Op, maybe you should go it alone and release stuff? Judging by your typo in the thread title, I already imagine that your .nfo texts will be authentic! btw, meant to mention, there is a little app/bit of code on the sister site which means you can send r2r an encrypted message which only they can decipher. You can post it publically. Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
no papers strangely enough has the same sound as not to mention we needs to make ya a-looking nice and purdy, boy ....for your pictures ofcourse... yeah for your pictures
I'm chilled out. Yeah I see that you have helped. Just wondering how op didn't know of the r2r app, is all.
He has that credit card, he certainly does not need any code. @Sylenth.Will.Fall fixed him up pretty good.
so your signature imply s all your pseudo political work here was just trolling...well ... -- and rd1 is just mutated foster...like to makes this site a joke