The new beta is released today. Please take a look at it, guys. GENERAL Reduce trace file size to 5MB Attach trace file to crash report if...
Thanks for the feedback. "it also doesn't let me select local host in preferences(same machine configuration here)." --- can you take a...
Thanks, Peter. Enjoy and let us know what you think.
Another note, if you are a Windows user who has been using 1.1.1, please uninstall 1.1.1 before you install 1.2 Beta 1. This will be fixed in the...
I don't see that happen to me. 1.2 Beta 1 just released. Running in sandbox mode helps reducing the processing resource and more stable. Hopefully...
Version 1.2.0 Beta 1 was just released. CHANGELOG Release 1.2.0 Beta 1 17 Apr 2021 GENERAL NEW Sandboxing: Each AG plugin (chain) will run in...
I have it running on Windows 10. The only problem is that I can't load any other IRs.
There might not be a fix. But, if you have another PC or Mac around. Try this plugin, You can run the latest ver available...
I think ... you are talking about Waves SoundGridder, not the AudioGridder we are discussing here.
Without VNC in Windows, you won't be able to install plugins.
The spec looks OK. Does it comes with Windows OS? To whom buy this, you need to install VNC in order to use AG w/o monitor,keyboard,mouse.
New release 1.1.1 --- AAX Supported !!!
In my opnion, you don't need a gaming PC, at least not a powerful video card. Customization is the best choice, i7 w/muti-threading, 32GB, 512GB...
Hi, @Peter Gabriel, Speaking of IK Tape machine, yes, I have the "System overload" problem in Logic / Windows 10 server set up as well. IK's tape...
Interesting idea. I haven't tried it. My server is Windows 10 with Logic as DAW.
You can go to github and create a help ticket directly to Andreas. See what he says.
Go to . Can you try the 10.7 installer or Binaries ? Hopefully it works. I know there are users can have...
What's the error message?
AudioGridder Release Final 1.1.0. There are new features and stability improvement. Please go to check it out. :like::like::rofl:...
I did try Curve bender. The streaming GUI looks ok to me. What does yours look like?
Separate names with a comma.