20+ years of Audio Warez!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by T2000, Oct 23, 2021.


Collector vs Producer?

  1. I collect everything but produce very little?

  2. I combine collecting gear with producing

  3. I am effective at producing tracks and keep the gear to a minimum

  1. T2000

    T2000 Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2015
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    I was just thinking...
    I got my first pc in 2000
    Relatively soon after, someone gave me a copy of Cubase, Soundforge and Acid.

    I learned about ftp sites and joined the Lordz of Audio forum
    There must be some other folks from there??

    I spent more than 20 years collection software and sample discs etc

    The funny thing is.....
    In all that time, I have probably made only 2 songs - they were basic and nothing serious.
    I wonder how many people have a track record that poor
    about 0.1 songs per year... but hard drives loaded with the latest gear, ha! :)
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  3. dr_after

    dr_after Kapellmeister

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I made three albums, (self-released on Spotify, Bandcamp, etc.), was present on a few compiled albums and made music for 10+ other bands. Now I am finishing the fourth album of my band. During the years I use more and more legit software than warez, but yeah, the beginnings (I started in 2002) were absolutely RADIUM times ;)

    And of course, finishing tracks isn't an easy task. As almost any creative thing - it is cumbersome, tedious, takes a lot of time and involves many turn-overs. I probably made 50 times more tracks that are unreleased and will never be finished than those released. I think that it is not uncommon ;) Cheers! :)
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  4. Roby Deep

    Roby Deep Noisemaker

    Nov 24, 2019
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    I came here from Audiofarm.cc community exactly 20 years ago. Made the reg one year ago :)
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  5. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I see music more as exercise. I work out regularly but I do it for health reasons and because I enjoy it. I'm not trying to become a famous athlete or break world records. I just love it for what it is and that's enough for me.

    I like making music the same way... without the pressure of feeling like there has to be a product at the end of every session. The process is where I feel the most creative and happy. As I get older, not everything has to have a goal attached to it. I can go for a swim or a walk, sketch or paint, sing or make music just for the journey and purely for the love of doing it.
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  6. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Part of the fun for me is trying out new stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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  7. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest

    Same. I love doing it. I love figuring out the technical shit, I'm not musically creative, I lost that 20 years ago, but I keep doing it.
  8. DJK

    DJK Rock Star

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    well for me i do like to collect warez and try things out, but i used them in a constructive way like actually making music, if i dont use a plugin i uninstall it but keep the files on an ex hdd which has some gems from the past from oxygen, H2O radium and of course team A.i.R, in 2011 untill 2014 i had 10 tracks released on Bonzai records and a remix for a german producer Flamda - mystic Island, then i just made music for fun, was gonna give up in 2019 as i could not produce a trance track that was worth a release altho i liked what i made, then in april 2019 i changed to produce psytrance and had 17 tracks plus a remix on different labels, a bit off topic but just saying i actually use the plugins i dl for free, some i did buy because i used them alot, collecting can take over productivity,
  9. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I'm somewhere between the second/third option..

    I collect a Lot because I like to Compare the stuff,
    and try to determine what's exactly the best tools of each type, and for each application..

    But then I only keep the Best stuff,
    or the most useful/exemplary/significant, the rest gets deleted..
    (although it can take me some time,
    I still have Untested stuff from last Xmas Wave!)

    Also for the projects I've been working on lately, I don't need to use either Realist libraries, except maybe percussion,
    or analog/coloring type FX/tools..

    So I've basically been using the same stuff for the last 6-10 years :wink:
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Others collect coasters or matchboxes. We collect VST / VSTi. Attention a few satirical thoughts on the subject:

    The 3 thirds formula according to Prof. Dr. Audiowave: 1/3 sleep - 1/3 wait - 1/3 work

    1.) We spent a third of our lives in bed.

    2.) We spent a third of our lives downloading / installing and testing software.

    3.) And we spent the last third waiting. Wait for the download to finish,wait for the
    new software to appear, wait for the bus to come, wait in the shopping line.

    These sentences are taken from the musical standard work:
    Hunters and gatherers (a look at the modern digital human)
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  11. grabme

    grabme Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Couldnt agree more, playing an instrument or making music keeps the mind young and positive. If you take a break from playing an instrument it can be healthy to give yourself a break but its shocking how much your brain slows down in that time.
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  12. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Good question - I voted second option - Im a 20+ years myself

    -I stopped making music with plugins in a daw a long time ago.
    -I do a lot of editing of my own recordings (field recordings) in all kind of setups like MS, double MS, ORTF, XY etc.
    -I keep from using cracked plugins when I share my stuff, but...........

