2017: Best Mac for under $2000 (for audio recording)

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by tommyzai, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. fritzm

    fritzm Producer

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Hey troll, can you read? He wants a Mac. Period. I've worked on Macs longer than you have been alive. lol
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  2. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    I'm smiling . . . this became a lively thread. Yet, what Mac do I buy? What is the most recent model under $2000 that will get me what I need to start producing music again?
  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    this looks ballsy enough... you really need to decide on the specs you require then seek them out in the package
    this site will install upgrades for you as well.. some here swear that an i5 is plenty robust
    enough to handle music production needs. Also do you have a good external for your libraries
    already? Makes a huge difference.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2017
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  4. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    you cant read?this thread its only for a guy asking for a mac,if the guy want to buy a mac what is your problem?
  5. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Dude - I wanna Mac. 2k or below. One that will be worth a damn in 3 years.
    Bruh - Dude, why would you buy the lowest tier Mac when you could make your own Mac for 2K that performs better than a Mac Pro!!?
    Dude - I only have 2k
    Bruh - Dude, I understand that you have 2k. But why don't you even entertain the idea? You would still be using Mac OS!!
    Dude - I think I like the way Mac looks.
    Bruh - SMFH
    Dude - I only have 2k.....
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  6. Frank Semyon

    Frank Semyon Newbie

    Jan 28, 2017
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    take it easy man... i see you defending your beloved pc's/windows everywhere. i saw your other replies on that "is crack time over?" thread and now this? lol youre the definition of a fanboy. i also want to make it clear im not defending macs/macos, i for one have a custom built pc dual booting windows and macos. at the end of the day its a computer, its tool we all use to make music, for some pc's work best and for others mac's do. in the case of this thread op asked for a mac for whatever reason, maybe he uses logic? just grow up and respect his request stop being such a fanboy.
  7. fritzm

    fritzm Producer

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Dude, we get your sarcasm, but there is quite a bit of researching parts, software tweaks, and knowledge of building systems that not everybody wants to deal with. Not to mention resale of a Mac is insanely better. Personally, I would have built a Hackintosh if I couldn't have afforded my current iMac. But I've been building computers since the mid 90's. Believe it or not, some people just want to make music as opposed to tweaking their systems all of the time. Just my 2cents, of coarse.
  8. fritzm

    fritzm Producer

    Feb 22, 2013
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    I know right? Why can't us Mac users have our own little corner on the forum and be left alone. I will use what I want to use.
  9. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    https://www.tonymacx86.com/ This site makes it almost as easy as ordering a Big Mac with extra pickles.
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  10. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Again...Why are you here? You PC loving nobody Trolls more than you and your friends Durr?! Unlike you I came here to help him, you came here to start chit. Go get a life and step off. Again PC dumbo's land here and start trouble instead of just sticking to the topic. And I do see that as Nasty! Why is it so hard for you guys to just leave the Mac Questions alone?!!!

    Please! You're not worth my time!

    I will never go "Hackytosh" way to many issues and unknown factors. Especially if something goes wrong! I stick with what works. I'd rather spend my time creating music than troubleshooting problems. As long as Apple makes a Solid System (and they have never let me down, unlike PC and windows have done in the past with fake realtec drivers not working on producing sound on my Sony tower, lol.) I will never switch, so get off of it PC lovers. GROW the F' Up!

    Herr Durr, you need to keep my name out of your mouth. Tired of being sick and tired of you.

    and I really dont care about the Nasty ratings, it is here for a reason. If that is your opinion so be it! lol. But ask yourself...why are you here on this thread and why if your about PC or Hackytosh are you even commenting..?!

    Because as you PC guys hijack this thread, that is what you are known for to us mac guys. Just check...85% of these wars are started on a mac thread that PC Guys can't help but slither in and share their infinite wisdom. Such a waste!
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2017
  11. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @blaqmatic if you want some.. you can come get it...

    if you keep being a troll.. and doing your nasty on perfectly fine comments
    I'll keep calling you out... @blaqmatic

    calling your name.. @blaqmatic

    you didn't even read my comments obviously @blaqmatic
  12. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America

    Yes, you are the Troll. A Troll that hates others opinions and thinks he is the judge and jury all the while hiding behind
    his IP address.

    Pathetic One.

