Well I would just like to close out and thank everyone for their thoughts and comments on this thread some very interesting comments indeed. Storm
very funny and probably very true.
I think its generational too which is a shame that the kids of today have no idea of the joys we had back in the 70s especially the 80s, life...
Totally with you on that I used to love buying boxed software with the CD-ROM and a good chunky user manual inside, not to mention the box art...
I think there is some truth in that for sure.. I love technology I really do but not at the cost of me becomming lazy or I turn to AI before I do...
Thats a very interesting perspective.
When I watched the video and saw its initial output in to text I also thought well he's gonna have to read that so why not just read the manual...
Once again interesting stuff thank you.
Curious to know more about the YouTube, what exactly does it do with YT videos that helps you?
Reading these days just makes me sleepy after about 3 pages :) and I'm talking A5 not A3 lol
I have a pretty top spec rig and soon to have an RTX 5090 to replace my 4090 once local supplier has stock so GPU should be ok. Privacy is...
ok thanks for the reply I like your use case... I am going to give the PDF manual upload a try later on on a couple of bits of studio equipment...
Thanks for the links I will take a look. Any downsides / concerns for you using this?
Thats certainly something that crossed my mind, although I was thinking "its only PDF manuals" so for my initial use case I have nothing to hide...
Very interesting indeed so did it tell you things a manual didnt or did it just understand what you were trying to achieve and then tell you how...
Hey Guys I came across the article and video below earlier and I am curious as to what you guys think about it, I am kinda 50/50 split. A part...
Thank you very much, I used to love my Yamaha PSR-680 it was a game changer back in the day.
Now that’s a good question I have the PayPal receipt but unfortunately I never got an email from Ally to be able to answer it. I am questioning...
I paid for a recent upgrade and never got an email back. It said on the website it could take up to 48 hours to process but still nothing, nothing...
I was late coming to the Novation Summit party but when I did 3 years ago I was very glad I did, its an absolute awesome beast of a synth, it...
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