Basically, as title states, I authorized all of them with activation manager 3. The location (windows pc) All of the guitars open, each one... but...
Hello Everyone! I logged into my Line 6 Customtone account after a long time and proceeded to download a preset for Helix Native but was hot with...
I have this FL21 Harmor preset, and I am looking for a synth that can have it recreated. Harmor is known for its bad spectral quality, and I am a...
Just curious, I click browse and have to double click each preset with the latest version. Is there a way to simply click on a preset, or look at...
I've installed Equator 2 released by R2R and also installed Factory Contents, Legacy Contents. But I found some presets such as Dreamtime Rhodes,...
I've had a little dig around on the forum and online, and have found some, but not all. Is there any standardised abbreviations used for synth...
Found this a couple of days ago, havent tried myself, yet as i dont use or have vital at the moment. But u can its a free software. I believe its...
Hi everyone! I'm trying to find the exact preset of this arpeggio? Seems like a synth bell or something like that. Name of keyboard will be...
I've got the latest Uhe diva and whenever I open it, I wait for it to load all my third party banks. Once It does, I scroll down and open a preset...
In Studio One you can save entire tracks and plugin settings within a single preset file. Is there any way to do something similar to this in...
Hello, I'm a maschine / Komplete user since 3 years, It's been years that native instrument doesn't want to simplify the process of making your...
I'm just wondering if anyone is aware of any library-style sites with presets for various plugins at all? I'm thinking of anything from Slate...
Plugmon released new Diva skin and it so amasing it easily could be a Diva 2 release. [MEDIA] asking for it 17.99$ which is very fair price I...
Though I'm not looking for a perfect, absolutely bit-by-bit faithful replica of that one-of-a-kind sheen that the JD-990 is often recognized for,...
Hi I don't know if anyone else is facing the same issues but I recently downloaded Arturia's FX bundle (VR) and although I had some minor issues...
I can't get my preset to be the default when loading a new instance. I tried naming it "default" but still loads with other settings. Thank you.
Hi guys, I'm having this issue with the preset manager on all Arturia synths and I was wondering if maybe someone could help me, please. This is...
What instrument is the drop in the song? is it a synth preset or sampled instrument ? south asian instrument ? 0:43 - 0:55 [MEDIA]
Looking for any old 'no-longer-for-sale' soundsets made by vengeance-sound. Here is a list of what I'm looking for: Trance Source X (Access - all...
Hi all, Firstly, I'm setting up this thread in the hope that the community will chip in and add their own presets, causing the thread to grow. I...
Separate names with a comma.