    From here on out I will Ignore you permanently. Have a nice life!

    btw...I have set my settings to ignore you! Now that is a Powerful Feature! Wow! it feels so good not to see your name or posts anywhere! :)
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2017
  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I'm heartbroken guys... so did OP ever decide on his new used Mac ?

    oh well maybe he's out shopping... :wink:
  14. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    I totally respect Hackintosh users . . . Fight the Power. Yet, I don't want to build anything. I just want a Mac . . . I know it . . . it doesn't get in my way. I don't want my audio recording experience to be about the box. I want the box to simply do what I need it to do. If there was a perfect generic clone . . . that'd be fine. I sold my Apple shares years ago. Yet, Franken-tosh isn't for me. PC? I'm tired of that argument. I'm WAY too invested in OS X, and for what it's worth . . . based on what I know and who I know with PCs . . . they seem very disposable . . . constantly infected, buggy, crashing, etc. Yes, they offer more flexibility, but I don't want a zillion add ons and such . . . just want to make music. The fact that my (now dead) 2011 MacBook Pro is still considered fairly state of the art . . . that says something. I don't know anyone with a 6-year old PC who is happy. I'd rather buy a Tascam 4-track Portastudio than switch. The learning curve would be much shorter. My goal is to make music, not fiddle with the damn box! I have enough freakin' excuses for not completing a song since 2003. Can I get a newish Mac of some sort for u$2000 that would handle the usual DAWs, plugins, etc.????? If not, anyone selling a Tascam, Fostex, or reel to reel?
  15. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @tommyzai do you need counseling or something? you have the wherewithal to get $2000, then you come here
    and ask over and over what you should buy? Use the brain that got you the money and go looking for what you want..
    what suits your needs... ( unless you're some kind of trust fund kid ).. Not meaning to be harsh.. but you
    had more than enough suggestions here to go and do your own due diligence...

    good luck with it.. I'm outta this mofo...

    Durr: SMFH2
  16. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Dear Herr, should I apologize for having the resources to come up with $2000? I really do appreciate suggestions . . . that's why I created this thread, but in all fairness . . . there haven't been many suggestions based on the new line of Apple computers. My confusion is which NEW model within my price range is best for audio production. 90% of the responses suggest that I buy a PC, Hackintosh, or an old Mac. I am very grateful for guidance, and for all those who tried to answer my plea . . . thank you. YET, as always, I wonder why some people post. If I see a thread asking which donut is tastiest, and I don't like donuts, why would I post? Ahhhrrr, I still have no idea which model to buy. ;-(. I do see that the Mac Mini is still being sold. They probably haven't updated it in a couple years, but it is available in a 3 whatever i7 processor and has some USB ports. I need to see what the total cost would be to add on the KB, screen, etc. To all who tried to help me, thank you! To all the PC/Hackintosh lovers . . . donuts are unhealthy.


    I thought this was interesting.
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  17. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    tommyzai, if you want a new model the choice isn't too wide if your limit is set at $2000. iMac, Mini or Macbook is best answered by how you want to use them. High CPU clock or many CPU cores can be answered by your personal preferences - Most power for extremely cpu-hungry plugins or as many plugins as possible?
    These have to be answered by yourself!

    I can fully confirm what is written in the cnet article. Having both Macs and also having successfully built 3 Hackin*shes, I couldn't disagree more with what Moogerfooger said. Yes, it's easier if you go with exactly the hardware they recommend on the known sites, but still it's no way as easy and fast as speaking out a food order in your McD of choice, especially when you're dealing with laptops, and no good if you don't know much about computers and probably don't want to deal with this kind of technical stuff at all.
    The better recommended laptops are about in the same price range as used Macbook Pro's, by the way.

    People are different, and will always be.
  18. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Thank you so much for answering my plea. I actually went to sleep a bit frazzled about the responses here. As I drifted off to sleep I thought of this analogy to the responses on this thread . . .

    Q: I'd like to buy a new Honda, but I'm not sure which one will XXXXX.

    A1: Buy a Ford. It will be more powerful. But it will not be as reliable; it will not last as long; it will not have nearly as good of a resale value; it will not look as good; it will be too big.
    A2: Build your own from spare parts. It might look like something out of Mad Max, but it will be more powerful than a Honda.
    A3: Buy an old Honda. They were better.

    May I ask you and anyone else . . . is there a big difference between the i5 and i7 models? My concern is . . . I had a 2011 i7. I'd hate to spend two grand for something weaker than what I had. I'm hopeful that there is more to it than i5 and i7 . . . and a 2016/17 i5 is way faster than a 2011 i7. I ask because the Mac Minis only come in i5. Otherwise, it seems my choice is the iMac.
  19. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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  20. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    If you take the time to learn there won't be any issue.The only downside is when reporting bugs to developers and they wonder why your iMac has a built in GTX780ti and PCIe Multiface :)
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