Foster that you again? C'mon man. Well, such a tremendous musician figure leaving (again?), allow me at least to see you off properly. Lets do...
Nah, I like this forum just fine. I never said anything bad about the forum itself. It's fine. I just don't like you and your two-faced policies...
If you don't know the topic and what's being discussed, then you're actually the one who should keep quiet, not me. First get to know what's being...
Then why are we having this problem now, Omiac? First you want to help running everything smoothly and help keep this going, OK, and you ask to...
Nah, I have a good idea. I see you on the mailing list of participants for the captures, then I see you complaining you're getting too much mail...
You know the most ironic thing? As far as I can see, SAiNT has joined the mailing list of people receiving free updates of captures from the...
"Some individuals"? How unfair. That dude started the most beautiful thing to happen to Audiosex forum for a long time. And with the most generous...
you're thanking, but you're not paying attention. read what OP requested a few posts above, bold text.
nightwalker means well I think, if a little dismissive tone, but alas. he shared, so all props to him. he's only mistaken in thinking he's the...
this is correct, and since he decided to not charge, we are in no position to lecture :wink: he decided most fair and wise. props to him. he...
one for me too please. extremely kind of you to help the community here! nightwalker ^^ but why be hard on new guys? were strict demands and...
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