[MEDIA] What power art thou, who from below Hast made me rise unwillingly and slow From beds of everlasting snow? See'st thou not how stiff and...
or [MEDIA]
Detroit: Become Human [ATTACH]
OP, you can take a 'go for quality, but keep the CPU in check' approach, for example, can use native AL plugins on individual tracks, while using...
Since I started with FL Studio, the idea that there's no need to learn every DAW and that one is more than enough—I didn’t believe it back then,...
[MEDIA] from 5:36 check the Protoculture vs FL ones full, https://www.sonicacademy.com/courses/top-daw/protoculture-extended-cut?autoplay=1 :rofl:
I love the 10-hours cyberpunk/Blade Runner ambience videos and usually sleep to one of them. https://www.youtube.com/@Interstellar-Ambience
I learned it from Protoculture's series about the 3rd one.....
Neutron, masking managment is pretty comfy with it [IMG] obviously this didn’t require much AI, but at least it's convenient due to the...
I made a flat-style one for myself, but worth to check https://github.com/Berikai/awesome-bitwig-themes for more [IMG] { "window": {...
[MEDIA] backstory, https://dervswerve.wordpress.com/2015/02/26/this-eagerness-to-change-with-a-roll-of-the-dice-such-a-shame/
[IMG] by the way, if we're talking about EQ, at least for masking, it shouldn't be necessary to dig through frequencies—there should be a way to...
best eq is the 9hours eq tutorial [MEDIA] sry 9.5hours
With the latest version of Cubase, patterns, drum tracks, and modulators, mixer tracks finally can be rearranged with drag and dropping in the...
Hexeract is the "cinematic synth" for ex. [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.