Hi there! Is anyone able to make a version of this wallpaper without the "audiobro" logo? [ATTACH]
Any chance anyone could recreate the Eternity choir wallpaper in the right size and without the audiobro logo?
Anyone who can do Prominy PCP-80 with a more modern rendition than the one in already on the forum?
Or @Pasi for that sake :)
Hi there NYCGRIFF! Any chance you could make a Chris Hein Orchestra Collection wallpaper? With strings, brass and woodwinds on it - one version...
Hi there. Has anyone found out a way to enable navigation of a plug-in with the arrow buttons? In Kontakt standalone, I can use the up and down...
Any chance you could make one of these for the Hollomatic library? Thanks!
Hi there! Anyone that can help with the JB-145 Archtop Guitar from Straight Ahead Samples?
@Pasi that was exactly what I was looking for! Thanks a lot :winker:
Hi there - anyone able to make Chris Hein Horns Compact look similar to the other wallpapers (so make the letters smaller and put all the text to...
I believe that is the original stemming directly from Sonokinetic :)
Hi there! Any chance of getting the Sonokinetic Woodwinds Ensembles wallpaper made with similar font/text-setup as the sordino strings library?...
@NYCGRIFF I got this one from you, but any chance you could make it so that "Liberis" is where 8dio is now, and then remove 8dio? It is the only...
Hi there! Anyone who could make the default Orchestral Chord wallpaper without the Cinesamples logo?
Would it be possible to get the "Core" font in gold like the other fonts in the Cinebrass Core wallpaper? And would it also be possible to get the...
Great stuff! Thanks! Would it be possible to create one for Neo Strings to with that style (there is already one made previously, but that does...
Can I request Neo Brass by Insanity Samples?
Jeze, that’s embarrassing - thanks again
Separate names with a comma.