    I test plugins, you know "Try before Buy" which I find OK...... plugs are often expensive.

    I dont collect and I try to be focused ;-)
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  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    hmm. ABSU, Lydia's site. so almost 25.
  14. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    In the 90's I used PC's mostly for schoolwork and games. When internet became available this resulted in chatting (ICQ+MSN) and downloading (Napster obviously). I think my first music making experience started with Magix Music Maker until a friend pointed me towards Logic Platinum 5.2.0 around 2002/2003. Because I didn't have a Mac and wasn't interested in other DAW's I used it on an amateur level till 2012, when I made the switch to Apple. Since then it's more a 'professional' approach but without any releases. Still learning I guess and never satisfied haha.

    During these years I went from downloading/testing everything to a shortlist which is way better and should result in a faster workflow. But finishing something and move on, well .. that's a different story. And of course, a lot of things I would've known in an earlier stage but that's the whole process you need to go through first (besides the really talent ones). So now, 2 decades later, I still want to give it a serious try and actually do something with my studio investments. But to be honest - especially in the last 2 miserable years - I also have doubt. Maybe there's more to explore ...
  15. Deceptive

    Deceptive Audiosexual

    Feb 17, 2016
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    i came here from MAGESY ( The very first, original version of magesy ) !!! oh my god ...long time ago ....
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  16. techdevil

    techdevil Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2017
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    I used to collect everything but stopped a while ago, still try before I buy, but now buy everything I use at price that suits me and try and keep it to a min. Saying that found this on my HD a few weeks ago, Radium Opcode fusion VINYL v1.0 ....! from 98 no idea why its still there, its a DX plugin FFS, and I don't think it was the first thing I downloaded either. Probably from Bubba Zenetti's Audioshack at the time.
    I just love the technology, never been that good at the music, but still mange to knock out the odd tune each year.
  17. T2000

    T2000 Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2015
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    As with others, I enjoy the learning aspect.

    Possibly too impatient to make music when there is so much from others to listen to!
  18. skand

    skand Newbie

    Mar 11, 2023
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    Good topic. In 90s all soft was cracked, be it good or bad. Nowadays only bad soft is cracked. You won't find cracked anwida spazio, fas-fx, sawstudio x64, sadie, pyramix and so on. And there are no real crackers anymore. What you see on audioz is from corps themselves proposing bad quality foggy tools to naive users. 25 years ago so called pirates were selling warez in the streets, so there was demand for cracked goods. Now do you see any pirates with warez in the streets?....
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  19. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Less than that even.
    I just play piano and love to test all audio gear (mostly virtual now), with no productive flow at all, but I don't care as others would't care about my potential compositions.

    Though I used PCs many years earlier (playing DOS DOOM mostly:rofl:), I had my first assembled PC in 1995 -DOS6.22 + Win 3.11-, and audio virtual gear was pretty rudimentary, so just real synths, mixers,etc, connected with Sound Forge 3.x/4.x via SDS to load samples (Sound Blaster 16, D-sub 25 to MIDI connector).
    The big HQ sw came from copies of the now defunct Twilight CDs, but the first contact with virtual audio sw was in 2004 with Traktor DJ Studio 2.5 that I could use replacing all turntables and mixer, and was terribly effective (from TwinCds I found a virtual 1200 that was not working at all).

    Virtual technology today can replace effectively most gear, so I freezed all my hw stuff, and play like a child all these virtual synth that in past were reserved only to high class (and rich) artists.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2023
  20. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I think that at least this is crkd.
  21. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    okay for me it was edonkey2000/overnet days as i found ZONE, ARCTiC, etc releases. (2002/2003)
    2004 i found a chinese page, which offered audio scene releases from http/ftp, which one could download ReGet, this was so much faster and reliable.

    AF made it so much easier in 2004-2007
    adding AN in 2007, damn it became easier to find all other older stuff again.

    Such a rush, and still feeling like a kid, when new releases roll in of new software, either created by myself or the groups.

    Downloading is quite fast now, due to speed and the system i have here now over the years.

    Installing still takes ages and Live scanning plugins centuries :deep_facepalm:
    Haha it is even faster scan CLAP2VST3 plugins than native VST3. :knock:
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2023