3k Computer and still dropouts and cpu Spikes - what am I Missing?

Discussion in 'PC' started by ThugLife, Feb 11, 2019.

  1. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    tried that, but system won't let me start latencymon in safe mode, giving me error driver could not be loaded because system is in safe mode. i click ok, latencymon opens. click on the play icon and it displays Access violation at adress 0061C81B in module 'LatMon.exe'. Read of address 000003CC

    and i make sure that wdf01000.sys is in the system32\drivers folder not by looking into this folder but lookin into task manager and see if the one thats triggered the one in system32 drivers... right?
  2. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Same as switching off other services eg:


    Look for wdf01000 (Or maybe Windows Driver Framework or some such). You can try switching it to "DISABLED".....or you can just STOP the service first........and run LatencyMon again. Some stuff you need might stop working. Or it might not. ;)

    OTOH, latencymon is fine.......so, all good? The limits you reach are perhaps completely normal and within reasonable bounds? Is there anything to say they are not?
  3. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    nahh your motherboard is good, and your USB audio interface is decent. Could work on that setting for awhile. Windows 7 does not support Thunderbolt so don't see any point in going back to Windows 7. I don't recommend Hackintosh for you at all stay with Windows.
    The good news you don't have to reinstall OS when you change motherboard (just uninstall a couple of drivers and you good to go). Just install a lot of good plugins and updated your plugins and software regularly and you can have that system forever. Windows 10 rules and there not gonna be a Windows 11 just updates.
    Firewire is even slower than USB in many cases so no. Then rather go the PCI route HDSPe AIO - RME Audio, but then again you need an audio interface with adat. So that gonna cost you more than swapping the motherboard and buy a thunderbolt interface. You can do it pretty cheap:
    ASUS PRIME Z370-A on ebay US $159.99 (on sale right now)
    ASUS ThunderboltEX 3 US $37.95

    Then buy the Apollo you can afford, but be sure that Apollo version support thunderbolt on Windows. Not have to be the expensive Apollo X, but if not you need the Startech adapter and cable in my signature.
    And you can sell your Asus Z370-P motherboard for a decent sum.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  4. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    I'm not sure, all I know is that there is a on/off XMP button in bios. Memory is not my strong field, but if ThugLife don't have that option maybe he don't have the supported memory for that. I have Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 2400MHz and I have the XMP on. I think that give my memory a very light "overclocking". I have tried to experiment with memory in bios it always get my system unstable, so I don't do it anymore. As you can see I don't use my full potential of the memory:
    1099 MHz x 2 = 2198 MHz
    without the XMP I think it's:
    1066 MHz x 2 = 2132 MHz
    When I try to push my memory to 2400MHz my system gets unstable and the system just crashes randomly.
    In Event Viewer it's a critical error 41 kernel power. Anyways here is a screenshot of my settings right now:
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  5. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    thank you.
    yea like i said, i don't wanna push this thread to infinity, i just want to make sure that i'm not having a ferrari just to find myself driving behind the pedestrians :)
    I also don't wanna abuse all your help, but since you all seem to be pros, i trust you more than me and as long as for example the pirate says i have problems and i should try this, i will of course give it a try. but yes you're absolutely right. maybe those are the limits. but to use this example once again, if you never drove a ferrari or bugatti and find yourself sitting behind the steering wheel of one, my guess is, you should not be underwhelmed by the performance. if you already drove lamborghinis and all of that, you might, but if you never had such thing...
    but yea maybe i'm wrong about that.

    by the way I don't recall but i think this ram was the only available or the best one on the page i ordered the whole build except for hard drives and gfx card

