When using "Launch Library Tool" I get an error box stating I need Native Access to continue. I have Native Access installed. So what is the...
Ignore that, figured it out after reading through the kvraudio forum and found the graphical patch.
This is confusing the hell out of me. I want to convert a Kontakt library to Wav files. Firstly I assume I need to unpack the nkx files? Total...
Ah I see, thanks.
conNCW does nothing when I double click or use the "run as admin" option. How do you get it open? I'm on Windows 10.
My apologies.
Thanks, guys. I have installed the factory and R2R file in program data, but it's not working for me. Various expansions I have worked fine...
Okay having reinstalled Falcon the error message is now gone. So just the other two points I am struggling with at the moment.
I have done that, but strangely some libraries work fine for me and others Falcon won't recognise despite the licenses being in the R2R folder...
I'm aware there's already some threads and advice on here, which I have already read. However, I am still having a couple of problems with...
I get the following error with soundbanks when opening Falcon. Any suggestions?
I don't have this library so can't comment on if the file is corrupted. Try extracting each.pkg file one by one and see if any are corrupted maybe.
I couldn't extract the samples before from the archive as it kept failing, but with a lot of messing around, I now have it sorted. Thanks
Pacifist is OSX only. Is there anything else that will extract the archive? 7-Zip isn't up for the job it seems.
Okay I managed to extract everything apart from the samples folder which I can't seem to find in the PKG files
See my screenshot above, it comes as an installer that expects a disc image.
I found a workaround I think. By using a 7-zip I can open the pkg archive and extract the library without the installer. Just going to check this...
Separate names with a comma.