2CAudio Presents: Kaleidoscope

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Kaleidoscope is the ultimate sound-design tool and creative effects toy! It is an entirely new class of visual audio effects
    processors and is one of the most unique generative signal processing tools to come to market in recent history. Technically
    speaking, Kaleidoscope is a massively parallel bank of physically modeled resonators that can be tuned completely arbitrarily
    with scientific precision and dynamically modulated over time by over two million points of automation. In simplistic terms,
    Kaleidoscope uses pictures to control sound!


    Kaleidoscope is a tool for intrepid sonic explorers who seek to help tell humanity's biggest narratives. It is designed with
    one goal in mind: to inspire, invigorate, and illucidate composers, sound-designers, and artists to push the boundaries of what
    is possible in cutting edge sound-design. Many products claim to offer never-before heard sounds. Kaleidoscope actually delivers
    them - in unfathomable abundance and ultimate fidelity! If you work in any of the following areas you want Kaleidoscope. It's
    really as simple as that. Period. End of story!

    • Sound-Design for Film, Television & Games
    • Scoring for Film, Television & Games
    • Ambient Music
    • Electronic Music
    • Academic & Scientific Research into Sound and New Music

    Kaleidoscope represents literally an entire universe of sonic possibilities and is limited only by your imagination and willingness
    to think differently. Some of its most common applications are:

    • Custom Sound Design
    • Special Effects Processing & Generation
    • Algorithmic Composition & Inspiration
    • Ambient Music Generation
    • Dynamic Filter Effects
    • Extreme Nano Textural Effects
    • Rhythmic Filtering & Synth Patterns
    • Dynamic Resonator Effects
    • Additive Synthesis
    • Vocoder-like Effects
    • Morphing Delay Effects
    • Extreme Spatialization & FIRs
    • Automated Volume & Panning
    • Harmonic & Tonal Reverb
    • Granular Effects


    There are two different sets of content for Kaleidoscope, plus two additional optional add-ons.

    Let's run the stats:

    The Kaleidoscope Demo contains:
    • 747 Total Files
    • 250 Presets
    • 347 Images
    • 115 Scales
    • 35 Waveforms

    Kaleidoscope Retail contains:
    • 2,477 Total Files
    • 1,166 Presets
    • 945 Images
    • 254 Scales
    • 92 Waveforms

    Architecture Volume 01 KS contains:
    • 14,059 Total Files
    • 7,696 Images
    • 4,545 Scales
    • 1,818 Waveforms

    Architecture Waveforms 2010 contains:
    • 25,724 Waveforms


    Kaleidoscope is both an effects processor as well as a content generator, meaning that it is possible to synthesize completely new
    sounds without any input sound or MIDI performance data as well as to transform incoming audio signals in other-worldly manners.

    Music is organized sound. The organization occurs in two axes: time and frequency. Kaleidoscope is a tool that offers ultimate
    control over musical organization in both of these domains. In music we call organization in time rhythm, and we call organization
    in frequency tonality. Tonality includes things such as tuning systems, musical scales, and harmony. Rhythm includes things such
    as tempo, meter, syncopation and groove. Kaleidoscope seeks to vastly expand our understanding of these definitions, rewrite music
    theory for the information age, and explore the areas in which time and frequency converge -- that is to say where tonality becomes
    rhythm and where rhythm becomes tonality. Additionally, Kaleidoscope offers unique control over the dynamic spatialization of the
    sound at each point in time a frequency and thus adds a third axis of creative control to the musical organization of sound:
    spatial choreography.

    Kaleidoscope uses pictures to control sound. It scans an image from left to right where the horizontal access represents time, and
    the vertical access represents frequency. The brightness of a particular pixel in the image determines how loud the sound will be at
    that particular point in time and frequency. This is similar in some ways to a spectrogram or even to piano-roll notation in standard
    musical sequencers. The difference is in scope and the unprecedented level of control and flexibility offered by Kaleidoscope.


    A single Kaleidoscope instance uses up to two pictures that can provide over two million points of stereo automation data to create
    incredibly intricate performances that evolve in time, frequency and space. These performances can be set to have any desired duration:
    an image could represent a one measure loop, providing 1/1024th note timing resolution, or it could represent an entire ten minute song.
    A single pixel could represent anything from one audio sample to one minute, one hour, one day, or more in duration, giving unprecedented
    control over performance time structures. Timing is sample-accurate for all cases and any tempo. Finally the timing of each Image Map
    performance can be independently set to establish evolving patterns and polyrhythmic structures that generate incredibly novel and
    interesting results that are guaranteed to keep the listener engaged with new surprises.

    Vertically each row in the Image Map represents a different voice or note. Technically each row represents an independant resonator
    that can be tuned with scientific precision to any possible frequency to create any conceivable composite tonality. A resonator is a type
    of highly selective filter that drastically augments certain frequencies and drastically attenuates others. All sound in the universe is
    created by one form of resonance or another and every musical instrument has resonators! Kaleidoscope offers two primary types of
    resonators: Strings and Springs.


    A String resonator mode could be used with a standard MIDI semitone scale to effectively create an 88, or more, note virtual string
    instrument that could be controlled by the incoming audio signal. An incoming drum loop could be tuned into something like an evolving
    Bach fugue in such manners for example.

