Dude have you never turned on the metronome in your daw lol? I think its some kinda wood block sound that is used for this classic metronome sound.
Patatern is correct. Midi loopback is the only solution for this. What you want to do for a clean workflow is get a software midi controller...
If you're taking up software dev, a cheap college would also do just fine. Just keep practicing to get really good at it and keep upping your...
Offtopic but 'cant trust the room yet' sounds like a sick song or album title lol
Classic ignorant take... The singer might have had a controversial track record (I think she was iconic af though being a straight man lol) but...
You could have a song about folding laundry on top of that if you like J Cole :rofl:
Nope, not a scam per se, its free to use while its in beta too.
[MEDIA] So I was pretty indifferent to the tools and generators that were coming up with regard to music, until now. I friend of mine showed me...
All those who drink unpasteurized milk, do you atleast boil it yourself to kill the pathogens to some extent? or is it straight from the udder...
11's tuned a whole step higher wtf? :mad: Even the thought makes me cover my eyes, a string could snap and stab me anytime. Or the neck breaks idk.
Looks like one of those drawings they sent to outer space for aliens to somehow decipher
nah its cool, idc its the internet what can you expect. olymoon came in later and locked the post, but its there to see still.
bro youre better off selling it on vi-control or knobcloud. I had put cubase 12 on sale here and all i got was dumbass comments (it had just come...
devious machines infiltrator 2
idk what that means but it'd better go to 11 if i'm paying 3k
I'd say it also depends on the brand. John Petrucci's ernie ball signature costs 3.5k, and it has the features and the quality to back that price...
This is incorrect. Your purchase date has nothing to do with it. Its all about when you activate it. Most people dont understand what the grace...
DO NOT buy cubase if you think its going to make your orchestral workflow better. Only things it has as an advantage over the other daws is...
Separate names with a comma.