    you really are sent from above. This took my biggest fears away again. now i know i'm not in a hurry and can at least work on my motoric skills to handle a task like changing motherboard or cooling system :) also your opinion on the OS change is very welcome, even though its of course what i wanted to hear. And of course another big point, as long as i have to delay this and install new stuff, increase stability and so on, it's great, i don't lose all that work by switching to a new mobo. i really thought this wasn't the case.
    Also I would have bought an apollo thunderbolt interface and asked myself why i can't get it to work though i have the expansion card. this would have taken me hours again i think. you prevented me from that.
    I always thought firewire was a good option, so this is also of big value, man really this is so much valuable info.
    Be sure I will do so and keep you updated.
  6. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Right. The workaround in safemode is going to take you elsewhere so let's us leave it alone now. Stop Wdf01000.sys. Run LM. Check your PM
  7. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Wdf01000.sys numbers changed drastically when he pulled out the USB audio interface so I concluded it was the Audio Interface that caused the last remaining "high" execution in latencymon. But nothing wrong with doing more research on the cause. His Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 mk2. has the newest drivers and firmware (I hope), he has updated Windows, bios and chipset drivers so basically nothing more to do....I think. It's a combination of the shortage of the USB technology for audio and asio drivers from Focusrite. Anyway I think his numbers are above average and decent. Should be no problems on working with that system. Just turn up the buffer size to 1024 when not recording live and go down to 64 or 128 buffer size while recording live.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  8. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Nothing wrong with trying. Indeed with a Wdf01000.sys one of the first thing that should be done is exactly what you told the OP. Disconnect your device. The majority of times,Wdf01000.sys is not the problem- more likely there's a driver or drivers that are causing the issues. Even though LM is saying, tha 'the system appears to be suitable for audio" there are several drivers in the OP system that need correction. The execution time for them is not optimal. It is way to high. During a 5- 10 minutes test things appear to be ok but they are not. That is the main problem with LM. People rely to much on "the system appears to be suitable for audio" message, and pay no attention to the execution time numbers which is what really counts.
  9. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Are we reaching the finale? Exciting, isn't it? :D
  10. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    :rofl:This is just getting started.
  11. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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  12. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Yeah, vmware are virtual machines... vmware was/is the biggest vm company. . There's also other products, but vmware is the standard. Attention, nothing to do with apps like virtualbox.
    the goal of installing vmware, creating a win 8.1 machine and installing a few daws, plug-ins, etc, is because it is the best way to test the whole computer, as if you were doing a fresh win10 install, but without deleting or formatting anything. It's all virtualized, it's like having a dual boot, with win10 and win8... and deciding which Os to boot from.

    Create a new user account ? We have no idea how it is easy to corrupt a Windows profile, and start having all kinds of random shits and behaviors. If, ex, your current user profile should be corrupted, registry, system, dumb files, etc, creating a new user account and logging in with it, it's like you just finished installing win 10, and you loggon for the first time, and everything is clean.
    how can profiles become corrupted, errors, etc etc...
    install windows, loggon, see how long it takes to loggin, launch apps, do some shit... keep using the computer 6 months, 12, 24... and loggin again... everything now takes 3 times on longer. ..

    overclocking is the easiest way to have ALL kinds of errors, tiny or huge, bizarre behaviors, etc... put cpu and ram at normal clocks, and reboot 2-3 times...

    m.2 , specially samsung 970 pro are amazing. It costed you a testicle, but you feel good about it ;)

    Event manager/viewer is where everything system related gets reported... all errors, everything, is there.
    If you do a win+r, run, and type eventvwr.msc + ok
    , it should open the right mmc

    have you installed some antuvirus, furewalls, or other apps, shareware, that could have compromised the system ?
    don't forget, when you install an app, Windows creates a copy of the .exe/.msi file on ..windows\prefetched, and renames it, for example, if you run coolfirewall.exe, then deletes it, corrupts the installation, etc, during the 1st install, windows creates a coolfirewall.xxx on the prefetch folder, if there's an issue, Windows goes there and recopies/reinstall the same stuff.

    Are there any cap running in the background, that could affect Windows 10 ?
    check the registry, hklm/local machine/software/microsoft/windows/current version/run or under *users or *current user, and check if all the entries under 'run' are things you know, like drivers, managers, etc,

    you can also open the device manager, click on each device, and check the driver version, and, why not, 'check driver on windows update catalog. .. maybe the is an old driver, and forcing an update, might retrieve something more recent, and better

    is the system connected to Internet ? Disconnect, then, Try disabling all security crap, virus malware and the firewall... dint forget to reenable everything after testing it

    is the computer power plug connected with other devices, hoover.. or shit that could drain the power. .?
    Have you big 'neon' lamps/tubes all over the place ? Even connected on the same plugs as the computers ?
    those neon lamps create a ton of induction on the electric circuit, that act like parasites. Althougj filtered, A motherboard requires perfect pure electricity with no parasites.

    man, we could be typing thousands of things. . Without being in front of the problem, it's hard :)

    We feel your frustration. . That's why we type these 45 minutes long comments, to try to help our distant friends :)

  13. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    @The Pirate
    @G String
    @wouala woualouf

    Salutations - guys, imho you've all supplied super solid tech TLC way above and beyond the call of duty... absolutely awesome, heroes all. The only 'problem' (if that's the right word) is the overwhelmng volume of detailed information supplied!

