Hi mates, Soft topic here. Just want to ask your opinion about the "new" Kontakt. I know we're entering 2023, Kontakt7 isn't that "new", if I...
Yeah that's very useful. Maybe we can automate this step by caution in the future KonTinkerer releases by @Meric Just a suggestion but if it's...
Hey mate, I don't know for all of you, but it's been a looong time since I haven't encounter those issues. One thing that I loved with the 6th...
Good to know men, thanks, both solutions are good. You will laugh if I tell you that I was using a harder solution: As I didn't know how to do it...
Thanks a lot for the info, and sorry for the NKX unpacking feature question, I thought I saw all the features on the Meric's post. I might have...
That's really insane man. Congrats ! I'm not a dev but really often thinks of way to do random things with automatic programs lol. The thought...
Thanks, it reassures me even more, Xupito's advice + yours, no need to worry about lol. As @Xupito says later, this thread is being more and more...
Hey Xupito, thanks for the answer. It reassures me. As I said, it may looked a bit paranoid but we never know, I prefered to ask. I have more than...
Hey @rollerball ! I'm back after my first custom lite version (8Dio Symphonic Shadows - not very useful to minify, the original is 4Gb so no real...
I'm... wow... no words. Thanks infinitly man. Been waiting for this for so long, I was patient and silent. But it's here. You can't imagine how...
MAN. That's really a huge help. Thanks a lot mate. And don't worry, I'm not finding this harsh and I'm feeling the tough love as you call it...
Well that's a genuine method, I'll try it. That's pretty much the "app back-up" that I wanted. But still have to try it. Thanks a lot mate ! Wish...
Hey thanks a lot, I'll add this app to the list, and I'll try it for sure !
Well, wow ! I didn't expect this amount of answers, and there's so much big people here, I'm like a kid lmao. I first want to thank you, all, each...
Hi mates, First post here. I've seen a loooot of very useful threads here and there, about VST's or even about Windows itself (s/o to the recent...
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