate the truth from the lies over and over again every day, make new decisions every day, sometimes we are wrong, most of the time we are right, and some things have to be fought over. No one is perfect and many people will try to preserve the human and love. Some of us fail and become hate monsters and criminals. Let's make the best of it. Life is a short trip. What is written is only from my consciousness and there are millions of other states of consciousness on this planet.

    I explain what the sentence means to me: "In the beginning the earth was empty, now the earth is full."

    At the beginning of mankind, there were a few "hunters and gatherers" who wandered through the steppe, the planet was hardly populated. Then people formed communities and practiced agriculture and ranching. They kept multiplying and there was still room for everyone. The earth gave everyone something to eat and there was enough forest to build huts and canoes out of the wood. People later traded with ships on the oceans, so large trading towns arose on the coast, which in turn attracted a great deal of people, and so the cities developed.

    At some point the oil was found and connected with it was the population explosion, now the living space, for example China, was too small and people had to be stacked on top of each other, so high-rise buildings were built. The agar areas for growing food became smaller and smaller because the streets, houses and factories needed more and more open spaces.

    In order to get the feed for Chinese pigs, contracts were made with the countries that grew soy. Since they too had too little open space, they felled trees or burned down parts of the rainforest. Nature was massively exploited and damaged, and millions of tons of pesticides were used to produce food for the masses of people.

    For example, if a country, Sudan, had a drought, they were no longer able to feed their people. In addition, there is a blatant water shortage in some regions of the world. If you live in a country from which you have to flee for whatever reason, you will encounter a lack of housing and work opportunities in another country.

    Since every person who is born also wants to have a high standard of living, raw materials and food are needed, but these are limited.
    The next generation but one will probably run out of electricity almost completely. Renewable energies such as solar - wind and water power as well as hydrogen and thermal energy to supply your computer and your DAW with electricity.
  8. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Clever tax write-offs.
    I heard a whole Seal album that took him and Trever ages and £££s to make.
    Will never see the light of day.
    Tax write-off and kick in the balls to Seal...
  9. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I know, I know! Yes, we're good, brother! :mates:
    And I liked the rest of your post, as rated.
    But without going CT, we are being lied to about population problems.
    It is condensed in the cities. Around the matrix! lol.
    And population has its control mechanisms in place for a long time.
    The green issue guilt card has been played.
    The web makes us perceive that population is a problem.
    Put it all together.
    @samsum ? lol
  10. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I read everything you put in that post even though I chopped it here to avoid what might seem like visual spam - It was very humanitarian, well thought out and intelligent, but a little off-main-topic.

    No argument here - that's a good citation example of all too many sadly. I enjoy his writing and musical energy very much. I was led to believe Jon Anderson, Kansas on the other side of the Northern Hemisphere and many, many more had very similar issues. Some, without the benefit of the tax write-off.
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  11. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    So you've talked to Steve? lol
  12. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Steve Howe? You may have perhaps. lol - He's possibly the enigma of Yes. It would not surprise me if someone said he managed to become the wealthiest of the entire group. He always came across as the silent achiever. I could be completely wrong of course, but that is certainly the impression he gave me in every performance and interview. He always seemed to talk less and get on with it.

    P.S - If you mean someone we know on here who I won't disclose his handle, yes but not so much about this. The prior info above I gleaned from historical research.
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  13. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I meant...<edited>...
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
  14. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Sorry I edited and added that in my post above.
  15. BuntyMcCunty

    BuntyMcCunty Rock Star

    Nov 13, 2019
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    If the town or city that you were born and raised in, that your family has lived in for multiple generations is no longer habitable for people due to the cost of housing, that can certainly seem like a problem. "Population" as such may not be a strictly accurate answer -- but I suspect people use it to avoid talking about migration, which doesn't really fly in polite society any more.
  16. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    If you think immigration is problematic now, just wait 'till the coastlines are uninhabital from rising sea water in a coupla years. Internal migration will be the new immigration. Nothing can stop it now.
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  17. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    OMG :rofl::facepalm: :hahaha: - The picture changed the seriousness of the message
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  18. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Definitely, not Analog Obsession...
  19. heanz

    heanz Member

    Sep 16, 2021
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    Rockstars certainly like upfront money. They feel like they made it and throw this money out of the window :like::yes:

    Then they have to recoup :thumbsup:
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  20. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    ...Although it is apropos, blind (half in this case) in a dog eat dog world. Glad you got a chuckle, I sure did.