i think win11 is great if you know how :wink:
you need more cucumbers
sounds fishy. she wants a baby for the behringers. get all the behringers , moogs, yamaha, etc, give her the baby !
my friend has it. i was shocked that it has no driver only asio4all.
i dont get this, tried to play it on piano hoping some veggies pop up but no
never understood the hype for serum, such outdated sounds
i dont get it. whats the drama ?
since every smartphone/tablet/music player/car stereo/tv/video editors can play 48/24 files i see no point working/downsampling to 44/16 anymore
do you have a switchable graphics card ? if yes -> check this
try to install this first : https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe Terminal(admin) : sfc /scannow DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image...
yeah, in reaper you right click on the top right (where the audio device is) and you add a monitoring fx. you hear through it but it won't be rendered
reaper. ableton. cubase pro. s1. all light weight
yes please explain we want to learn from the pros
probably they were too confident people never delete those banks :winker:
simple : why ? just copy the project. i've seen strange things, like using 8 mikes on a single guitar cab. or for a simple pop song using 250...
linux is great if you are not doing any creative stuff. great for vlc, surfing the web, torrenting, file management. nothing else really
i think he found a solution after 5 years
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