    Alternatively up to 512 Spring resonators could be used and tuned to match the measured resonant frequencies of some physical object for
    sound-design purposes, or tuned to a particular chord and all of its harmonics to create a moody drone suitable for ambient music or
    film scores. Kaleidoscope’s Spring resonators produce exponentially decaying sine waves. Summing them together at different frequencies
    and time varying amounts can effectively model anything and everything via a special form of additive synthesis. Kaleidoscope's internal
    white noise generator can be feed into its resonators to synthesize completely new sounds in this manner. Kaleidoscope offers tens of
    thousands of different tonalities to choose from including allowing the use of Galbanum Architecture Waveforms to function as tuning maps.
    It offers the most extensive tonality system of any tool on the market that we are aware of.


    In summary the sound Kaleidoscope produces is a complex interaction of the characteristics of the input signal, the resonator settings,
    the current tonality or tuning, the visual performance data in the Image Maps, and the timing settings. It offers the ultimate control
    over the organization of sound in time, frequency, and spatial position and can produce an entire universe of new forms of music and
    utterly unique sound-design.




    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYxtuLQlJ40 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJhCPEOupFs

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBpY4TyPnjk | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK_yVSfhceA

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XpnqcafZz4 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1X9vk51uH8

    Kaleidoscope is available for VST and AAX hosts under Windows 7 and Windows 8. Both 64-bit and 32-bit versions are provided for all formats.
    Kaleidoscope is available for AU, VST, and AAX hosts under Mac OSX.7 or higher. Both 64-bit and 32-bit versions are provided for all formats.

    Kaleidoscope is a massively parallel algorithm with dynamic CPU usage. CPU usage scales linearly depending on the number of enabled lines
    (voices) used in a particular preset. Using 512 lines requires roughly 512 times as much CPU power as using 1 line!

    Kaleidoscope has been optimized for two things: extreme Real-Time performance relative to the amount of computational complexity it
    represents, and extremely fast Offline render times even when using the most extreme settings. This is achieved both by multi-threading
    as well as offering a variable Buffer Size preference that allows users to choose between maximum efficiency and lowest latency.

    Kaleidoscope is multi-threaded and can distribute its CPU load across a variable number of threads and cores depending on user preferences.

    Using large Buffer Sizes radically increases performance and efficiency.

    Kaleidoscope offers Oversampling, but it is recommended to run at 1X (no Oversampling) for Real-Time use and reserve oversampling for
    Offline bounces/renders. Using the maximum number of lines together with Oversampling at low Buffer Size settings can require very
    large amount of CPU resources.

    Kaleidoscope is a very different type of tool compared to 2CAudio reverb products. It should be thought of as content creator and extreme
    FX processor. While it is possible to run multiple instances live in projects, particularly when using large Buffer Size settings, the
    recommended work flow it to bounce or freeze KS instances once a desirable result has been achieved. It is important to get acquainted
    with the process of rendering audio FX in your host application via bouncing, freezing, or rendering-in-place to get the most out of

    Kaleidoscope is designed to offer new possibilities to the world’s best sound-designers, composers, and producers who are working on
    major Hollywood blockbusters and similar projects. A fast computer is assumed in such environments.


    Trial for OSX

    Trial for Windows

    PDF Manual

    $199.95 for Kaleidoscope and factory content only. Normally $249.95. Save $50.
    $249.95 for Kaleidoscope & Architecture Volume 01 KS add-on. Normally $324.95. Save $75.
    (Save $150 over normal separately purchased pricing.)

    More INFO: 2CAudio | Kaleidoscope


    2CAudio has updated Kaleidoscope to v1.0.1 - Feb. 11, 2014

    Changes in Kaleidoscope v1.0.1

    - Dramatically improved efficiency for String Resonators.
    - Additional improvements to efficiency for all other aspects of the algorithm.
    - Fixed an issue that prevented proper use with systems that had more than 16 physical cores.
    - Additional misc fixed an enhancements.

    Known issues to be resolved in version 1.0.2:

    - Retina Display issues affecting some Mac Book Pro models.
    - Additional improvements to buffering scheme for some hardware devices.

  3. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
    Likes Received:
    WTF Dingus, you should be payed by sites like KVR (sorry to name the devil here) to make their product announcement pages. You kickass dude. *yes*
    Thanks for the detailed presentation, can't wait to check this out, if it's just as good as Aether it will be great, and I feel they even aimed higher with this. :wow:
    (with price too sadly)
  4. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Brave New World
  5. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Zeta Reticuli
    This is a instant Buy for me!
  6. GammaStar

    GammaStar Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Amaze! :wink:
  7. Dazeon

    Dazeon Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I will get this from the sister site.
  8. badman

    badman Member

    Apr 16, 2013
    Likes Received:
    I'm guessing this will kill off Tone2 Warmverb?
  9. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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  10. Revenant

    Revenant Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Without any sacracsm, I solemnly propose that Dingus be awarded a unique forum title "Bot" (or perhaps "Rabbot"), as a token of gratitude for his relentless posting great and informative posts throughout the board.

    Keep it up, man! :wink:
  11. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Thank you. It's my pleasure, friend! :wink:
  12. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
    Likes Received:

    2CAudio has updated Kaleidoscope to v1.0.1

    Changes in Kaleidoscope v1.0.1

    - Dramatically improved efficiency for String Resonators.
    - Additional improvements to efficiency for all other aspects of the algorithm.
    - Fixed an issue that prevented proper use with systems that had more than 16 physical cores.
    - Additional misc fixed an enhancements.

    Known issues to be resolved in version 1.0.2:

    - Retina Display issues affecting some Mac Book Pro models.
    - Additional improvements to buffering scheme for some hardware devices.
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