    I think @ThugLife can't be too far away from DAW nirvana now, well done one and all :)
  14. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Lose the Anti virus app, thats your problem i had norton installed once a long time ago and every thing you open on the pc it would scan for a few minutes DAMN Norton was like having a second OS installed it was so nosy about every thing ide do , i dont care no Audio Pc should have any virus program running if it does it will slow you down by 80 percent NO JOKE
  15. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Thank you for tributing another 45 minutes to my problem and taking all the time to give me such detailled explaination. Now I got you. You all taught me things over the last days, i didn't get to know about the past years.

    well thank you, another thing i'll leave for now. great to know so, before messing everything up.

    to the overclocking point. Yesterday I posted a Screenshot of my CPU tab of the taskmanager. @Daskeladden took a look at it and told me that it seems to be a good fitting amount of overclocking and i should not change that for now, so that's what i did.

    100% with you. that's why i went for it and it was not disappointing at all. running great, even above expectations, even though its the only drive not properly recognized by samsungs own magician app.

    next point: another very detailed explaination. i would have had to ask, because of the system language, everything's called different, but now that you gave me those instructions it was very easy. event manager telling me i've had Errors: Last hour /Last 24hours/lastweek
    13/155/313, Warnings: 2/189/515, Info: 169/1390/3143
    *****Successful: 258/2240/3576
    *****unsuccessful: 0/0/3

    That's the next point where we come back to my nooby appearance. It's like what I'm doing in the taskmanager looking at all the tasks, not knowing which are important, which not. if you asked me, i forever thought i would have a problem with svchost.exe as it appears so often but i already looked into that and that seems to be the case with everyone. so you see, i know what i installed, but i don't have no clue what is system related, or else. so there's a lot, i really don't know what it is for, even on a clean os - silly me - hahaha

    That's what i did. maybe not with every device in the device manager but that's where my statement comes from, i checked about the half of them, selectively and it all appeared to be fine. checked for example gfx cards, focusrite driver, usb root hub and so on.

    No usually no internet connection. I never planned to do internet tasks on it, so i left it offline, cause i always thought antivirus programs take so much cpu usage, i could save a lot by just not needing one. the plug point is another very good one.
    this is going to be a lil extended now. I had other monitors, where this never occured but i copped me a preowned pair of yamaha hs80s lately, and just by pluggin them in, the woofers gave me a static low frequency noise. I found out that the problem was, that i had dirty energy because not all audio related did use the same energy source. i had to try back and forth a few times, realizing that the only way to not introduce this problem is to put the computer, monitors, displays, anything that's part of that system on one energy source, and the light comes from another. now the static noise is gone. I would not be able to work with this noise, it's really loud. like a low frequency sinewave tone.
    By the way I'm using balanced cables, because my interface has balanced outputs.

    Man i can't stress enough how much i appreciate that.
    I've never in my life witnessed such support just because I have a problem.
    I hope I have good news for ya'll soon. I'm really trying to work my way through this, but as you said by yourself. that's so much at once, plus i don't wanna seem like i don't even read your 45 minutes comments, that's why i take the time to also type 45 minutes comments, but of course in that time i can not try anything. but i don't want to make ya'll feel like I wasted ya'll time.

    By the way, frustration is what I usually feel when being confronted with such tasks. this time i'm not being frustrated because i don't work myself through this for hours without an idea what i'm doing. this time i got your ideas, i can always try one thing, look back, try another thing. and i get so much detailed feedback and information that i usually have to look for hours into and usually u always find 10 people say you have to go left and 10 you have to go right. so this makes it a whole lot easier for me.
    Sorry for the frustration i might be causing ya'll hahaha

    Thank you for pointing that out. I should have done that even though i'd be to afraid i'd miss someone cause there are more people worth mentioning.

    I hope so really, I'm also still working with @The Pirate on this, so i hope you're right, we're getting close to the finishing line.
    By the way your both names should also be listed up there

    I got your point homie, I'm with you, but that's exactly what i did and stated. That's exactly why i don't understand this because i bought this thing new. set it up and never ever connected again. didn't surf the internet, porn, nothing. just daws, vsts, libraries, audio files and stuff. nothing else on there.

    @Daskeladden Now that this has cooled a bit down, i had time to watch for things i missed, overlooked and was able to do a little testing. You were right, it was like you said that easy. In the Bios graphics settings, internal Graphics was disabled. I enabled it and now it shows up in the Device Manager. As of now i just wanted to tell you this, I will now check for updates.
    Edit: Went through the update, ran smooth like butter

    By the way did I also do a lil testing. I gave latencymon a longer run while i took the same project i took as reference the whole time, but this time threw some random plugins on the master and one bus. Absolutely random, just adjusting threshold to make sure they have to process audio.
    You can see there's also audio only running through 1 track, and 1 fx bus (1x valhalla)

    by the way, again this was random and just to give the cpu something to work, so i am aware that i'm clipping there and that the plugin chain makes no sense, just to say that :)


    Now I can clearly say that at this point i've absolutely reached the limits. it was nothing but crackling and glitching, at this point i would be desperate to work any further on this project, it just hurts your ears.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2019
  16. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I had an email from ASUS about the BIOS on this board:

    Delays? lol

    Edit* Re above post, Thuglife, that's with latency mon running *and* a project in FLStudio ?

