Do you have a recurring desire to dig a bit deeper into all this worship of Bach? Perhaps you've already discovered and enjoyed a bit of Bach's...
There are actually many scientific studies on the effects of masturbation on psychological health. John Doyle, in this astonishing lecture,...
I can not seem to find where to download this. It says it's free to Studio One users. Could someone explain (or hint at) all the ways to get this...
Thank you all for your responses, some really interesting stuff here. It is true that I am inquiring about general-purpose techniques for any...
I want to manipulate/edit/wrangle audio recordings of one acoustic instrument -- let's say, an acoustic guitar -- so that it sounds like a...
If you have higher than average intelligence, try Reaper. If you don't, then you will find learning Reaper and looking for solutions to problems...
REAPER! I hate Reaper because after MANY hours with it, I concluded that I'm not intelligent enough to use it efficiently!! And that was after...
I just found this on "Ableton - Live Suite v11.0.2 x64" [EDIT TO THIS POST: links deleted, excuse me, I hadn't read the rule] It...
This was just something I had to get off my chest, and I know plenty of people agree with both the specific complaint as well as the general...
I just tried out Dorico Pro for Windows. There is a VERY serious bug, but what is REALLY disturbing is that people have been complaining to...
Separate names with a comma.