And which option was passed through junk, and which one through the normal one?) P.S. everything may be more interesting than it seems. I'm the...
I know about the different types of equalizers. I am interested in difference of "clean" eq in filtering. In theory, I was able to subtract them...
I did a little experiment with equalizers to figure out which one I like best. I took the CLA Mixhub as a basis, put only the equalizer unit,...
BX SSL TMT: BX SSL no TMT all 1 ch: There are 45 copies of the...
Zenarcist, don't pay attention to a toxic person. I think, people around him are tired of his tediousness and criticism or he is afraid to...
"To delete an account, you need to send a personal message to any administrator, except admin, from the profile to be deleted, asking to delete...
If you want, I can try to make midi and wav the way I do myself. Do you have a tablature or a midi guitar lead?
I do not know which guitar was used. Try OTS or Shreddage. Slide along the grid and velocity. Or you can record midi in EZkeys 2, click humanize,...
I just checked in the same library with same settings and with Pro-Q3. I don't have this problem. SD 3.2.6, Studio One.
Anyone who has hardware, can you make and share three presets for Studio One with the SSL 4000e console: with a compressor from SSL 9000 in Peak...
TheMoss, my previous remixed version but without mastering, if you need it: remixed with stems
2021-05-19 1SD - PRINT 1(2).wav
Studio One 5. But cherry's method works perfectly. Thanls
Sorry, I must have phrased that badly. I mean is there anyone here who can make this preset and share it?
Who has hardware could you make a preset for the Studio One SSL4000E but with a compressor from the British Class A? Please
Separate names with a comma.