    Post an image of FL AUDIO settings as it is doing that?
  17. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    I like delays :P

    Yes and no, I did that while latencymon running but when I stopped it and Played the mix, it was still behaving this way.
    This is now with buffer Set to 512 as I had while this test.
    By the opportunity i also Attached the Kontakt settings

  18. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    please run the same project with the audio interface pulled out of USB port, and with the Fl Studio asio driver or asio4all asio driver. Hear if you have the same pops and crackles on 512 buffer size. A small project like that should run without crackles on that setting. And post the same picture (main) from Latencymon. Nice you got the internal graphics working by the way
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
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  19. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Of course, here you go

    i know i'm giving you hard time, but i plugged headphones to the usual headphone output as i have no other possibility to use onboard sound card with my monitors, not giving me sound, so i can not tell how the audio was while that run.
    and for the internal graphics... not my merit, you brought me there.

    By the way The Pirate is still looking into solving this thing with me. so as i said i don't wanna annoy anyone by expanding this for no need, i would keep going and tell you as soon as this thing is solved and how it was solved but for now I'd leave it by that except for if you still have questions on me.

    I know i'm repeating myself over and over but just THANK YOU ALL from the bottom of my heart.

    I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing for ya'll but i think you'll have to deal with the fact that i'll stay here for a while =) :bleh:
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
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  20. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Hope you can get some sound source you can connect to the pc so we can find out if the sound is good when you don't use your audio interface.
    There should be a output to headphone and a regular output from motherboard. While your headphones are connected to your motherboard try to change Set as Default Device on all devices that showing in Sound (Play something in Fl studio so you have a sound source):

    To me it looks like the latencymon numbers are much better with your audio interface pulled out. So again your audio interface is the source of your problems. Impossible to know for sure before you can test it without it plugged in like I explained over.

    But let's try to "fix" your Focusrite Scarlett audio interface.

    1) First do this:
    -> Right-click Start (or WinKey+X)
    -> Choose Power Options
    -> Additional power Settings
    -> Click "Change plan settings" for the currently selected power plan.
    -> Choose High performance
    -> Click "Change Advanced Power Settings"

    - PCI Express
    - Link State Power Management
    - Setting: OFF

    - Processor power management
    - Maximum processor state
    - Setting: %99
    - Minimum processor state
    - Setting: %99
    - Cooling Policy
    - Setting: Active

    - USB Settings
    - USB selective suspend setting
    - Setting: Disabled

    - Wireless Adapter
    - Wireless Adapter Settings
    - Setting: Maximum Power Savings

    Restart your computer after making the changes

    2) Then do this; turn off "Turn on fast startup" and save changes:

    Restart pc

    3) Then be sure to connect your audio interface to a USB2 port (It will not work properly in a USB3 port). Just one USB cable from interface to port (no adapter).

    3) Now your audio interface is connected to USB2 port, uninstall your Focusrite Scarlett driver (Also it could be a good idea to uninstall all other audio drivers, like graphic card audio drivers, Realtek audio drivers and so on. Also Firefox web browser can cause issue). Restart pc do not pull out the USB cable. Then find the newest driver for Focusrite Scarlett and install. Then restart pc again. Do not pull out USB cable. It is important that you don't change your USB port or pull out your audio interface (this is an Issue with this Focusrite Scarlett). If you pull out the Interface from USB2 port you have to reinstall driver again.

    4) Now try and open Fl Studio and first try the Focusrite asio driver and see if that works better now. If not try to use Fl Studio asio driver and Asio4all on your Focusrite Scarlett and see if it's behave better on 512 buffer size.

    5) If the above suggestions don't work try and uninstall your Focusrite driver again (and all other audio drivers). Pull out your USB cable from USB2 port. Restart pc, and install the driver without the USB cable connected to the USB2 port. Then restart pc again and then connect the USB cable in USB2 port. This is usually the right way to do it. The only thing you should see in Sound devices is your Focusrite. Now try a project in FL Studio again

    6) And if that does not work try and turn off all overclocking, back to factory settings in bios. Be sure your CPU is back to 3,7 GHz in task manager. Also try to turn off Multithreaded generator processing and Multithreaded mixer processing in Fl Studio. Only try this if nothing of the above suggestion work.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019