A new additive synth is available, and not only that, but free. I've been exploring u-He Zebralette3 and its single oscillator is incredibly...
Been kind of sparse technology-wise the past two years. Lots of rehashes, lots of emulations of old gear. Some companies jumping on the AI...
Sononym. It can analyze files and creates a database which makes it easy to find/organize assets by sonic/musical terms. You can (mass) rename...
Cannot verify. No breakage in service for me. Getting feed up to date (Nov 3). There are more articles after what you posted.
If you are on REAPER and have SWS extension installed search action list for "Shuffle order of selected items". You can use Dynamic Split to...
What kind of music are you looking to make? While all synth sounds can be used in any type of music, you're asking for "best" so it would help to...
RC-20 does not inherently gate the Noise module on input. There is a "Follow" knob that increases noise amplitude along with input. So make sure...
I've been a long-time Teracopy user and can vouch for it. It's very flexible. And yes, it can preserve timestamps, as well as attributes, streams,...
You can definitely add your own MIDI variations to EZkeys. Find the Toontrack folder, subfolder EZkeys\Midi. You'll see the factory and expansion...
Depends on DAW. In REAPER you can use Dynamic split. You'll need to adjust thresholds to taste, delete silent areas. Then Render source: "Selected...
LV2 scored extremely low in developer surveys. And if a plugin format doesn't have buy-in from developers, it simply is not going to be used...
u-He Zebra: Stack Dual, Quad, 11 Camel Alchemy: NOsc 1-600 Tracktion Biotek 2: Spinal Saw 1-11 Synapse Dune 3: Density 1-32, detune options AAS...
Harmonic partials are multiples of the fundamental. So divide the sample rate by two (for Nyquist) then again by the fundamental frequency to get...
It's tedious manipulating every partial. You can do it in Alchemy, Vital, Serum (512 bins), Fathom, VPS Avenger, MSoundFactory, many others....
Separate names with a comma.